Yes I would think IMHO for Quads and Delts a 1/2 in pin would be fine .
A way to consider is to purchase Syringes in bulk of 500 especially if you are scripted HGH and save $$$$,
Then buy pins sepreratly and IMHO lur-Locks are the best when using smaller pin gauges ! It only takes one time of pushing to hard and you blow the pin off the end of the syringe and loose your golden meds
Then purchase say :
100 1/2 in 30 gauge pins ? I have heard of members on this forum using this small gauge pin , but in my experience the pinning process is much to slow for me unless you heat the oils with say a lamp for 5 mins.
100 1/2 in 29 gauge pins for water compounds
200 1/2 in 25 gauge pins for think Cypionate /oils pins
100 1 in 25 gauge pins for glutes
500 different pins and 500 quality syringes and not have to worry for quite a while and also be able to choose what size according to you area you pin with scar tissue issues in mind
I do vary between 5/8 and 1/2 in and use 25 gauge for Delts and 29 for water base compounds , this is for my personal preference .
I hope this answers you question with enough info to make a educated decision on you own and happy pinning !