Deleted member 16042
Please help!
I wrote my entire story in a previous thread that got essentially zero response relating to the hormone issues, so I had it deleted. Trying again leaving out the other things that seemed to derail what I actually wanted to ask.
If I have to, I'll separate things into sub threads for the various forum sectors. Let me know if this would be a good approach.
I have initialconsultation with Saya next week. (Finally! I've been living the nightmare of mismanaged TRT for many months)…
Currently on 150mg Tplus 50 mg chrysin/gram compounded cream, 1g/day. Cookie cutter formula from MD who did not check SHBG, LH, DHEA prior to TRT, nor specified ANY followup. Started this last December. Initial result, notable increase in libido(which never was really bad anyway), some more energy and ability to recreate. This lasted several months then testicular pain and atrophy took over, mood and exercise tolerance decreased… downward spiral.
Bloods drawn for Defy initial test attached below, I'll forego the longer part of the story, but I was ramping the topical dose back up when bloods were drawn, probably about .8-.9g/day at that time, and blood was drawn a couple hours after morning administration.
-Postive T related symptoms on TRT; excellent morning wood, OK/better libido, growing a slight bit more body hair.
-Negative symptoms(but indicate T is/has shut down LH and HPTA so I am certainly getting T through replacement): shrunken testicles, atrophy pain has mostly subsided, except I have pain with scrotum retraction,including during sex/ejaculation.
-Other generally negative symptoms: Ongoing moodiness/mood swings like I have never had before, depression, anxiety, (I do have history and sort of baseline with PSTD, Depression and anxiety, but the last 3-4 months have been markedly worse). Also mood swings worse when taking 1g cream at once, seems a little better splitting dose around 70/30% morning/evening. Some night sweats mostly around chest, also seem reduced on split dose. Poor exercise capability and recovery, ongoing fatigue.
I didn't want to mess with things much before the consult next week, but seeing the DHEA number, I started 25mg micronized DHEA BID, but got an ongoing headache so backed off to 25mg/day with dinner. (Also the first brand had added maltodextrin, which relates to food sensitivities I have,so I changed to a brand without maltodextrin… headache is gone, I may up dosage to BID again.) The result of taking DHEA seems to be very slightly more emotional stability, but really inconclusive.
Please let me know any thoughts, what to ask/consider with my consultation.
I wrote my entire story in a previous thread that got essentially zero response relating to the hormone issues, so I had it deleted. Trying again leaving out the other things that seemed to derail what I actually wanted to ask.
If I have to, I'll separate things into sub threads for the various forum sectors. Let me know if this would be a good approach.
I have initialconsultation with Saya next week. (Finally! I've been living the nightmare of mismanaged TRT for many months)…
Currently on 150mg Tplus 50 mg chrysin/gram compounded cream, 1g/day. Cookie cutter formula from MD who did not check SHBG, LH, DHEA prior to TRT, nor specified ANY followup. Started this last December. Initial result, notable increase in libido(which never was really bad anyway), some more energy and ability to recreate. This lasted several months then testicular pain and atrophy took over, mood and exercise tolerance decreased… downward spiral.
Bloods drawn for Defy initial test attached below, I'll forego the longer part of the story, but I was ramping the topical dose back up when bloods were drawn, probably about .8-.9g/day at that time, and blood was drawn a couple hours after morning administration.
-Postive T related symptoms on TRT; excellent morning wood, OK/better libido, growing a slight bit more body hair.
-Negative symptoms(but indicate T is/has shut down LH and HPTA so I am certainly getting T through replacement): shrunken testicles, atrophy pain has mostly subsided, except I have pain with scrotum retraction,including during sex/ejaculation.
-Other generally negative symptoms: Ongoing moodiness/mood swings like I have never had before, depression, anxiety, (I do have history and sort of baseline with PSTD, Depression and anxiety, but the last 3-4 months have been markedly worse). Also mood swings worse when taking 1g cream at once, seems a little better splitting dose around 70/30% morning/evening. Some night sweats mostly around chest, also seem reduced on split dose. Poor exercise capability and recovery, ongoing fatigue.
I didn't want to mess with things much before the consult next week, but seeing the DHEA number, I started 25mg micronized DHEA BID, but got an ongoing headache so backed off to 25mg/day with dinner. (Also the first brand had added maltodextrin, which relates to food sensitivities I have,so I changed to a brand without maltodextrin… headache is gone, I may up dosage to BID again.) The result of taking DHEA seems to be very slightly more emotional stability, but really inconclusive.
Please let me know any thoughts, what to ask/consider with my consultation.