
  1. D

    Thyroid Results (what to do)

    The results below are from a good women friend of mine, she has all the classic symptoms of Hashimoto disease. The labs do verify this. There seems to be lots of conflicting recommendations out there as to how one should treat this. My question is what would be the best way to treat this? I do...
  2. C

    rT3 halved under liothyronine (T3), fT3 & fT4 lower, what next?

    Pre-treatment: TSH: 2.8 (0.45 - 4.5 uIU/mL) Free T3: 2.7 (2.0-4.4 pg/mL) Free T4: 1.4 (0.82-1.77 ng/dL) rT3: 23 (9.2-24.1 ng/dL) I was prescribed liothyronine and told to start with 5 mcg/day and titrate up to a maximum of 20 mcg. I tried the 5 mcg dose for a couple weeks, then went to 10 mcg...
  3. Robotics

    How reliable are free thyroid and total T3 hormone assays (Study Inside)

    I think this is an important discussion point that is not talked about when trying to dial in our thyroids. What are your thoughts/discoveries on this? How reliable are free thyroid and total T3 hormone assays? "Measurement of T3, FT3, and FT4 by the immunoassay methods commonly used by the...
  4. Vince

    The Thyroid Secret Dispelling the Myths & Revealing the True Solutions to Thyroid Disease

    Thyroid health, a free (9-episode) program is returning next weekend hosted by Dr. Izabella Wentz. You can get exclusive access to watch ALL NINE episodes, completely free, but keep in mind this replay weekend will last for 3 days ONLY, starting Friday, May 24th at 6:00pm ET! Replay - DR...
  5. B

    Thyroid... numbers and peculiar happening since starting low dose NDT...

    Quick backstory... Been TRT for 9-10+ years, initially felt good for the first 6 months but over the next months/several years I became tired, suffering brain fog/memory issues, disinterested in things I was interested in prior, mild depression, up/down libido, sleep issues, weight gain...
  6. B

    When to dose NDT? how long to wait to eat after taking?

    I am finally making the full plunge and diving into full Thryoid dosing/replacing with Armour.. for the past 2 months Ive been taking a 1/2 grain every morning and tried waiting 30 min before eating/drinking coffee... but now I am going to go full 1 grain in AM and 1/2 late afternoon...
  7. G

    T3 prices

    Just wondering if anyone knew how much Empower's T3 costs for 5mcg capsules. Also, does anyone know if they make tablets of T3 as well? Last question, does anyone know if they even make quick release T3? Their website only shows that they have sustained release T3 capsules. Here is how much...
  8. G

    Gman's thyroid labs

    I've had thyroid labs drawn about 10 times over the years, and they basically all look identical to the labs on 2-20-19. I put those labs as a reference of what my thyroid labs usually look like, while taking no thyroid medication, and my thyroid labs on 4-30-19 while being on NDT for a month...
  9. Gianluca

    Any experience with compounded T3/T4 from Empower Pharmacy?

    It looks like I can't find any more NP Thyroid 60mg around my area, and I may need to try the compounded version from Empower. Has anyone any experience with compounded vs NP or other types of desiccated T? thanks
  10. T

    Thyroid Iodine and acne

    So I was taking 250mcg iodine a day for my thyroid and feeling pretty good however my shoulders broke out in terrible acne. I stopped taking the iodine and they cleared up, I recently tried taking kelp tablets instead of the potassium iodine (I think that is the form of iodine it was in now...
  11. Gianluca

    How long does it take for exogenous thyroid to stabilize levels in the blood?

    I have been taking NP thyroid for few months, 60mg in the am, that brings up my FT3, after a couple hours, at 4.5. I have switched from SubQ injection of test to IM again, and felt the difference immediately. But i think it is effecting my Thyroid. I feel nervous, irritable, and insomnia has...
  12. R

    Thyroid Results

    All - recently had thyroid tests done and t4 direct was .77 (range .82 -1.77), TSH was 3.65(range .45 - 4.5) and t3 uptake was 23 (range 24-39%). Dr says things look fine; any advice would be appreciated. I am on TRT but still have brain fog and am tired.
  13. B

    Does Defy Medical prescribe thyroid antibody blood tests?

    I am a patient of Defy and currently my status is on hold as I am working with a local endocrinologist to get to the bottom of a suspected thyroid issue. Right now I am having difficulty getting the endo to prescribe thyroid antibody tests (TRAb, TPOAb, and TgAb). I also cannot request my own...
  14. C

    Input from Thyroid experts

    I have been on TRT almost 6 years(now almost 1 year with Defy) now and my current TRT protocol is 40mg Test 3x week(Monday,Wednesday, Friday), 250 IU HCG 3x week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday), and .125 Anastrozole (Monday and Friday). They also currently have me prescribed 15 mcg of T3(Cytomel)...
  15. Gianluca

    NP Thyroid shortage, back order. Acella VS Empower?

