
  1. P

    How do I microdose Anastrozole?

    Hi fellows, I'm currently taking .125mg of Anastrozole 2x a week. I'd like up my dosage but not by a 50% and .125mg capsules are the smallest I can get and it's important I take them on certain days of the week as I try to match the peaks and valleys of my AI to my T levels. I use this...
  2. 5

    TRT Dosage advice?

    Hey all - I started TRT about a year ago, 100mg TC x2/week. Tests kept coming back T>1500 and the doc didn't seem at all concerned, so I dropped myself to 70mg x2 a month ago and saw improved sexual function. Still lots of room for improvement but getting better. Blood test yesterday, the day...
  3. N

    Proper measuring question

    Newbie question, but I have noticed if I load the syringe with my dose , and I make sure there is no air between the opening of needle and the plunger then I seem to be injecting more test than my dose Do I account for this when measuring , or Do I only measure what’s in the syringe and not in...
  4. C

    What is reliable way to measure T3 dose?

    How do I measure what the correct dosage of T3 is right for me? Should I slowly increase my dose until my RT3 goes to normal level? Should it be based on TSH? Should it be based on body temperature and pulse rate (I am aware that my resting pulse shouldn't exceed 80 and body temperature 98.6)...
  5. W

    When going from one does per week to split doses per week, how long does it take to feel the effects?

    I just went from doing 50 mg twice per week to 60 mg TC twice per week. Can anybody that’s made a dosage change tell me their experience and how long it takes to feel the effects if any? I know the canned answer is six weeks. I’m just looking for real experience when switching dosage. Thanks...
  6. W

    TRT and working out. Benefits start at what point if any?

    Hi All, I have been on TC 50mg X 2 weekly and 375 HCG 3 X weekly. Just got the ok to go to 60mg X 2 weekly. TT 759 (Labcorp). I'm sure TT will go up a bit. I'm 58 years old. I currently don't workout, never did, but am thinking about starting at a gym. Is this enough of a test dosage and...
  7. L

    How to calculate cc dosing from mg of testosterone and IUs of hCG?

    I can't seem to find any good calculators or conversion tables online. I think part of it is I don't know what I am doing, and the other part is I afraid of screwing up. I inject 140mg of T cyp a week divided into two doses. So what is 70 MG in ML? 400 ui's of HCG is how many ML?
  8. L

    Day 1 on testosterone and Wow

    My T levels in my last test were Total T: 116 Free T: 21 E2: 32 My Dr prescribed: 200mg T cypionate a week, 500 iu's Hcg a week. He also told me to take .5 arimidex a week as I am moderately overweight and he is worried about E2 spiking He said to do the entire 200 in one shot, I decided to...
  9. D

    HCG Dosage

    I am on 50IU of HCG twice a week, I use an insulin syringe that holds 100IU or 1CC, I keep reading other users posting dosages of 250IU and 500IU, am I misunderstanding this or are others really using 10 times the amount of HCG I am? 500IU would use my entire bottle that lasts me a month.
  10. J

    Trimix : have you experienced you have to lower the dosage after few first weeks ?

    I have started Trimix few weeks ago trying 0.05ml with NO effet. Following that I increased until 0.10ml with good effect. But after few injections, it was too much . Therefore I decreased it to 0.08 and 0.06. And now I have good effect at 0.06ml, and acceptable at 0.05ml Have you experienced...
  11. M

    average weekly T dosage on this forum

    Just to try to have some statistical data: Which is your weekly dosage? Thank you to all.
  12. DixieWrecked

    Disobeying the Doc

    My doc prescribed me 180mg test cyp weekly every 3.5 days. Also 1000iu of HCG weekly e3.5 days. I did that for about 2.5 months, got my bloodwork done and did my consult. We agreed to keep it the same cuz everything looked good. We scheduled a follow up 6 months later. About 1-2 weeks later...
  13. D

    TRT doesn't work. According to this woman

    Researchers say there are no benefits of testosterone treatments for men Old article I know, but I find it interesting that this information is out there. Of course I've read plenty of studies that discuss apparent libido, bone density, fat reduction benefits, etc, etc. And unless it's...
  14. M

    My little journey +Very high estradiol +Arimidex +Searching the better way...

    Hi mates, first of all sorry if my english is not very clear, im from Spain and i salute all of you from here ;)! Im gonna try to explain my case or at least part of it... Well, i began TRT 4 months ago, these are my numbers just before the start: 42 yo Height: 5'8" OverWeight: 227 lb 31%...
  15. DixieWrecked

    Novel Idea About Dosage

    Tried to search this but didn't find anything. Has anyone tried continuously changing their T dosage. For example one month at 160/week then one month at 140/week. Then back to 160/week for a month? So on and so forth. The reason for this question is that I have read a few times on this...
  16. S

    Lowering E2 and HCT - Reduce dose or increase frequency?

