
  1. M

    Is elevated E2 the culprit?

    Hi everyone, I am very new to this journey of hormone therapy and I am looking for some insight and experiences in regards to the current issues I’m dealing with. I was diagnosed with acromegaly and had a pituitary tumor that was removed in February of this year. The tumor caused damage to my...
  2. A

    Ideal testosterone to e2 ratio

    Hey guys. Many months ago when I first started with with a clinic I was told the ideal ratio of free testosterone to e2 is 1 to 1 - 1 to 2. As of my last bloodwork my free test came back at 18.8 pg/mL and e2 came back at 34.9 pg/mL. During my consult i was told this was a ratio of 1 to 2...
  3. T

    My first 4 months - what next?

    Hi all - just signed up today and happy to be here. I’m 46 years old, in decent physical shape but for over 8 months had the classic low T symptoms (lethargy, anxiety, brain fog, poor sleep, low libido, poor workout recovery). An initial blood test confirmed this, so having signed up with Leger...
  4. over60andusingtrt

    High Labs

    I'm currently 62 and have been on TRT for over 5 years. My TT is 1468 ng/dL and my Estradiol is 59 pg/mL. I'm struggling to put on muscle and have way too fat fat on my torso (gut and pecs). I've always been a fitness fanatic and workout 5 days per week with weights and some cardio. Am I too...
  5. T

    Absorption of test oil into fat is ruining TRT

    When I first started TRT I was advised to do subq which had terrible results from very high e2. For some reason, when test oil is absorbed into my body through fat cells this seems to happen. I also can't drink alcohol on TRT because it sky rockets my estrogen and I feel terrible and can't fall...
  6. J

    Can a single dose of .25mg Arimidex crash my E2?

    I’m on HCG monotherapy. Mostly for fertility, but also loving the testosterone boost. My doctor decided to put me on 1000iu 3x per week. I started feeling sensitive (not painful) nipples. They aren’t sore, they’re just sensitive and they’re very hard often. No tissue growth. I also noticed my...
  7. D

    Recent labs and AI recommendations

    Been trying daily shots T-cyp at ~16mg/day. Skipped the .25-.5mg arimidex during this period to see the results. Also using dhea at 25mg/day. I would've dropped the dhea, but really seems to help with chronic sinusitis/rhinitis. Did this for about 6wks and ran labs. Didn't realize E2 was so...
  8. FunkOdyssey

    Aromatization at different body fat %

    I'm wondering if anyone has experiences or data on the effect of different levels of body fat on aromatization. Right now I'm 18-19% body fat, and I'm wondering if I drop to 10-12% how much that will reduce my E2 if I kept my TRT dose constant. For example, if I drop from 19 to 11% body fat...
  9. phalloguy100

    TRT questions - Low SHBG and Anastrazole use

    Hi guys, I have couple of questions about my TRT protocol. 1) In my last labs, SHBG came back low (1 unit below normal range). What effect does that have on things like libido, EQ, etc.? Is it necessary to raise it? 2) Unrelated to #1... from time to time my estradiol has been high. Doctor...
  10. Deleted member 43589

    My Dilemma

    My doctor has put in an order for a blood dump, should I go or lower the dose slightly. September blood tests RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.66 Reference Range: 4.20-5.80 Million/uL HEMOGLOBIN 16.8 Reference Range: 13.2-17.1 g/dL HEMATOCRIT 50.4 H Reference Range: 38.5-50.0 PLATELET COUNT 281 Reference...
  11. D

    Subq/IM differences and issues. Has anyone experienced this?

    Having trouble dialing in due to one issue. I feel great on Subq injections and my dose is 70mgs a week split into EOD injections. This brings my total T - 729, free t - 156.7 and E2 - 38. My problem is that my constipation returns exactly after 4 weeks of doing subq. I had constipation before...
  12. K

    Permanent ED from tamoxifen?

    Hello. So my doctor gave me tamoxifen for low t and I only took 5 pills (20mg) eod. Didn’t help with the symptoms only gave me severe loss of libido, ed and anhedonia. Then we changed to sustanon 250mg every 10 days. My doctor said symptoms of tamoxifen will go away in “couple of weeks” And I...
  13. S

    The best method of dialling in Aromasin dosage

    Dialling in your AI dosage can feel a bit like walking a tight rope, especially with Aromasin as crashing your E2 with it is more unforgiving than with Arimidex due to Aromasin's suicidal nature. A study Pharmacokinetics and Dose Finding of a Potent Aromatase Inhibitor, Aromasin (Exemestane)...
  14. N

    Do i need to use ai on trt/cruise?

    Hey guys, i am on a cruise test cypionate 250mg e8d, on the advice of my friend who has been taking steroids for over 5 years, he recommended me to use 0.5mg of arimidex mon/thursday at a dosage of testosterone dosage of 250mg, i was on this protocol for about 4 months, I felt pretty good, BUT I...
  15. J

    Questions about T/E2 ratio.

