
  1. 3

    E2 Recovery After Tanking (with results)

    I've posted on here several times that my previous Dr tanked my E2 by pre-mixing A'dex with my Test Cyp (200mg T with 1mg Arimidex). I switched Drs, who kept everything the same, but gave me 0.3mg A'dex pills. I was instructed NOT to take the A'dex for my first two injections (Friday, June 15th...
  2. 3

    How long for E2 to recover?

    I recently switched providers because my previous Dr was compounding the Arimidex with the Test Cyp (1mg of A'dex per 200mg of Test Cyp). This crashed my E2 down to 14, and I felt like hell. My new provider (who I really like so far), has split them. I am on the same protocol: 100mg Test Cyp...
  3. G

    Labs, high E2, help...

    I was on 120 mgs of testosterone, split at 40 Mgs Monday/ Wednesday / Friday (No AI or HCG)... After 6 weeks... TT=616 Free T=99.8 Bioavialable T=200.9 SHBG=28 (up from 20) Albumin=4.4 Estradiol=51 (high) Hermaticrit=48.3 RBC=5.66 ( donated a pint of blood yesterday) I have been feeling pretty...
  4. M

    Estradiol at 55.8 (range 8-35). What should I do?

    I've been on TRT for about 5 weeks. My dose is 70mg of test cypionate every 3.5 days, 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days, and .125 anastrozole every 3.5 days. Here are results from my recent lab taken right before my next testosterone shot was due: Total Testosterone: 1150 (264-916) Free...
  5. S

    100 mg of cypionate a week with high Estradiol of 75.6 pg/ml on day 3 after shot. Feedback please!?

    I have been on 100 mg a week for 8 weeks now(started trt 6 months ago). My bloodwork came in and I'm a little concerned with my e2. My doc doesn't seem concerned and does not prescribe AIs. Should I be concerned with my bloodwork? Estradial 75.6 (7.6-42.6) Prolactin 15.3 Test serum 546 ng/dl...
  6. A

    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    Hello, Basically: there is no sensitive E2 test in my country. Last week I did two blood tests for e2 in two different labs, the difference was WAY too high. First test (CLIA, no electro): 47 pg/ml <80 pg/ml Second test (ECLIA): 81.8 pg/ml 25.8-60.7 pg/ml Both where on the same...
  7. J

    My 3mo Labs were shocking. Looking for some feedback.

    My pre-TRT labs results:Testosterone: 548 ng/dL Free T: 6.3 pg/mL (low) Estradiol (Sensitive): 14.2 pg/mL I inject 0.35mL of T, and 0.4mL of HCG 2X a week. If I understand this correctly, this would be 140mg per week. Not that unusual of a dosage for someone starting on TRT. Now after 3...
  8. H

    Daily injections question

    Question for anyone here that switched from E3.5D injections to daily. How much E2 and HCT changed? I am planning in switching to daily injections but don’t want to tank my E2 in case daily injections really slows down aromatization (i will monitor E2 after 6-8 weeks of protocol change). My SHBG...
  9. P

    Possible Estrogen Crash? No Feeling From 200mg Injection Anymore?

    I will try to keep things short... About 6-7weeks ago I was reviewing my labs with my doc. Labs were taken day of weekly shot of 200mg before injection. .25 arimidex 2-3x per week. Total T - 1048 ng/dl (264-916) Free T - 23.8 pg/ml (9.5-25.5) DHEA 228 ug/dl (138-475) LH <0.2 mIU/ml (1.7-8.6)...
  10. G

    Progesterone lowers DHT/ E2

    So from my understanding, progesterone lowers DHT as well as keeps E2 in check, amongst a bunch of other benefits. This is a possible explanation why young men with high natural test don't have issues with baldness and elevated E2 issues. It's their normal/ high levels of progesterone keeping...
  11. T

    Is this a sensitive E2 test? (E2 LCMS) in Australia

    I recently checked some bloodwork from a private lab here in Australia. I asked if their E2 LCMS was the same as a 'Sensitive E2' test that is available in the USA, and was told it is the same. The labwork came back and just lists it as 'Oestradiol LCMS' The test can be found on this page...
  12. M

    High E2 and Poor Sleep Correlation

    I know I will get mixed responses here - half the people think that high estradiol is the root of all evil and the other half thinks that it is harmless! I began TRT roughly 7 weeks ago. Protocol is through Defy - 70mg T-Cyp, 500iu HCG, both E3.5D. I have not had BW done since beginning...
  13. S

    Lab work - Androgel 1.62% - E2 Low - FOG!

    Hello - I am a 59 year old male and have applied 2 pumps of Androgel every morning for the last 3+ years. For the most part I've had good energy, strength, endurance & libido. I hit the gym 5 or 6 days per week for 1 - 1 1/2 hours and lift heavy (enjoying every minute). And then came last week...
  14. T

    E2 Under Five - What More Can I Do to Boost It?

