This is an expectorant medicine indicated when you have difficulty expecting and there is a lot of dense and viscous secretion, such as acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and your exacerbations (worsening of the clinical picture and complications), pulmonary emphysema (chronic disease...
Here in Portugal and Italy we can buy Fluimucil 600mg (N-acetyl cysteine) really cheap without precriptions.
But it is mainly used for these problems:
This is an expectorant medicine indicated when you have difficulty expecting and there is a lot of dense and viscous secretion, such as acute...
Xanax is an S.O.S medication which only some people really need. Do yourself a favor and stay away as much as possible from that medication. It won´t take long before you hardly feel anything of 0,5mg so you need to up your dosage in order to get the same effect and there you go. And when you...
Sorry but I must comment your response a bit. How do you know what levels of testo you get after 5 weeks with 70mg/week is not beneficial? Many men do very well on that. Start slow and check your state and levels after 5 weeks and if needed tweak it up. It does make sence that after five weeks...
I´m on Escitalopram for years by now for cronic stress and anxiety problems. When I stared I told my psychiatrist about my concern reg libido etc,, and he said I could add Bupropion to counteract some side effects. That´s been my combo for years and years. I can´t tell really by now how it would...
The best you can do is draw all the testo out of the ampule inject it in vial or keep in a syring which I do. That way you can just draw and inject how often you want. I use a syring as a vial and keep in a plastic bag for sandwishes or for freezing purposes. I spray inside the bag with antibac...
-Red face (doesn’t feel flushed or hot, people just say it’s red)
- Wake up in AM with sweat around my neck but am not hot
Since I started with TRT I also have these sides.
When I used HCG I used ovitrelle it´s preloded mixed and very concentrated and it comes in a syringe. I used a 0,3ml syringe and just draw 1-2 bar from the HCG syringe. The needle that comes with the ovitrelle it is not to be used just stick you own needle in the little rubber opening and draw...
Thx! I don´t know how I could persued my doc for a test like this. Though I have hypercholesterolemia and without medication there no way in heaven I can have levels within normal range. Basically I only need to drink water to have high levels. I had a prostate scan and what the urologist could...
I was put on 20 days of antibiotics for prostate inflamation. My urologist told me not to exercise during the treatment because this antibiotic would effect muscles and tendons. I only have another appointment in 10 days thats why I would like to ask you when I can I start to exercise again, a...
Is there anyone here on this forum that uses or have used Confidall that could share something about this supplement. It seems to be godd for confidence enhancement among other benefits.
My PSA been going up from 0,6 to 5,7 in one year. Went to urologist and after examintion he said my prostate was small but has an infection. 20 days on antibiotics one more week to go.
Also prescribed me Forprost 400 flogo ( must be italian natural anti inflamatory stuff) for 30 days. He didn´t...
If a person without any TRT has, let say 1200 of TT which I believe it´s on the higher side for a mid aged person and his E2 is between 40-80. Normally he doesn´t need any AI. How come and Why? Perhaps that´s his natural levels and he is just fine with that. Maybe TRT people like myself maybe...
When I was on the "old school" protocol 250mg every third week I had a lots of anxiety the first week. Try go down to 70-80mg per week and see how you feel.
Also in Portugal it has been availble at least for 1/2 year by now. No need to buy them anylonger from India etc,,, prices are half of what the original is.
I never buy 5mg its cheaper to buy 20mg and cut them
47 cases what a joke maybe confirmed but the rest........ the effect economically no one knows yet but its going to be nasty and many countries are more worried about that than..
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