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  1. T

    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    I also have a habit of holding my breath on heavy lifts. I know squats can momentarily drive BP up to the 300/200 range or greater... and with inflammation and plaques that can break off, and stiff arteries, that's not great. This is why I try to follow the Esselstyn diet on top of everything...
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    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    If it were me I'd start with 5mg, wait a week or two, go up to 10, then 20 as soon as possible, and I'd be real careful with my diet and keep my hematocrit and BP down. I've been on beta blockers for 20 years or so, and my sister (67) has been on statins off and on. She thinks she got shingles...
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    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    I don't disagree. I read the Ornish book and followed that diet from 2002-2004. A low calorie diet is probably the thing. Following the Esselstyn diet and many others, I always found my stomach empty because it all tastes like crap. Sometimes surgery or drugs is the right fix, in addition to a...
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    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    They're all still alive as far as I know, and old AF. Dr Esselstyn celebrated his 91st birthday last month. His wife must be even older, and they still produce content on Youtube about every week along with their kids: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn I've been trying to do...
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    Can an older man still build muscle while taking statins?

    Was your blood pressure or hematocrit high? That alone shouldn't be a huge problem, but with clogged arteries, perhaps? Also, have you heard about the Dr Esselstyn diet? Worked for me. Also worked for Bill Clinton. It's a nasty diet, very difficult to follow. If you start eating kale like a...
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    That's interesting. I'm going to have to read about how that works. Might be a clue as to what was going wrong.
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    My labile hypertension started the very moment I started taking cortisone. I don't know why or how, but it did. But by that point my HPA axis was already messed up and my adrenals were shot. My AM and PM cortisol were extremely low, and so we thought a little hydrocortisone would help. Nope.
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    Cortisone made me worse, a lot worse. Your adrenals will heal if you let them. Liposomal vitamin C. Lots of sleep. Don't overdo it with exercising. Unless you have Addison's disease, then that's a different story.
  9. T

    Can I build muscle with a TT in the 600s?

    I built lots of muscle with TT under 250 years ago. But my DHEAs and IGF-1 were high. I actually built less muscle once my TT got up to 1800 or so, but I got bloated, acne, etc. YMMV. I'm a weirdo.
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    I tried thiamine and mega doses of B vitamins in 2007 but for some reason actually made me worse. Maybe I was using expired stuff or it had something else in it. I can't remember.
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    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    I just sent you a DM about the doctor who I saw there.
  12. T

    Need libido/dysautonomia help please read entirely!

    TLDR; Stop panicking. Stop reading. Get a beta blocker (use Metoporol XL, name brand - generics suck). Get a good doctor to help you eventually get off the benzos later. Stay hydrated. Rest. Reduce stress. Stop working out for weeks/months. Slowly re-introduce exercise with a recumbent bike and...
  13. T

    Burning ear, flushing

    I was reading that article last night. Yeah, it seems this is more common than reported. Here's some other random facts, in case anyone else is dealing with this: 1. I noticed this flared up again after I overdosed on vitamin B3 (niacin) last year (which normally causes flushing). I guess that...
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    Burning ear, flushing

    not in my case, no pain. just the outer, upper ear. Sometimes both ears, but more often than not, just my left one.
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    Burning ear, flushing

    We're lopsided!
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    Burning ear, flushing

    Ok. Seems it might be a vasodilation thing from hormones. I just can't understand why it's mostly my left ear. Maybe I need my carotid artery looked at.
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    Burning ear, flushing

    When my serum T gets to around 400-500 or higher lately, I get a weird symptom. At night just before bed, the top of my ears get hot.. Mainly my left ear. It gets inflamed, hot and red. This lasts for an hour or two. I'm not sure if its blood sugar related, and why the heck it is mainly my left...
  18. T

    Acid reflux or something else

    Yeah, less seems like more. I'm a "super hyper metabolizer" according to 23andme. For the past 20 years or so I never did well with IM injections. I've been through it all, the gels, pellets, creams (twice), subq, IM, pills, etc. etc. and subq seems to work best for me - but I think where I...
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    Acid reflux or something else

    My supplements should be here by Tuesday. Prilosec worked last night and I could sleep, but I'm not taking it again. I don't want to get stuck taking that shit. I switched over to bottled alkaline water. My diet has been crap and I've been eating red meat every day. but was fine while off...
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    Acid reflux or something else

    My Ferritin was about 150. I just got back from 2 hours of looking for Mastic gum (any brand) and Betaine HCL, couldn't find either one at Vitamin Shoppe or anywhere else. All sold out around here. I don't know what those do exactly or the drugs, I am just in so much agony I'm trying everything...
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    Acid reflux or something else

    I have hemochromatosis and I cook with cast iron. But I might be low. I should check.
  22. T

    Acid reflux or something else

    I'm heading out now to get some Betaine HCL, Mastic Gum and Probiotics. I was going to get Omeprazole because my brother has been using 40mg of that for a decade, and he thinks it works for him. Heck, I might do all of it, and i might explode. Last night I ate a tablespoon of baking soda, drank...
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    Acid reflux or something else

    Holy shit. Sounds like H Pylori needs to be nuked to get rid of it. Maybe you have two problems going on - H Pylori and reflux. As far as the over production of acid or the relaxing of the sphincter, whatever is going on, I wonder what the connection or mechanism is with testosterone. Then I...
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    Acid reflux or something else

    I just restarted subq injections (in my stomach fat, which there seems to be a lot of), and I'm getting a side effect again that I have had off and on for the past 20 years on TRT injections: horrible acid reflux. Back in 2006 when my T was 1300+ I had to take a proton pump inhibitor, but I hate...
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    Very long term TRT (20+ years) - risk of liver cancer?

    My hematocrit never went over 55 even when my TT was over 1500 back in the day. I also have the JAK2 rs10974944 CG - which scares the shit out of me. But 25% of the population has it. That' a fantastic youtube video btw. Right now I'm dealing with twitching all over, I guess from low T since...
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    Very long term TRT (20+ years) - risk of liver cancer?

    That's interesting. I usually donate or phlebotomize only if my hematocrit is a bit over 50%, but sounds like that's probably unnecessary. I have genetic hemochromatosis, which doesn't help.
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    Very long term TRT (20+ years) - risk of liver cancer?

    That study makes more sense. When low, of course we get midsection fat and fatty liver. My enzymes go up. Now that I'm back on subq T cypionate, I just have to figure out how to keep my RBC and hematocrit in check. I hate phlebotomies - I get dizzy as hell. I suppose I'll have to do tiny...
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    Very long term TRT (20+ years) - risk of liver cancer?

    It sounds like DHT alone shouldn't cause dizziness? yeah, it could be the base or just the ups and downs. It definitely felt like blood sugar was down. it just wasn't. maybe something to do with receptors.