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  1. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    @Gman86 when should these effects from deca start to fade? I have read somewhere that the effects from proviron are mostly temporary? Is this true? I have experienced this to many years ago, but i was on cycle then.. i started to lose my libido and EQ at some point on cycle, i then added in...
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I had to stop the experiment. I just felt awfull. If this is how i would feel the rest of my life, its not worth living. The deca is legit, i have labs from janoshik. Also bloodpressure is doing crazy things. When waking up and going downstairs i immediately take my bp. And its always...
  3. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Switched from test to deca. Did my last pin of test 9 december and started deca on 15december
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I will try to hang on a little bit more. Last sunday i added 15mg of test. Since i pin 2x per week its going to be 30mg per week total. Also lowered the nandrolone to 75mg 2x per week as my bp was raising to. And i wouldnt be comfortable in my head doing 200mg life long. Also started doing...
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Ive been doing deca solo for about 3 weeks now and it has been awfull. Depressed, irritable, bad mood, anxious the little libido i had on trt is now completely gone. Only positive is the gym. I grow like a weed. But that is not my main priority. I want my libido back, not mass gainz. Im afraid...
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Thx for the update! Did you ever try deca and test, but without the hcg? How did that feel
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Do t No BP issues? You say 25-50mg test.. what do you mean? You pin different mg’s every time you pin test?
  8. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Any updates from the guys on a deca base? Im curious how y’all still doing..
  9. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I was just wondering the same thing, whether the increased blood pressure could be due to the hcg?
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I forgot to ask but at what frequency do you inject the 30mg of testosterone?
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Let us know what he says
  12. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Wauw! Great to hear youre doing good! Cant wait to start with my npp journey. But the blood pressure thing kinda freaks me out..
  13. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Yes but in terms of how it feels? Libido, wellbeing,… ?
  14. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Is there any benefit using npp istead of deca?
  15. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Wow this post really gives me hope! I feel the same way that test permanently changed something in my body when it comes to libido and erections. How many times per week do you pin the npp?
  16. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Is there a reason why do the hcg? Maybe if you drop the hcg u would feel much better? It would definitely be worth trying..
  17. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Thank you very much for sharing your experience!
  18. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Im not sure if u already said it but how long did you do the 200mg deca with low doses test? I remember you had great succes with it. But many of the guys who do the deca only end up after a week or 6-8 having really flat emotions.. most of them quit then. Like this guy Dtren, if u read the...
  19. M

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I am definitely going to try this to. After years of not finding the sweetspot on test alone its time to try something different. But lets say you start with the nandrolone decanoate, could u get away with only pinning deca once per week? Same question when u want to add in little test like...
  20. M

    Cypionate vs Propionate for daily injections

    Any updates on the prop users?
  21. M

    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    For now, the same as 170mg. Frequent night and morningwood. But no libido. Mood is ok. Not great just ok.
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    As for now it is 165mg per week
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    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    I read similar things about primobolan too. Anyone else have experience with this? Its tempting to try a really low dose of primo like 50mg a week and see how it makes me feel. I also feel like i could use some more dht. In my AAS days when i introduced winstrol or something i felt sooo good and...
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    Whats my next move?

    So what would my next move be in this case?
  25. M

    Whats my next move?

    I have been on 50mg 2x per week and TT was somewhere around 550, FT i dont remember. And libido was also dead on those levels..
  26. M

    Whats my next move?

    Hey guys! So ive been on 85mg 2x per week for 10 weeks now. Before i was on 80mg 2x per week and had no night or morning wood. Also no libido. I feel pretty good now on the 85mg x2. And occasionally i have some strong night and morning wood. But my libido is still completely dead! I have...
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    Cream users europe?

    do you order your cream directly from np labs or do let BMH order the cream for you? I just had a email back from BMH and they say they have their own pharmacy. And i need to be their client to use they pharmacy.
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    Cream users europe?

    Yes sleep is also a problem for me on the cream.. even when i was completely dialed in on that one batch and felt sooo good with perfect libido, sleep was terrible! What is your protocol on the cream?
  29. M

    Cream users europe?

    I dont think I stopped absorbing because i was on cream several months before. The batch that got me dialed in was very different from all the other. It was a very very thin cream. When i put a click on my finger it almost immediately fell off because it was to thin/liquid. I just want to try...