From my research, estrogen regulates the pelvic floor ligaments. When I notice huge improvements in libido and orgasm, I’ll notice much of it comes from pelvic floor.
It didn’t benefit me. I remember being more social while on it than nothing at all, but that’s about it.
It’s expensive anyway. Believe Empower has a similar nasal gel.
Yes, natural labs are no TRT/clomid/HCG, etc.
I’m still not confident in sexual situations on TRT or HCG and seems like when I take a PDE-5 inhibitor, which supposedly lowers e2, I’ll have no interest in sex and joints will be clicking for a while.
I have asked Defy for a prescription of E2...
-Natesto in December-February. Switched to HCG mono in April. Added T Cyp for a month. Ran out of Cyp and switched to cream+HCG, or sometimes cream only.
-Right now I’m on HCG only as I’m running out of test and looking for a suggestion that might suit high shbg and low e2 according to labs...
Natural labs are attached.
I’m high SHBG and lower e2. E2 in these labs is 16, but also have 19.
I have been on HCG along with either Empowers T Cyp or T cream and results are disappointing. Looking for something that maybe will boost my e2 up.
Maybe Propionate, Sustanon, or Pfizer’s Depo-T?
Their client intake forms for symptoms are about 20 pages long.
It’s a lot of money for someone that can’t prescribe medicine, but I’ve seen so many traditional doctors that do nothing or don’t care
On preconsultation, he stated that I likely have blood sugar issues which causes hormones not to work.
On the intake agreements, there is only a metabolic program for $ 1,300 up front and $500/month. Seems like everyone may be forced...
That’s me. I did not ask recently, but if people want to keep answering, you don’t have to keep accusing me.
I have testicle size fluctuations on zero medications. HCG doesn’t make them become larger or stay larger.
Greetings. I spoke to an alternative medicine doctor, well he has a certification wellness through a chiropractic association, like DCNAB.
I spoke to him about brain fog, trouble focusing, hormonal problems, and he said that my symptoms sounded more like blood sugar issues or blood sugar...
Before you took Cabergoline and had the symptoms, did you have temporary or intermittent times or days where everything was normal? Or was it 24/7 lasting symptoms. Any changes with morning wood?
Your progesterone is high, and DHT is low. Too much prog. will antagonize the androgen receptor.
I feel like you should just do pelvic floor exercises and do the T cream on the scrotum. Make sure you do a lotion on the dick too. Maybe a dopamine promoter as well.
I have low salivary cortisol. It is only 0.2 when it should be around 0.6 near the top of the range. Cortisol makes a large drop midday and stays low.
I feel drained during the day/ fast heartbeat although never have to nap. When night comes I am calm and can concentrate and focus on my...
I believe DHEA is suppressed by IL-6. Mine is also low and have wanted to test IL-6.
There was another guy on here that had a huge increase with sublingual or trouche DHEA
Northwest Indiana for the past few years. Worked in Chicago’s Southside. Basically everyone hates each other and the roads and buildings are literally crumbling.
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