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  1. Keith Willse

    Men's Use of Oxytocin

    Yes my doctor writes the RX.
  2. Keith Willse

    Men's Use of Oxytocin

    I have used Oxytocin for years and I absolutely love it! It currently is and always will be a staple in my regimen. The most pronounced benefit I feel and others will attest is “Mood Enhancement” In short, I just interact better with everyone while using Oxytocin. While there are several...
  3. Keith Willse

    Test Results Analysis

    IMO, if you switch to injections your DHT will reduce more into the normal range. In terms of the negative/consequences, you might want to read the following information and share it with your endo.
  4. Keith Willse

    Intramuscular injections.

    Paco, check out this video for quad injections.
  5. Keith Willse

    How to stop smoking fast?

    Quit with support and don't make excuses if you make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and build from them. I am a former smoker and it took me well over 10 attempts and several health scares before I succussfully quit. Call your state quit line and get a quit coach.They offer great support...
  6. Keith Willse


    Yes, several times. My symptoms varied each time but the most common one was frequent and painful urination. It was also very .. and I mean very painful when the urologist performed a DRE. Here is some good information on prostatitis.
  7. Keith Willse

    Is Aveed (Nebido outside the US) Long Acting Testosterone Injection The Answer For Men's Low T? Dublin, Ireland, March 6, 2014 / PRNewswire / — Endo International plc (NASDAQ: ENDP) (TSX: ENL) announced today that its operating company Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. received U.S. Food and Drug...
  8. Keith Willse

    How much testosterone

    IMO, that is too much in most cases. When were your labs taken in referenced to your shots and do you have a full set of labs ? My guess is you are peaking well into the supraphysiological ranges. Putting that all aside, how do you feel?
  9. Keith Willse

    Safe ways to Lower DHT but keep optimal T levels

    Are you using a gel/cream or shots ? Also what is your full protocol and current labs?
  10. Keith Willse

    Converting HCG units - mcg to IU

    One mg of Ovidrel is equivalent to 26,400 IU, making one 250 mcg vial of Ovidrel equivalent to 6,500 IU
  11. Keith Willse

    Converting HCG units - mcg to IU

    Ovidrel is pre-filled recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin (r–hCG)
  12. Keith Willse

    Converting HCG units - mcg to IU

    Here is a good online pharmacy calculator.
  13. Keith Willse

    Latest Blood Work-No Zinc

    I would encourage you to rethink the trial of Avodart. IMO,This drug is poison and it can have some serious side effects.
  14. Keith Willse

    Converting HCG units - mcg to IU

    I think that math might be wrong. I believe it would be 2.5 IU, Correct ?
  15. Keith Willse

    What do you guys think about steroids? Check out this 1-year transformation video

    No, TRT/HRT is about replacement levels not supraphysiological levels of testosterone and gear. This guy is more than likely on his way to BIG troubles….
  16. Keith Willse

    Bringing dhea levels up

    I personally like Accesa Labs. Cost is $75.00. Here is a sample report.
  17. Keith Willse

    Bringing dhea levels up

    IMO, Pregnenolone is highly overrated and causes way to many side effects for me.... Acne, oily skin and irritability to name a few. For those of you that take benzo's, pregnenolone antagonizes certain acute effects.....
  18. Keith Willse

    Stress and testosterone issues

    @tmckenzie, Have you done a 24 hour cortisol test ? I agree with Nelson 100 % and I use the following .....
  19. Keith Willse

    Testosterone Health Insurance Advice ?

    I would not select insurance solely for TRT coverage. I would select the best you can afford and budget for TRT according with coupons and smart shopping. Test Cyp is as cheap as $ 40.00 for a 10ml bottle with a coupon from GoodRX. (Thanks, GettingAnswers )Think about it this way…… It will only...
  20. Keith Willse

    Clomid and Cialis

    I would personally run a clomid challenge prior to trying a 3-month experiment at 50 mg daily. Keep in mind, I am assuming all of your other labs have been viewed, reviewed and addressed at this point. I am also assuming your physician believes you are secondary. Clomid Challenge Day 0...
  21. Keith Willse

    flaming codependant needs help with boundary muscles!

    I love amazon but I found it even cheaper here .... I don't know what happen to my bicep tendon other than it hurts ....:eek: It's more than likely happen at the same time when I tore my labrum....I am...
  22. Keith Willse

    Thoughts on shallow IM injections

    I use BD and you can get them from health warehouse for a decent price. Don't forget this is the needle only and you will also need syringes.
  23. Keith Willse

    flaming codependant needs help with boundary muscles!

    I have two labrum tears and my bicep tendon is mangled up. I also have a good size cyst that has developed. The labrum repair can be done arthroscopically but the bicep tendon has to be repaired thru an open incision in my armpit area.. Yikes. Is this the device you recommend...
  24. Keith Willse

    new to the site

    Welcome Michael ! How did you hear about us ?
  25. Keith Willse

    Vit B-12 injectable

    Get your Magnesium levels checked also because Prilosec is notorious for depleting these levels. In terms of the Vitamin B12, I wouldn’t use anything but methylcobalamin … I personally inject 200 mcg daily with a 31 gauge 5/16 insulin pin and I couldn’t be happier. I also take 2000 mcg of...
  26. Keith Willse

    Thoughts on shallow IM injections

    1/2 works for IM in the lean and novice for specific injections but I wouldn't use anything less then 5/8. I personally prefer using a 26 5/8 for IM into the thigh and shoulder.
  27. Keith Willse

    flaming codependant needs help with boundary muscles!

    Hang in the Brooksy ... I sure hope it gets better for you in 2014. I am currently facing shoulder surgery myself and I am not looking forward to it .... The thought of having my bicep tendon cut and reattached is a bit disturbing. :eek:
  28. Keith Willse

    My labs from 12-22-13

    Where did you have the labs drawn ? You should be able to obtain a copy of the labs for your records. I would highly recommend everyone to keep a copy of all labs and procedure for future reference.
  29. Keith Willse


    Happy New Year !! Wishing all of you Health and Happiness in 2014 :)
  30. Keith Willse

    clomid after trt

    Clomid does a good job of increasing sperm counts and testosterone but in most cases, it does not increase pregnancy rates. Studies have shown that Clomid tends to have low success rates for men. Talk to your doctor about HCG and HMG for the motility as this is a pretty typically protocol with...
  31. Keith Willse

    Sent box for private messages?

    You will not have a copy of your sent message, unless you check the option in the additional options box within the private message. Look at the image below.