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  1. R

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    Correct, i don't bother with insurance
  2. R

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    It's $118 for pregnyl 10,000 iu including next day shipping.
  3. R

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    I am pretty sure I notice a significant variation in the 'potency' of effect on pregnyl from vial to vial. If I understand correctly, it's purified from pregnant women's urine? I have no idea what standards are in place for their manufacturing practices, but it would seem plausible that there is...
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    Selegeline and Life Insurance

    FWIW I dealt with a similar situation last year. I ended up talking with a life insurance *broker* (not agent), who was more comfortable dealing with 'special cases' -- i.e. people with conditions/medications that are more difficult to underwrite. She knew right away which...
  5. R

    My optimal protocol is daily injections of Estrogen and just 24.5mg Test per week

    I'm intrigued by the idea of estrogen injections and am going to look into this. I have difficulty keeping estrogen high enough and feel better when it's high. Partly genetic, plus probably my low dose danazol to supress high shbg from t3 only thyroid replacement also affects estrogen. I also...
  6. R

    TRT and sleep issues

    My sleep has been a bit worse since starting T over 15 years ago. Keeping the dose as low as possible where the benefits exceed the downsides is what I've done (~70 mg/week of cyp, split in 2 shots). Doing the shots in the morning helps. Taking saw palmetto (for me only 2x/week) helps, as I seem...
  7. R

    Absolute minimum dose of HCG for fertility?

    In my experience with extensive testing and measuring with various hcg and fsh doses the past few years, a low dose of hcg every other day might reach your goals of preventing e2 increase but maintaining Fertility. It will work better than moderate to high dose 1 or 2x weekly. Check my most...
  8. R

    You're past fertility concerns; do you take T alone or add HCG?

    I've been on and off HCG (varying doses) while on TRT (varying doses) for about 15 years. Several others have said it best- how it affects you and whether you 'need' it is very dependent on the individual and trial and error is probably the only way to know. Here are a few things I've learned...
  9. R

    How bad is a hCG lapse for Fertility?

    I was in the same situation a year ago and I tested semen right before and right after because I was freezing a bunch for future use. Bottom line, in my case counts went down from a concentration of 198 million per ML (5ml ejaculate in the sample=400 million total motile count) to 44 million per...
  10. R

    Cost for HCG from Compounding Pharmacy

    I have my provider send into Optum Specialty in Arizona and it's somewhere around $120 per 10,000 iu vial of brand name pregnyl. Lasts 8 weeks until it loses significant potency they say. So then about $60 per month. They ship quickly, directly to my house. I think fast shipping is important so...
  11. R

    Ipamorelin--Any insane mental sides? Physical sides?

    Ipa alone 300 to 400 before bed daily improved my sleep,mood, body comp for 3 years. Then things changed and every night I used it, it made sleep worse. Tried in varying dosages ultimately gave up. I'm convinced at this point in my understanding that the reason it was helping at first is...
  12. R

    Do I have T3 pooling?

    Fwiw, I'm very skeptical of this video from Justin Groce. I wonder if he has significant clinical experience testing rt3 and treating people.
  13. R

    Is HCG still available?

    I've been getting Pregnyl from optum speciality in AZ since the compounding pharmacies stopped making it in 2021. I asked defy to Rx higher dose than I actually take so I get more vials at the same time, and pay the defy call in fee. They ship overnight so it's not sitting in heat. I pay about...
  14. R

    Switching from Cypionate to Enanthate or cream?

    Do you mind sharing how you are applying the cream, dose, and the source? I've heard different compounders have different cream formulations and it results in a very different absorption profile.
  15. R

    Does anyone feel better on Cypionate vs. Enanthate?