    A bit of a hypothetical question here, but something I've been curious about. Supposing someone with relatively normal SHBG (mid 20s-mid 30s) is on a T. Cyp. E3.5D injection protocol and has slightly elevated E2 and HCT. TT/FT slightly above range at trough. For this example, let's say they use...
  17. P

    Testosterone dosage question

    Got a question on testosterone dosage. I’ve used a traditional urologist who typically prescribed .5 ML injection a week for cypionate, I self injected weekly for 4 years now. Recently I visited a health rejuvenation clinic with a good reputation in my area, and their doctor prescribed 1.4 ML a...
  18. A

    Initial levels correlate to target TT?

    Gents, A while ago, when first researching my low T problem, I stumbled upon a blog entry from a clinic local to me that has alway stuck in my mind. In the wonderful world of n=1 this rule, as it transpires, does actually apply to me. I’m running 30mg per day that puts me at the upper end of TT...
  19. J

    Night sweats anxious and using anastrazole. Dosing guidance

    Hi guys, I know that the responses I’ll mostly get is to have my blood tested since it’s been 3 months or more. But I’ve been dealing with dialing in my levels for years now. So I’m looking for some general advice an insight before getting my labs done again. I’ve had to over the years split...
  20. E

    Moving to 3 days per week

    Per Defy’s suggestion as my E2 is up in the 60s 8 weeks into TRT and me not being fond of the idea of jumping to Anastrozole, they have suggested that I move from twice per week to three times per week to try and lower E2 (my SHBG also went from 67 to 37). Should I consider lowering my dose...
  21. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    In a January 2012 article, Dr. Mark Gordon discussed supraphysiological dosing: "Gordon explains that conventional medical dosage for testosterone is at 200-300 milligrams per week, which he has shown is far too high! "For example, a typical 25-35-year-old male naturally generates 4-10...
  22. J

    High Testosterone on only 80mg/week

    I'm somewhat confused. I had not been feeling great - as though my levels have been off. My cypionate schedule is 40mg (0.2 ml) on Sundays and Thursdays. So, I went in for a blood test on Thursday before my next injection: Testosterone - 907 ng/dL Estradiol (Sensitive) - 18.7 pg/mL...
  23. B

    Typical hcg dosage in ml?

    I expect to be starting Hcg soon after transferring to Defy. I am ordering syringes right now. I use 30g .5" .5cc for T but I am trying to figure out if i will need 1cc syringes for the hcg.
  24. J

    Help with Injection protocol

    Hello, I know this is probably a stupid question but I was hoping someone could help me out. I was doing 30mg on an E3D schedule so 60 mg every 6 days and wanted to go to an EOD schedule, how much would I Inject on an EOD schedule to equal the same test amount?
  25. E

    After 6 weeks on lower dose, doc tells me I'm still over therapeutic numbers (1125 ng/dl). Too trigger happy?

    36 years old. Side note: Doctors at hospitals in general won't treat me for TRT because of both my age and my levels being in the okay range. So I resorted to an HRT clinic in Thailand where. Because of the high price, the plan was to just do use the HRT clinic temporarily until I am...
  26. S

    Question about dosage/treatment

    I am currently taking Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml + anastrozole 1mg/ml twice a week at .35ml injection. The dr is also prescribed Sermorelin/GHRP-2 and 6 15/3/3 mg at .15 ml 4 times a week. My question may be confusing. How much are these doses in normal terms? I hear people saying I take a...
  27. E

    Arimidex 0.125 mg per week too low?

    1 month into TRT after transitioning from HCG monotherapy: E2 was 32 originally before TRT. Right before my first injection, I am tested and my E2 for some odd reason is at 40… So I was put on subq testosterone injections 0.25 mL 2X a week, HCG 500 iu 2X a week, and Arimidex 2x a week (1/8)...
  28. theodore1983

    Too high of dose side effects?

    Today is my third day after having an injection. I can’t sleep and my anxiety is through the roof. Are these common symptoms of too high of a dose?
  29. J

    Arimidex dosage timing schedule²

    Hello everybody, I am from France but i will try to do my best so you can understand me. My protocol is : Daily test 16mg HCG 500ui 2times a week And i need an AI but i wonder what is the best option of timing I am lean, i eat clean, and i do cardio and some weight lifting 2 to 3 times a week...
  30. R

    Trouble with high dose?

    I started TRT about 10 months ago after attempting every conservative treatment I could try and failing to get results. The honeymoon phase at a conservative dose was amazing, but then I had to switch providers due to my PCP moving. The new providers put me on 200mg once a week with routine...
  31. C

    How low of Cyp can I go before it doesn’t matter...

    I am trying to tapper off my TRT and try a restart with Clomid 50mg twice a week plus 1,500 a week of HCG. But I am taking 500iu three times a week of HCG with 10mg of Cypionate twice a week currently. Originally I was taking 20mg twice a week of Cypionate, and 350iu three times a week of HCG...