How to stop smoking fast?

How we can stop smoking fast? what is your views to quit smoking fast.

I smoked for 20 years and I quit about 10 years methods to quit were chewing cinnamon gum and Nicorette gum for those times that I was really craving a cigarette. I also changed some triggers which were coffee...alcohol....and smoking in the car. I gave up coffee and alcohol for a while and also started to drive home from work with a different route. It was not an easy thing to do but I am so glad to be a non-smoker. And I feel lucky..... not to have any cravings anymore. I think the biggest thing for someone to quit smoking is really having a desire to quit......Good luck man.....and don't give up.....sometimes it takes a few times to finally be able to give it up completely......
The best drug so far to stop smoking is Chantix.

Varenicline (trade name Chantix in the USA and Champix in Canada, Europe and other countries, marketed by Pfizer, usually in the form of varenicline tartrate), is a prescription medication used to treat nicotine addiction. Varenicline is a nicotinic receptor partial agonist—it stimulates nicotine receptors more weakly than nicotine itself does. In this respect it is similar to cytisine and different from the nicotinic antagonist, bupropion, and nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) like nicotine patches and nicotine gum. As a partial agonist it both reduces cravings for and decreases the pleasurable effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Through these mechanisms it can assist some patients to quit smoking.
Hi Andy,
To stop smoking fast, set a quit day and make it special for you. Save your money you would spend on cigarettes and plan for a treat tomorrow. Avoid going to places where you might found smokers and ask your pals and family members to support you.
Quit with support and don't make excuses if you make mistakes. Learn from your mistakes and build from them. I am a former smoker and it took me well over 10 attempts and several health scares before I succussfully quit.
Call your state quit line and get a quit coach.They offer great support and sometimes free smoking sensation classes, products etc..
Set a date as Otise said and make it special for you.
If you have a smart phone I highly recommend the following two applications. Quit Now and My Last Cigarette.
I stopped.

Give yourself a date and commit to it. Smoke as much as you want before hand, with every cigarette knowing you're going to quit on that certain date (In your case, I'd give it a week).

Stop on that date and drink plenty of water. Painfully so. Also, pickup pistachios, the kind you take the shell off. That will give you something to do with your hands.

You are going to live moment to moment, not smoking for a few days, then it will get easier. The succession is:
The First Three Minutes,
First Three Hours,
First Three Days,
First Three Months,
First Three Years,
and finally, the Ten Year Mark.

Also, start doing brisk walks. You'll need to be able to walk twenty miles in the military. Be able to do five every other day or so. Even though you're young, take glucosamine and chondroitin so you don't hurt as much when you finish.

The phrase that helped me to quit? "You can live any lifestyle you choose. You just have to pay the consequences." Dr. Stephen Covey.
First, i switched to the E cigs and carried on for sometime.. then gradually left that too... the formula is "using the will power" . nothing else.

Hi andymark25415...

If you really want to quit smoking then take Generic zyban is effective anti smoking drug that every physician suggests. It's cost effective generic form of medicines that are easily available online or local pharmacist. You can also try some nicotine patches to quit smoking completely. Try natural remedies to get rid of cigarette smoking. One of the best ways to quit smoking is self-control, devoid of self-control all treatments are waist.

I hope you will get best way to leave smoking habit instantly.
I just quit by using chantix. After 8 days I didn't want to smoke anymore. 3 weeks later I'm still smoke free. I quit using it once before for over a yr and my wife has been smoke free for over 3 yrs using chantix.
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My friend quit smoking 7 months ago by using the nicotine gum. It was one of the hardest things he has ever done. Because I know him he is so much addicted to fag and it is very hard to quit smoke for him.
A co worker of mine was using chantix .....the only side effect he had was that he started gambling a lot...seriously we had all kinds of lottery pools going while he was on that drug....I left the company so I dunno if he actually quit smoking or not....
I've smoked for 12-14 years , and I managed to give up smoking reading '' Allen Carr - The easy way to stop smoking ''.
Also there is a nice app for smartphones : '' NHS - Stop smoking ''

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