
  1. H

    Successfully reduced HEMATOCRIT by lowering dosage

    After 2 years fighting high HCT I finally won the battle! It all came down to reducing my testosterone dosage. My HCT has been high on 120-180mg a week (tried all different injection frequencies). I have recently reduced my dosage to 100mg and my last CBC has my HCT at 49.5 (down from 53.5 4-5...
  2. T

    New User unfamiliar with Test and trying to adjust dosage

    I have had low Test Levels for many years but recently they got so low that I began to have all the problems associated with that. At 65, some is to be expected? A recent blood-test, showed me with anemia plus my test had now dropped to 145 L. The Dr. (a urologist) wanted to go with IV Iron...
  3. H

    Blood work results after dropping dosage to 110mg from 180mg a week

    I give up trying to understand lab results when changing my dosage. After reducing my dosage from 180mg to 110mg a week (split E3.5) here are my new levels: TT 833 (274-916) FT 29.9 (8.7-25.1) Results while on 180mg a week: TT 947 (274-916) FT 33.1 (8.7-25.1) To make things worse when i...
  4. H

    Controlling hematocrit by lowering dosage

    So here is my last CBC/Iron panel after 3 months on new protocol. My dosage was reduced from 180mg/week to 110mg/week but keep in mind that my hematocrit/hemoglobin/RBC levels at 180mg/week were very similar (almost the same) to my levels at 140mg/week. I donated blood 3 months before this blood...
  5. M

    letrozole dosage

    My Doctor just started me on letrozole and doing some reading on this site I think there was a mistake in my dosage. I’m a low SHBG guy and my last E lab was in the upper range of normal at 44. But I have not been able to lose any weight with diet and exercise, I’m currently 6-0” tall and weight...
  6. N

    BiMix concentration/dosage confusion

    I had Radical Prostatectomy 9 mnths ago and have ED as a result. Viagra does nothing. My ED Urologist suggested BiMix or TriMix injections. He gave me a low-concentration test dose of TriMix in the office and it worked within a few minutes but gave me quite a pit of pain in my erection. So he...
  7. G

    CAVERJECT Effective Dosage

    Dear all....I am affected by a very tricky form of psychogenic ED...this means that "pills" sometimes work sometimes do not. As a result, the quality of my sex life is sub-optimal to say the least. I would like to try Trimix. In this regard I have already had an initial contact with Defy, and...
  8. H

    Some IRON math

    I decided to take a look at how many times i have donated blood since I started TRT: total of 8 times (whole blood) during a period of 20 months (so approximately once every 10 weeks) to keep HCT in check. Every time you donate whole blood the body loses ~ 250mg of iron. So i lost a total of...
  9. H

    Anyone was able to control HCT reducing testosterone dosage?

    I am currently on 180mg testosterone cypionate a week and having HCT issues. I also had issues at lower dosages. I am thinking about trying 100mg a week to see if that would control HCT and see how i feel. I have no issues in donating blood. But the blood donation seems to be causing “iron...
  10. Vince

    How Much Is Needed for Vitamin D?

    How much sun is it safe to get without sunscreen? It's difficult to quantify how much since skin pigmentation affects how much radiation your skin absorbs: The darker the skin, the more it's protected against skin cancer but the less able it is to absorb UV-B rays. It also...
  11. S

    Need Help With AI Dose Since Doctor Can't Help

    Hey guys, Ive been on trt for about 1 1/2 years and currnetly ive gotten my level to a good range but my estrogen is still a bit high. i have the 1mg anastrozole tabs but im not sure how much to take without lowering my E too much,last time i tried it I think it dropped too low and i felt like...
  12. V

    What dose for me?

    Hello, i started my trt 5 days ago and done 100 mg shot. After 5 days i went for blood work and my testosterone levels where higher than it should be. 10.5 ng/ml (2.8 - 8.80) Could it be because of clomid? I used last tablet 2 days before my first test injection and with clomid my T levels...
  13. W

    Blood test/dosage help

    I am new to TRT and was mainly interested in starting it to fix my fatigue. I just always seem to be so tired. I signed up with Helix MWR and I am at the end of my 5th week and haven’t noticed any changes yet. Is it too soon or do you think my dosage is too small. I was thinking to request for...
  14. G

    Half lives of testosterone, hCG, anastrozole and clomiphene.

    ALRIGHT MY FRIENDS HERE'S SOME KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL CHANGE LIVES ON TRT FOREVER -Originally wrote this as a reply to someone on a different thread, but decided to put it in it's own thread as well.- This is how half lives work. For example, let's say you take 1mg of Arimidex EOD. The half-life...
  15. C

    Clomid mgs vs. mcgs... is this a scam?

    So I am working my way through a PCT program and ran through all the Clomid I had in one brand and my next pack just happened to be by a different company. I'm reading all the info on the label and it is leaving me feeling a little uneasy. I'm hoping I'm just missing something. The label says...
  16. R

    TRIMIX Dosage Forum

    So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. Attempt 2: 8 units (.08ml) resulting in an ER trip and an erection around 8 hours. 120mg Sudafed did nothing. Urologist in ER...
  17. T


  18. S

    Need help with TRT protocol

    Hi, I have been on TRT for 2 months now. I had two tests performed pre trt. The total for the first was 234. The total for the second was 184. I don't have the numbers for free or e2 prior to trt. I am 35 years old have have been experiencing the standard side effects of low t for years...
  19. Y

    Best way to Inject HCG 1500IU for reversing testicular atrophy?

    Hi guys, I've recently got some HCG hormone, Pregnyl. The dose is 1500IU and it obviously comes with the vial of Bacteriostatic Water (1ml) along with the vial of the powdered HCG itself. My questions is dosing. I'm assuming that I can just add the 1ml of water to the powder and then split...
  20. O

    Hello from Orlando newbie

    Greetings TRT folks, i am new here and new to TRT. I'm a 54 year old man, HIV negative, in Orlando. I have a passion for weightlifting and lifted for about 10 years straight in my 40s, then hit a rough patch in my life and stopped for 5 years. I resumed again this January. After 5 months...
  21. S

    Please help me dial in my arimidex doseage

    I need help figuring out what arimidex doseage to try next. Brief history: I was on 200mg test cyp per week (split up as 100mg 2x per week) along with .5mg arimidex 3x per week. Within 3 weeks this crashed my E2 down to zero. I next tried 200mg test cyp per week (split up at 100mg 2x per...