    I inject 1.25 iu of 200 mg testosterone cypionate per week plus 1000 mg of hcg two days before the T. My last two tests of estradiol have been very low. They were not the sensitive tests, so I decided to get one from discounted labs. I got the results today and estradiol is at 4.8. My doctor...
  15. M

    I think that my E2 has spiked

    I started TRT 3/15 and labs done on 3/31. It is a confusing situation as to why I had labs drawn that early (switched doctors). Anyways, my labs looked great and I felt great. High total T, high free T, normal E2 (was at 35, range was 8-35). Thyroid levels normal. Raging libido and erections...
  16. Vince Carter

    E2 levels for low SHBG guys

    Prompted by a reply from Dr Saya: "As a side note, your E2 is lower than we like, but with the somewhat low SHBG you will have a higher free estradiol (same as a higher free testosterone) at any given total E2 level. Translation...the E2 is a bit low, but not as low as it appears on the...
  17. B

    Time for symptom relief? Aromasin "kick in" hcg etc

    General Questions I been having hard time with getting some anecdotal information on. 1) How long after starting an AI do you actually feel the benefits of it? I'm not gyno prone, but definitely bloated, mediocre sex drive, moodiness, erectile dysfunction and sexual sensitivity (when I can get...
  18. D

    Low or high E2: what to do?

    Hey fellas, Need some input. I've been on TRT therapy for over a year now. My current TRT protocol is as follows Test Cyp 200mg/wk E3D injection HCG 500iu/wk E3D injection Arimidex 1mg E3D I have been experiencing symptoms for quite some time now (fatigue, the need to sleep, bloating, water...
  19. A

    HELP...TRT Results Changing Over Time - Would greatly appreciate some input

    I have been on TRT for over 4 years with generally good results. It does seem that I have to keep tweaking my protocol to maintain good levels of hormones and feel good. It also seems that I feel best in the first weeks that I am adapting to a change in protocol. All the following tests were...
  20. S

    Why some men are high aromatizers - looking past the most common factors!

    Reduce your body fat, keep your diet clean and don't drink too much beer. If all those are in order you should not have problems with high estrogen. This is the reasoning we all have heard. I saw an internist a few weeks ago who said that by looking at my body type, there's no possibility for me...
  21. W

    DHEA and E2

    Does anyone have confirmed labs of how DHEA and/or Preg affected their e2 levels? How much did DHEA/Preg increase e2 if at all?
  22. F

    Exhaustion / Poor Sleep with High E2 and Gyno

    Current State: Hi, I am new here, a 30 year-old male with gyno (surgically removed) struggling with severe mental exhaustion / reduced brain cognition. No matter how much I sleep, I almost never wake up feeling rested. I wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all, or like I haven't slept in 2...
  23. S

    Estrogen crash causing permanent apathy/lethargy - by destroying your dopamine neurons?

    Ive been on trt for 2 years now and had a estrogen crash this fall. From that point on I've been trying to redial my Ai protocol, and at the moment, im at a point where i've decided to ditch my arimidex completely. One of the thing that is worrying me is the fact that I cant seem to shake of...
  24. J

    1 week into treatment. Night sweats and extreme thirst. Cant sleep.

    In typing this at 3am, I got maybe 1 or 2 hours of sleep the last couple of night total and as a result feel extremely fatigued and depressed. My 2 main symptoms are hot flashes and extreme thirst. I had 3 injections so far, 120mg Test Cyp a week devided into 2 shots per week and .5mg...
  25. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    Hi Guys, unfortunately my TRT hasn't been going well for several months now and really trying to figure things out with the Doc, so I had my last conversation with Doc Dr John Crisler not long time a go, my E2 levels on June was 27 pg/mL on a scale 8 to 35, last blood work LabCorp tested for...
  26. A

    Progesterone cream affecting E2 test results?

    I have a question, I recently tested low on Progesterone and Cortisol and I started progesterone cream in 10mg a day before bed to get these up. These are results before progesterone supplementation: Cortisol (Serum) 6.6 ug/dL (10:18am) - Ref: 6.24-18 ug/dL Progesterone 0.19 ng/mL...
  27. J

    Crashed E

    My clinic had me on 1mg Arimidex 2X per week. Prior to changing to the clinic my endo would not even discuss it with me. So we have agreed to try .5mg 2X per week. My question for you guys is should I just not take any for a period of time to allow a rebound of some sort and if so, how long...
  28. C

    Copper/DIM to Manage E2

    Can anyone speak to the use of Copper and DIM to moderate high E2? I test in a few weeks and my doctor mentioned that these have both been used. Anyone with experience as to dose and results? Many thanks.
  29. G

    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    Sensitive Estradiol Blood Test: The Only Accurate Assay for Men I see everyone here reference only using the ultrasensitive test, but many others have said it is not a good test. I am just curious as to why the thought is different here. Below is a clip from Life Extension blood tests...