My labs from 12-22-13

total test 246
free test 6.7
estrodiol 15.4
prolactin 11.9
LH 4.5
FS 4.6
blood test taken at 10:30am

according to the doc I'm fine all my levels are normal. I feel like shit every day I've had no sex drive for 4 months now erections suck. but doc wants another set of the same tests but in the morning then I have to wait another 3 weeks to even see i she will consider TRT.
Where did you have the labs drawn ? You should be able to obtain a copy of the labs for your records. I would highly recommend everyone to keep a copy of all labs and procedure for future reference.
Agree with Keith.

You need more thorough labs conducted by a Physician who understands hormone replacement in men.

"Normal" does not mean "healthy" especially in light of symptoms.

Many things can cause your symptoms such as hypothyroidism which has many of the same symptoms as hypogonadism or even adrenal fatigue for that matter.

Find a good anti aging Doctor in your area and one who specializes in TRT for men and you will get the right care.
tests done at lab corp I need to wait till monday to pick up a copy of my results. I've been looking for anti-aging clinic, but the ones around here are all monthly membership based and I know my Insurance will not cover, and out of pocket right now, thats just something I cannot afford but working on fixing that.
LabCorp 'normally' is a range of 348ng to 1197ng/dl. I'm not sure what your physician considers low, but it won't be a shocker if she isn't up to speed with understanding optimal hormone levels.

Your free test percentage is 2.72%, so if your serum were to increase, let's say to 700ng/dl, your free testosterone would also increase relative to the serum level, somewhere probably in the 18ng/dl to 20ng/dl neighborhood (permitting no odd deviations with your SHBG and Albumin).

Your LH/FSH readings are not high by any means, but not particularly low either. I agree with the guys. You need further exams, and areas like the thyroid need to be fully addressed (not this TSH only stuff either). Also, on your E2, please see if you can clarify if it was a "sensitive" or "ultra-sensitive" assay. Best of luck! Also, totally agree that you need to retain copies of your labs ALWAYS!
ok, just got my second blood test morning draw 209 total test 4.5 free test FINALLY the doctor said you have low T and put me on HRT i get 200mg depo test which i'm pretty sure is test cyp i get that once a week. have to go in for shots..NO self injection allowed but it is a start looking forward to feeling better.
Man, listen from one who knows, how old are you? Find out why you are low before getting on trt. I wish everyday I had known to get every thing checked out before I got on trt.
I'm 44 have had the low t issues since 38 finally got a Dr to act and not give me the welcome to getting old bit..My blood work is normal in all other areas with the exception of my cholesterol this year my total was 215 and LDL was 114 and HDL 40. never used Anabolic's in the past was all was natural. Have lift weights for years.

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