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Oxidative stress and food as medicine - PMC
There has been a sea of change in our understanding of the contribution of food to both our well-being and disease states. When one addresses “food as medicine,” the concept of oxidative stress needs to be included. This review interconnects the ...

But also
4. Non-dietary lifestyle factors influencing oxidative state
There are a host of other non-dietary factors that positively or negatively affect one’s oxidative state. Positive factors include, but are not limited to exercise (82), sleep (83), hydration (84), vitamin D level and mode of delivery (85), and loving relationships (86, 87). Negative lifestyle choices influence levels of toxin intake through smoking (88) and ethanol use (89), as well as prescription drug use or other substances activating the liver’s P-450 enzymes (22), psychological stress (90), severe life stressors (91), fasting (92), and other mild stressors (hormetic stress) which induce vitagenes resulting in increased endogenous antioxidants, as well as others (93).
And imo also genetics affecting both physiological and psychological stress response