    It seems that there is a lot of emphasis on T/E2 ratio. Why do you suppose that labs like Quest, LabCorp, etc. don't report E2 results as a T/E2 ratio if that is what is more important than just the E2 results? And, why do you suppose they don't adjust the "range" to take into consideration...
  16. J

    Standard E2 test vs. Sensitive E2 test

    I had both the standard E2 and the Sensitive E2 lab tests done on the same day to use for comparison. My Sensitive E2 test was 4 points higher (58 pg/mL (range: < or = 29 pg/mL)) than the Standard E2 test (54 pg/mL (range: < or = 39 pg/mL)). I had expected the Sensitive E2 results to be lower...
  17. S

    Hot flashes are unlikely to be a symptom of increasing or increased E2, and more likely to be a symptom of decreases in E2 levels or low E2.

    After reading up a ton of literature on Estrogen effects on males, there's really a whole bunch of realisations about how extremely useful it is in male function and consequently how misunderstood and mishandled it is by men or TRT clinics. I'm glad Nelson seems to have a much better...
  18. S

    New to anastrazole (confusion)

    Struggling to understand this general situation… New doc has started me on enanthate 60mg SQ twice a week. Started monday (today is wed). Also prescribed anastasole 1mg “sometime in between the two doses”. It seems relevant that im 80-90 pounds overweight, carrying it all in belly. Ive read...
  19. F

    Erections gone, PDE5i's stopped working, E2 related?

    Greetings, I've been trying to sort this out on my own for a while, but I'm at my wits end. Really hoping someone can help me solve this dilemma. Over the past few months erectile function has gone from being able to get really hard with the help of 12.5-25mg viagra to completely dead dick...
  20. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    This study confirms that D-chiro-inositol raises Testosterone significantly and lowers E2 and Estrone : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34078260/ Why is this not talked about anywhere ? Is there something wrong with the study ? Am I missing something ?
  21. N

    Dianabol with TRT?

    I started trt due to having low testosterone 3 years ago. From the first day of starting trt I have never felt good. Always felt snappy and moody. I have tried testosterone E. P. C. Nebido and cream. It seems I do not aromatize from the testosterone and I am a hyper responder to the...
  22. D

    AI's and joint pain

    Everything I've found online for forever regarding AI's and joint pain basically says that it is most likely due to low E2. I've been using Exemestane for a while now, and have basically been keeping my E2 at 40 and above, and I am having joint pain in a couple of areas. Being that my E2 is...
  23. T

    E2 went a little low from one Arimidex dosing

    Yesterday I took a very small amount of arimidex 0 (0.125mg) when I shouldn’t have. My e2 has dipped a bit too low. Fortunately it’s not crashed, but it’s enough to be annoying. I have a slightly dry eyed feeling, worsened anxiety and low motivation. My sexual function is still pretty decent, so...
  24. M

    Opinions on E2 management.

    On TRT for just over 4 years. Lately I've been part of a ******** group that also has a youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/FoxPowerBasement They are all things TRT, however a very strong theme of the group is that NOBODY needs an AI. EVER. So for the past 6 months or so I have not...
  25. D

    Could this be low E2?

    About a month ago I got my second Pfizer covid shot. I felt a little sick for about four days. I recovered, but I noticed a few days later that my joints don't feel right. I googled and saw a lot of cases of this being a lingering effect from the vax, so I figured there's not really much I could...
  26. B

    High e2 and high shbg

    Hey guys new member here! So I finished up my clomid a little over a week ago and got bloods done. I know it was too soon, but I felt really shitty. Estradiol-Ultrasensative 56 (<or29 pg/ml) SHBG 54 (10-50 Nmol/L) Total test 1526 (250-1100) Free test 241 (35-155) I feel pretty shitty...
  27. E

    Always thirst, kinda dry mouth

    Would you say E2 related?
  28. Mr_Ree

    Blood test results (advice)

    Hello. I’m 36 yrs old. I‘m a bodybuilder and have been a blast and cruise guy for the last 4 years. I’ve been on TRT for the last 10 months after ending a pretty hefty blast cycle. my TRT dose has been 300mg/week up until results came back then back down to 200mg/week. I did supplement HMG or...
  29. B

    Raloxifene for High E2?

    Start out with a brief history. Im 56 type 1 diabetic. Have been for 53 years. Been on TRT for 5 years has improved my overall blood glucose and I have sex drive again. 3 years ago i found a pretty good TRT Doc. I'm in Idaho and choices are limited. Last summer 2021 he handed me off to a...
  30. R

    Low e2 symptoms for a long time

    Hey everyone I have a huge problem with estradiol. I am constantly tormented by symptoms of low estradiol. I have not taken any IA since December. I am currently taking 100 mg test prop e2d. My mood came back for a while, but continued poping joints and being flat. I decided to hit 2500iu hcg...
  31. T

    4 weeks off TRT - still needing AI to combat E2 anxiety

    Hey guys, Looking to get some input. I am 34 years old, low SHBG (17-19), 160lb, athletic build. I've spent the last year experimenting different protocols to find one where I feel good/normal. Surprisingly, the closest I can get to feeling fine is on a single injection frequency, with AI every...