I'm confused.
in Italy it is believed that the ideal values of estradiol in men are 25-30. High levels of estradiol have side effects. I am a 54 year old man ... 5 weeks of testosterone does not make sense. logical life-long replacement therapy. you recommend 10 mg of testosterone but it is not enough to have any benefit.
your doctors are misinformed. A healthy young man in Italy or anywhere else in the world makes in between 6-7 mg of testosterone daily. You saying that 7mg of testosterone is too little doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. (10mg of testosterone enanthate or cypionate is 7mg of pure testosterone)
I’m 29. I inject 8.5 mg daily. 5.5mg comes from testosterone enanthate and 3mg comes from testoerone propionate. This puts my serum testosterone levels in between 700-1000 ng/dL on a daily basis. My shbg is in the low 30’s.
estradiol levels in between 25-30 pg/ml are only if you have normal natural testosterone levels.
If you are going to have higher than normal levels of testosterone, you must also have higher than normal levels of estradiol or you will likely show symptoms of low estradiol. Estradiol in balance is very important. If you have 1500ng/do testosterone level and 25 pg/ml estradiol level you will have probably very low sex drive, low quality erections, Terrible lipid panel, Weaker bones, less dopamine function and happiness. They have to be in balance.
a good way to start is to take your testosterone level and divide it by 20.
For example, 1000/20 = 50
Your estradiol level would likely need to be at least somewhere near 50 if you are going to have a testosterone level that high.
I make roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of the amount of estrogen that I should make. I inject 20mcg of estradiol valerate daily and it really helps me in several ways in the mental and sexual side of things.
you will find many men on this discussion board that view estrogen in this way.