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  1. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    OK I hope I am in the right section for posting BW Complete panel after 3 yrs on TRT with bad Dr

    Ir. didn't even order the basics as I asked and when I post up you will see how out of touch he is by the test he left off and said all my readings were great when actually many are awful :(
  2. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Our great moderators

    I could not agree more ! Of all the different sites out there this one has more facts and is a really great source to gain factual knowledge and ask question that even good TRT Dr's over look due to them taking the layman for granted ! Best one I have seen yet ! Mods are very polite when...
  3. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    List of Possible Causes of Fatigue

    Did you leave off on purpose : 1) Teenagers 2) Ex- Wives 3) Wives 4) GF's 5) AH Bosses 6) Money issues 7) Grown kids that move back home after college
  4. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    OK I hope I am in the right section for posting BW Complete panel after 3 yrs on TRT with bad Dr

    Dr. just called and all BW is in I will post tomorrow and all was good except 3 areas ! I will seek advise in those areas and hope to repair them I do not remember which he told me was low and he said back off on Test and it would go up . . . but that HCG injection would not improve ? I tend...
  5. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Possibly old news but my personal research with relation to taking time off

    Wow that is good to hear and as a power lifter You were not that tight of an eater if i understand power lifters that I have been around and something I have learned was always heavy is not the best a change to confuse from time to time is good also a few weeks of high reps and lower weight even...
  6. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Converting propionate dosage to gel dosage

    I suggest you try to get Gene D to weigh in on this ? I know meds have expiration dates but still good in many cases ? Hell I would take them without a second thought ! But the over usage is why the clinic will not script you more until the proper time ! It is against the law !
  7. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Possibly old news but my personal research with relation to taking time off

    I am 57 and train harder than most guys in my gym ! I hate to miss even one day ! I do and old fashioned routine . I alternate body parts but the basics are Back & Bies, Chest & Tries , shoulders and legs . I change the combo about every 2 weeks and even though I hate to miss a day I usually...
  8. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Converting propionate dosage to gel dosage

    Are you using Prop for TRT or recreational from a clinic that will prescribe what you ask for ? furnishes HCG , an Ai , and HCG + Bw and nutritional support + Dr. daily support all for $199.00 a mth. Does you clinic offer better prices than this ? They are professionals at TRT...
  9. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    OK I hope I am in the right section for posting BW Complete panel after 3 yrs on TRT with bad Dr

    I went today and got all the BW My Dr. would allow and will post one day next week ? The only one I think I forgot was D 3 levels? LH FSH SHBG Liptid panel Free Test Total Test ultra sensitive estroniol - E2 PSA Hemoblobin T4 T3 Did not get B-12 or D-3 ? did I miss any ? ( I hope Kidney...
  10. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I have for almost 3 years as a bonus it turns the average man into a porn staar all in 4 hrs and last from 6 to 12 hrs :)
  11. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I have only been on this forum about a week and not clear as to all the rules ? So I do know the one already mentioned is a Great one , GWP that is not the name that is an abbreviation ! Not sure if member can offer sources or not or maybe just mods but I bet Nelson or Gene D could answer that...
  12. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Awesome Source For Peptides

    ? ? ? ? ? Diluting would seem to imply that you received a liquid ? I have never received PT - 141 in a liquid and I have never heard of that company either ? That doesn't mean they are not good just , I have never heard of them ? If you mean reconstituting I would use Bac water as opposed to...
  13. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Awesome Source For Peptides

    For TAD in 30ml / 25mg have always used Purity-Solutions dot com and they are at $30.00 a bottle and always work ! But taste awful and they have 2 for sales also ! I have been using for 2.5 more for plack cleaning of veins and great vascularity + other known benefits @ 10 mg a day got wood...
  14. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Greetings and Introductions

    Welcome aboard and this is a great forum full of great Mods and factual info + Polite members ! Can't say enough about you wise choice to join ! I was scripted Lexapro and it was like acid to me ! I could not sleep and I was seeing things and could not even drive ! Even after I stopped taking...
  15. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    What happens to the carbs?

    Thanks there Mr. Nelson : It has been 3 years of clean eating and hard dedication to a minimum of 5 days a week in the gym and 2 hrs cardio and 45 to 90 minutes lifting and even at 57 we can eat the proper nutrition and turn back the clock on aging ! I am actually proud of me ! I...
  16. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    What happens to the carbs?

