Search results

  1. M

    Where do you keep your TRT meds/supplies?

    I keep all my meds and syringes in a portable electronic lock box.
  2. M

    Looking for new TRT doc in southern New Jersey

    Currently I am on 40mg test cyp EOD with .25 mg Arimidex on injection day. Prior I was 60mg E3.5D with .5mg Arimidex on injection days. Don't get me wrong. I like my GP. I love the practice but just feel I would benefit from a specialist. I have been thinking about going with primebody or...
  3. M

    Looking for new TRT doc in southern New Jersey

    I have really good insurance so if I can avoid paying out of pocket I would like to. I really am looking to find a knowledgeable TRT doctor as my primary care physician is just not up to date on the latest info. I make the proposals for changes to optimize myself where he is more concerned with...
  4. M

    Looking for new TRT doc in southern New Jersey

    Hey Everyone, I'm in South Jersey and looking for a new doctor to treat me and not just my numbers, so if anyone can recommend someone it would be much appreciated.
  5. M

    Opinions on my labs please

    Hi and welcome! What are the ranges applied to those labs? Are you able to screenshot your results and post them? Do you have any other lab results available? What are your vitals - age, height, weight etc...? What is your diet like? Please provide all the info,you can so you can generate a...
  6. M

    Please help; getting thoughts together for initial consult with Dr Saya

    Dr Saya will customize your protocol for you. As for strategies for changes to your protocol after that I recommend changing one variable at a time. That way you know what the change does for you. It will take time to find your sweet spot. Persevere. This is a marathon not a sprint. I wish...
  7. M

    Should we go for generic medications or branded ones?

    I generally get the generics as they are free on my plan vs the name brand.
  8. M

    If you only could have 5 supplements to take what would they be ?

    Vit D Vit K2 electrolyte and trace mineral powder Dhea pregnenalone
  9. M

    Hi, I am New Here

    Welcome. Hopefully you will share your story with us.
  10. M

    All HCG is NOT the same. Your balls care.

    Apologies if this has been asked before, but when ordering hcg online does the package come with bac water or do you have to order that separately?
  11. M

    I had my first appointment with endocronologist yesterday - surprised

    I see in the last few sentences you are going for follow up blood work in 4 months. Do you have baseline blood work you can post? The guys on this forum are fantastic at looking at your blood work and can recommend any further testing for baseline values before you begin any treatment. I wish I...
  12. M

    workouts with knee issues.

    Running is out for me. I'm in the same boat with acl and cartilage issues in the left knee. I have switched to swimming because I just can't handle the impact. I have been taking vid d3 and calcium supplements for 2 years and within the last 2 months have added Vit k2 (120 mcgs) which has helped...
  13. M

    Is it safe to do 6 weeks of test cyp 300g after clomid hrt? Or better not to do it?

    Was there a medical reason you are coming off clomid? Seems like you were doing well. There's not much information in your post. From what I've read here therapeutic doses are generally running between 100 and 200 mgs per week for test cyp injections.
  14. M

    Tracking My Walking: Which Watch Should I Buy?

    I originally had the polar sport (went under water). I've stopped wearing any watch and just track using my iPhone and an app that tracks my routes and distances.
  15. M

    BiggerGuy156 - Should I Be On TRT?

    Welcome. I to am a bigger guy. I topped off a few months ago at 339 carrying the majority of my weight around my waist. As of this last Dr visit I'm down to 306. Like Vince I follow a low carb high fat diet but heavy on vegetation (green leafy kind). Following that diet has helped me...
  16. M

    How many people supplement with DIM?

    I took the natures way for a few months and found it did nothing for me. I have been on anostrozole for 2 months and my E2 has been under control between 30 and 35 (from 64). Difference I believe is anastrozole will prevent your testosterone from aromatizing where DIM is supposed to help...
  17. M

    Glucose tolerance and normal low t

    Endocrine effects of marijuana in the male: preclinical studies.Harclerode J. [h=3]Abstract[/b]Marijuana affects a variety of hormones that are regulated by hypothalamic function and it appears that the psychoactive ingredient, THC, is the major compound responsible for this action. It is...
  18. M

    Topical Testosterone Adherence Low

    Cost definitely does pile up and for me was not effective even at 3 pumps bid, each arm.
  19. M

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    Apologies I am just seeing this question. I never really noticed any feeling in my legs. Just noticed the indentation when I would take off my socks. I however did notice it in my hands a few days a week.
  20. M

    What High E2 Feels Like

    I noticed I held a lot of water in my feet and legs. When I would take off my work socks there were large indentations left that took some time to go away. My face was puffier (not sure if puffier is a word) too. I also had no libido at all. I've always been a bit moody so don't really notice a...
  21. M

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I got my results from the lab today and my E2 came down to 31 from ~64. I don't feel awful or have sore joints. I just have had to pee a lot. I will be monitored on a monthly basis.
  22. M

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I experienced the exact same thing.
  23. M

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    I have been on Arimidex for approx 1 month which I labored a long time trying to make the decision to add it to my protocol. I had my labs drawn Friday morning (trough) and am awaiting results. I was ~64 on the sensitive test at trough one month ago. I started because I had gyno confirmed, ed...
  24. M

    New member 42 years old

    I am 3 days in to taking Arimidex. I will have my second dose mid day tomorrow. I felt ok with the first dose. What I did notice is after a few hours I was bone tired. A tired I have not felt in a long time. I was out cold by 8 pm Friday night. It did not carry over to Saturday. I am...
  25. M

    New member 42 years old

    Met with Dr today. I am now on Arimidex. Starting .25 mg twice a week. Will redo labs in 1 month. I'm a bit nervous with this drug. What can I expect other than reduction in E2? Would love to hear your experiences and will research later in other threads when done work
  26. M

    New member 42 years old

    No AI as of yet. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss.
  27. M

    New member 42 years old

    In addition my endocrinologist has reported the onset of gyno. 3 cm on left, 2 cm in the right.
  28. M

    New member 42 years old

    Yes. Libido is really low, no morning wood ever and erections are soft and don't last. I also retain water especially in my legs and feet.
  29. M

    New member 42 years old

    Hi Chris, Thanks for you comments. I have have a second account I am using because my original account "Matthew Leiser" sign in was via ******** and it is now not working. For the triglycerides, I have to relate that to my diet. It had too many sugars, not enough fiber. I have corrected...
  30. M

    New member 42 years old

    Here are my latest labs as requested. I also have have my results for the sensitive estradiol from discounted labs. 63.6 pg/ml range 8 to 35.