    I ended up stopping enanthate (30mg 2x/week) and going back to cypionate (30mg 2x/week). The issues on enanthate I was having were: - a feeling of loneliness that was very odd and unusual, with zero external changes to cause it- so had to be the ester doing something - increased acne...
  16. R

    Injection Dosage for NAD+

    My Dr prescribed 200mg/ml 0.1 to 0.25 ml every 1-2 days, so 20 to 50mg subcutaneous. I started by doing 5 IV's over 2 weeks (500 to 1000mg drip each time). Then I did a daily and then every other day regimen of 20mg subQ for a number of weeks and then realized my sleep seemed to be less...
  17. R

    Pregnyl success

    Current regimen is 350iu on Sunday, 125 weds and 125 fri. So 600iu weekly. Works well for me with some side effects. How I arrived at this is a long story.
  18. R

    Pregnyl success

    I've also had good luck with Pregnyl. Before empower was cutoff from producing HCG, I used empower. Most vials from them were fine, but I think one I ordered must have been bad or sat in heat during shipping or something. My sperm count went from 81 million total motile count to 2.8 million...
  19. R

    Is training fasted optimal for hypertrophy and strength.

    I have always performed dramatically better in the gym fasted. I do think I am an oddball in this way. Likely some genetic issues there. I've tested it so many times and the difference is very clear. I'm not saying this is optimal for muscle-building, but for overall wellbeing and performance...
  20. R

    Ipamorelin and IGF-1

    I have been on GHRH's and GHRP's as well as GH off and on for about 4 years and can say the following: Ipa 400mcg at night daily raised IGF only a modest amount (10-30 points, from 130's to 150's), within 1-2 months. I did not carefully control for other factors though so I cannot be sure it...
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    Poor sleep / Reaching end of my rope

    TRT has also affected my sleep since starting it 15 years ago. I've settled on lower dose and still have some negative effect on sleep but it's manageable. I still regularly think about trying to come off TRT to see if there is a net benefit, but I haven't taken a leap. I've found a reasonable...
  22. R

    Switching from Cypionate to Enanthate or cream?

    I forgot to mention low dose saw palmetto once per week has been helpful for the anxiety. I take 1 now brand gelcap in the morning with one of my two tcyp shots. I used to do twice per week but DHT was a little low so settled on once per week. I consulted with John Crisler for a short time years...
  23. R

    Switching from Cypionate to Enanthate or cream?

    I also had/have anxiety from Test cypionate, about 24 hours after injection. I also get it from Defy the past 6 years (empower), but have gotten it from many other pharmacies the 10 years prior to that. I react the least to empower vs the others I tried. The only significant changes I made to...
  24. R

    More focus when off TRT

    I have a similar but slightly different response as the OP. I inject every 3.5 days (very low dose if 28mg, so 56mg weekly) and cognitively I usually (but not always) feel my best the 36 hrs before the the next injection. However, if I wait to 4 or 5 days to inject, I'm more spaced out and way...
  25. R

    Fsh and libido

    Optum specialty pharmacy (their fertility department) in AZ has it, or at least they did last time I checked. It's far more expensive than getting overseas but is an option.
  26. R

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    It looks like my SHBG was well within the normal range (around 40) prior to t3 therapy. It went up to around 94 on T3 therapy. Danazol along with whatever else I did (not sure if boron or other nutrients may be helping), brought it down from 94 to around 60 and it has stayed there for about 4...
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    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    I feel pretty good. I started much higher and over time, due to various issues (including sleep as a significant issue), progressively lowered the dosage. The 12.5mg danazol daily made a big difference, but also shot my free T pretty high and even still has some negative impact on sleep. It's...
  28. R

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    I'm on 56mg / week plus low dose danazol due to my free T being low from high SHBG while on t3-only thyroid replacement. Free T is well above reference range, total T is in the 700's.
  29. R

    Fsh and libido requires prescription sent from doctor. their multidose vials are out of stock but they have the multidose pens. Ships from isreal right now, normally turkey.
  30. R

    Lion's Mane... thoughts?

    Yes, trt for past 15 years. If it matters, I think my genetics are such that I am unlikely to loose my hair as I age.
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