    Oh had egg beaters , spinach coconut oil , Low fat cottage cheese , chicken 6oz and a Whey shake for 1st am meal about 5:00 am and then went for a casual Mountain bike ride ! I just ate 1/2 a banana, 1/3 cup brown rice and headed to the gym with a gal of water and will do cardio and lift :)...
  17. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    What happens to the carbs?

    200 grams of protein a day and 50 grams of fat and 70 grams or carbs . This is approximately 01700 calories a day and I eat more chewable protein some times ! If you are insulin resistant have you tried Medformin ! These are few mths ago and I am still growing and loosing fat at about 2 to 3...
  18. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Saeeking Dr in GA that scripts Test. Ai, HCG , & HGH who accepts Insurance 37 yrs old on TRT

    Thank you again NELSON ! I am on the east coast and I will contact am Monday morn ! I have contacted the VA with concerns in addition to my treatment from civilian Dr. I will be sure to keep this thread updated as to the service I receive ! I qualify for VA medical treatment ! But they have...
  19. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Saeeking Dr in GA that scripts Test. Ai, HCG , & HGH who accepts Insurance 37 yrs old on TRT

    Thanks , Nelson ! I am a Dis-abled Vet and fixed income and was about to give up on life and started studding TRT , I went from my death bed to loving life just not ready to stop improving every day , but the VA is no help and Just can't spend $45.00 to test drive every Dr. for a consult ...
  20. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Saeeking Dr in GA that scripts Test. Ai, HCG , & HGH who accepts Insurance 37 yrs old on TRT

    TYPO 57 yrs old ! Been on TRT for 3 yrs and no Assistance in improving treatment or knowledge from my Dr. I have self researched everything including how to read BW ! I think I am ready for a change ? Not quite the same drive I had 2 yrs ago and I get BW this coming Tues from regular MD ? I...
  21. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    How much protein do you need to gain muscle?

    Wow Nelson Great ! What is the conversion from kg to lb. ? , please ?
  22. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Empower Rx Pharmacy review - HCG

    How would EmpowerPharmacy prescribe HCG if a patient's Dr' scripted 200 mg of Testosterone Cypionate every other week and the patient is injection 50 mg every 3.5 days in an effort to keep E2 low and to keel Testosterone on a wavy level balance ? It is great to see such a customer service...
  23. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Top 5 Exercises to Help You Gain Muscle

    What thoughts do you have to older men using lighter weights and higher reps to prevent injury ? Additionally if you read many today dated reads on Nutrition you will read to ingest a mid level carb pre and post Work out ( small amounts of an apple , small bowl of pasta a small bowl of rice )...
  24. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    How much protein do you need to gain muscle?

    " Dietary protein does not normally become body fat, but will typically be used in place of dietary fat as fuel. This will allow dietary fat to be stored. Dietary protein also leads to an insulin response, which causes less body fat to be released. In this sense, protein has a fat-sparing...
  25. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    Yes I would think IMHO for Quads and Delts a 1/2 in pin would be fine . A way to consider is to purchase Syringes in bulk of 500 especially if you are scripted HGH and save $$$$, Then buy pins sepreratly and IMHO lur-Locks are the best when using smaller pin gauges ! It only takes one time of...
  26. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    What do you EST. your BF% and where are you injecting ? If lean fine in Quads and shoulders and if heavy probably need a little longer for glutes ?
  27. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    Thank you I am new and do not know my way around real good ! THANKS !
  28. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    I feel so dumb ? I have been on TRT for 3 yrs and actually self medicating due to Dr lack of even reading how blood different panel readings effect one another and I have not watched my SHBG that closely . I just focus on E2 and Free and total test ! I am setting up BW for next week ! example...
  29. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Bringing dhea levels up

    Confirm with Nelson , GD or other Mod ! From all I have researched 26 is on the money and very desirable :)
  30. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TB-500 not new but a miracle Peptide

    GD thanks for making that clear for me . That is why I did not share a source and replied to this member in the manner I did ! I didn't want to break and forum rules ? I thought I read not to even mention other forums on this forum ? I am am sure you would know better than me since I am new and...