From the study that Nelson posted......
"Two hundred thirty-two men took part in the UC study. Baseline levels were recorded for all men in each of the four measurement areas, and then again at 6-12 weeks post-treatment. The results showed that men who underwent SubQ injections of testosterone resulted in a 14% greater increase in total testosterone levels than the testosterone level of IM patients. SubQ patients also resulted in a 41% lower hematocrit post-therapy than IM patients and 26.5% lower E2 levels. For both groups of men, there were no elevated levels of PSA."
I tried SubQ a few years ago and got an irritable lump at injection site that would last for three to four days. I was injecting E3.5D so I constantly had that lump. Consequently, I stopped the SubQ and went to shallow IM in the deltoid and ventrogluteal. I have been happy with that protocol but seeing these finding makes me think that trying the SubQ again would be worthwhile. Previously I was injecting 90 mg of T Cyp E3.5D and maybe it was the large volume of T Cyp that was giving me that lump. I am now on daily injections and since I am injecting much smaller amounts I may not react the same and get the injection site lump.