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  1. S

    Last Throw of the Dice - advise on Arimidex dosage

    Well I don’t know how to read those numbers cause they are different than what my lab offers. Below is what I can offer from my 14 years of being on TRT Aromasin to control estrogen NEVER Arimidex. And only when taking HCG Always cycle in HCG for LSH and FH healthy levels Keep t levels...
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    Lower TRT dosage when adding hCG to keep blood work stable?

    My experience over 13 years HCG enhances the way music used to sound (well being and happiness), drops the testicles and ding ding for about the first 4-5 weeks then goes back to T supplementation sizes, no need for an Ai for the first 4-5 weeks then it is a must if you continue to use...
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    My first experience with hcg was heaven. Problem i can't replicate first experience

    I second this. Works for me as well. Even changing the dosages (a little up and a little down for 6 week time periods) and frequency on Injectable T helps too
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    Feel worse with higher test levels

    I feel like adding in HCG 500IU twice weekly will eliminate most of your problems above. 20mg per day drove my estrogen way too high (65). Lower your dose and add HCG and see what happens. Cycling it 6-8 weeks on 4-6 weeks off works for me. If I stay on HCG all the time my estrogen drives up and...
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    Anybody on Statin Drugs?

    Don’t do it, statins are proven to cause Alzheimer’s
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    Combining cream and injection

    Thanks for sharing
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    Combining cream and injection

    Thanks for the feedback. I am going to try a protocol but with 150 per week and daily cream at 50 mg scrotum application. Will provide feedback
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    Combining cream and injection

    Can you share your cream plus injection protocol in terms of amounts? Thanks!
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    Increased Body Odor on Testosterone

    Mine increase when my estrogen is too high. Try Dr squatch deodorant. No more body odor, the typical deodorants increase my Body odor.
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    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Personally this stack made me severely dehydrated. The amount of supplements you take are insane and did nothing but made my kidneys hurt. This stack is no where near what the human body needs in my opinion
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    Does Anyone Feel Better on an AI?

    When I first began deca it took about two-3 weeks for my system o level out. I had issues with ED and then they sibsided and came back strong (except when I cycle in HCG or Kisseptin) I have had the sensation of my heart beating harder during physical activity but it seems mostly when my estro...
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    Does Anyone Feel Better on an AI?

    500 IU and have tried lower doses at 250 IU twice per week
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    Does Anyone Feel Better on an AI?

    I do not feel good on Anastrozole (only one I have experimented with)....feels like poison to my system even at 0.15 once a week. I have been on TRT since 2010. I am now on 200 mg of Cyp/Prop blend split into 1/2 dose every 3.5 days along with 100 mg of Deca. I have been on this protocol for 6...
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    any substitutes for HCG?

    I just started Kisseptin. Seems like the Estrogen blast like I get from HCG is not present. Will update once I have had a few weeks on it.
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    How many like/dislike effects of HCG?

    Like the initial feeling and then things go down hill with ED, premature what and water retention therefore I stay away now. I may try cycling it
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    Fermented foods for Inflammation 2021 study

    Do not forget the microbreweries that do not pasteurize their beer! This fermented beer contains a live fermented probiotic and fermented grains that carry a lot of natural B vitamins::)
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    Subq vs IM impact on Hematocrit

    I tried subq twice and it seemed like my estrogen sides increased. Did not like the feeling.
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    Testosterone Estradiol Ratio

    I had the same tendonitis and hip issue. Felt like I was 90 years old when I got up off of the ground and just a raw stiff feeling all of the time. Trying .15mg and seems to be fine after about 4 weeks. Have not tested.
  19. S

    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    Thanks for the suggestion trip. I have tried .15 of a milligram before but seemed to dry my joints out and I felt old in the body when moving around. I did not stay on for more than two weeks so my AI sides may have improved
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    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    I experienced the high libido as well but along with it came ED issues and pre ejac issues so it did not work out. In the beginning erections were better than ever and that slowly declined over a few months.
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    Testosterone in Atrevis hydrogel base = almost double test levels!

    Nelson, did you happen to test your sensitive estrogen levels? Kust curious because my estro levels jumped up to 67 on the scrotal cream application. Thanks!
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    Alcohol Consumption and TRT/HCG

    Just eat lite during the day, end it with several drinks to the point you are having fun (I stay with unpasteurized beer for health benefits) and then eat a big meal, go to bed and start all over. I do this and stay lean at 49
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    Has Anyone Stopped HCG

    cycling HCG works for me. Too long off and I start to not feel optimal and too long on is the same. I will jump on HCG for about 3-4 weeks and then off for around two months but not set in stone just go by the way I feel. Been on TRT since 2010. also, EOD, daily, twice per week seems to raise my...
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    Anyone feels better on less frequent injections? for ex.: e7d vs e3.5d

    I have been on HRT since 2010 and don’t notice any difference between weekly and biweekly. However I did notice bad sides from subq (with all weekly, biweekly, daily) and daily.....lots more estrogen conversion (50 tops IM and 67 tops with Subq). I think the key is cycling HCG and stopping...
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    TRT increasing blood pressure?

    How are you feeling energy wise and muscle mass wise?
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    TRT increasing blood pressure?

    I tried his stack. WAY too many pills and I became very dehydrated. Kidneys hurt etc.
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    Experience Pinning EOD vs Every 3.5 Days?

    I did and my T level stayed the same but estrogen increased by 20%. I’ve been on for 11 years and twice weekly works best. Also, had to increase T dosage while using without hcg
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    Aging Skin in Men: Any Solutions?

    Best thing I have found is limit alcohol and use Virginai coconut oil on your skin everyday