    It looks like the time has come, at least around my area, no pharmacy has it and I will probably need to switch to a compounded equivalent from Empower Pharmacy. I really did not want to change the thyroid until I was done optimizing testosterone. has anyone any feedback on Acella VS Empower? I...
  16. Robotics

    On Synthyroid - High TSH - Low T4 - Good T3

    I am on the lowest dose of synthyroid 25mcg. I also take 200mcg of selenium. Do I need to increase synthyroid to up my T4 and reduce tsh? What is considered a good RT3 level? if it is high should I add Cytomel? Tsh 3.21 mIu/L (0.24-4) Free T4 14.3 pmol/L (10-25) Free T3 5.5 pmol/L...
  17. P

    feeling good on t3/t4

    I just started t3/t4 along with my trt(trt for about 6 - 7 months) I feel really good, almost euphoric, definitely motivated. I assume in time that all tapers off and you just feel 'normal'?
  18. DragonBits

    Cold hands, cold feet? Maybe Raynaud's

    Raynaud's (ray-NOHZ) disease causes some areas of your body — such as your fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress. In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to your skin narrow, limiting blood circulation to affected areas (vasospasm)...
  19. A

    HCG acting like TSH?

    I've recently discovered that my reverse T3 runs high, even though the rest of my thyroid numbers are normal. My doc is starting me on a daily T3 pill. I read that HCG acts like TSH in the body and can act on the same receptors. If you're someone who naturally converts T4 into a high amount of...
  20. G

    Morning Temp

    Just curious where everyone’s morning temperature sits. Apparently it’s supposed to be as close to 98.0-98.9 as possible. Anything lower can indicate sub-par thyroid function and/or adrenal insufficiency. Where does everyone else’s morning temp sit? Mine sits around 96.3
  21. G

    Thyroid medication question

    I have extreme brain fog. Have had it before TRT, and all throughout. My basal oral temp is always 97 or below. Usually low 96’s. Tested it almost everyday for the past 7 months. My question is, will a low dose of dessicated thyroid shut down my natural production, and I’ll be left with...
  22. A

    Reverse t3 management worth it?

    Gents, Trt is going well but my last round of bloods showed a TSH of 3.1 with aT3 of 3.4. It was suggested that reverse t3 be run as TSH should be nearer to 1. Reverse t3 has come back as high 32.1 ng/dl (9.2 - 24.1 range). I understand this should be brought back to around 15. Is anyone else...
  23. A

    Low dose T3 (Cytomel) for fatigue

    I'm posting this for reference and information only but would welcome any insights/comments you all may have. In June of 2018 I had blood work done after visiting my TRT doctor regarding fatigue and trouble sleeping. My sex hormones turned out to still be in the same good range that I had been...
  24. Gianluca

    Thyroid treatment according to Neal Rouzier

    According to Neal Rouzier Thyroid treatment with high level of T hormone it is safe, he also mention when we are young our FT3 is over 5 and get to 7?? the link to the webinar below
  25. M

    Testosterone propionate for TRT

    Hey guys, I just want to report my experience with testosterone Propionate. I would love to hear anyone else’s experience. I had been on TRT for two years. I was on Test Cyp for 2 years. I felt better on than of first it but I would get flu like symptoms with it, fatigue, no recovery for...
  26. Gianluca

    Does Testosterone interact with Thyroid in some way?

    I'm wondering if testosterone can interact with Thyroid hormones in some way, maybe helping in the conversion of T4 to T3 or helping T3 getting into cells??
  27. B

    Opinion on thyroid results

    Hi guys.. any opinion. Free T4 - 1.12 ( .82 - 1.77 ) Tsh - 2.34 ( .45 - 4.50 ) T4 - 7.2 ( 4.5 - 12.0 ) T3 - 115 ( 71 - 180 )
  28. B

    Thyroid-Hypo.. what is lowest amount of NDT that has helped?

    After years of struggling with fatigue, mild depression and lack of energy even after being on TRT for the past 10 plus years, I decided to finally give thyroid meds Armour Thyroid a shot... my Rt3 is fine, but my FT is at the very low bottom 5% of range and my FT3 is at the top 80% of range...
  29. A

    T levels dropped after going on Propionate

    I introduces myself here and here. Here are my new labs after a few months of using Propionate, 0.125 ml (12.5mg) a day. How come my T levels dropped so much? Vitamin D increased from 25 but still needs more work. My DHT doesn't look high so I don't understand why I keep getting new...
  30. C


    Anyone ever have problems with there thyroid? I was diagnosed with low t several years ago and have been off and on trt a few times. had bad side effects. I have been reading on here and decided to take my morning temperature and discovered it is 95. my hands and feet are cold and im getting a...
  31. L

    Success with TRT and Thyroid medication

    Hello everyone, I’ve been on TRT on and off for about a year now, and the one issue that I’ve had before TRT and during TRT is lack of energy. Prior to starting TRT there were two issues that I had with my blood work. Below normal testosterone and high TSH. With further testing I found out that...