My HPTA recovery log: I have reversed my type 2 diabetes (SHBG 31/glucose 80) and may have never had hypogonadism!!

@Systemlord I really hope you get everything sorted out and wish you well, but sometimes I think you get in your own head too much. The mind can be a very powerful thing, which is why placebos can work and people can go through borderline miraculous healings using nothing but their mind. But with that power it can also make people sick and/or symptomatic. That along with what I would say may be a case of you associating things that aren’t related lead you to a lot of anxiety and illlness. For example you say you only produce earwax when your vitamin d is at a very specific level. Here are some of the other things you’ve claimed in this thread:

- eating steak spikes your glucose, and that eating anything with iron results in terrible symptoms of excess iron

- symptoms of vitamin d deficiency which included immune system going haywire(whatever that means) and sneezing spells

- “extreme sensitivity to salt” whatever that means that emerged suddenly after a third blood donation for whatever reason

- said that 400 ius of vitamin d resulted in this:

This amount of vitamin D causes strange symptoms. Feeling high mentally, lower back pain, strange taste in mouth, muscle pain and aches, head fullness, kind of like an headache, tooth and jaw sensations.

The 400 IU vitamin D made me a little sleepy and a little weakness. Vitamin D supplements always murders any erections that I got going on. Vitamin D shuts down my erections.

I have this abdominal pain that's constant and I strongly believe it's the higher end hemoglobin and hematocrit now that my testosterone levels are a mismatch for these blood parameters.

My last blood donation, for a couple of days my glucose was 97 fasting, I felt great, erections near perfect and workouts were amazing which only lasted for a few days. This and lowering the vitamin D and C brings about a temporary feeling amazing.

Here's an update. Basically starting vitamin D supplementation when vitamin K is low will produce symptoms similar to vitamin D toxicity, too much calcium in the blood and only one place to go, through the kidneys and into the urine.

After a 4-5 days of supplementing vitamin K I'm really starting to see big changes! Urination is returning to normal. My muscles are looking fuller and harder than they ever were on TRT. My sleep last night, I can't remember the last time I slept so well.

I eat a lot of chicken lately, more than 3 lbs per day. I have a feeling vitamin K was low way back years ago because my muscles only start growing once I start vitamin K and in years past I would have periods in the day where my muscles would get firm and then get soft, get firm and get soft.

My skin also looks smoother, younger looking. The wrinkles that had been there on my forearms for years is gone.

I'm now trying to dial in my vitamin D dosage, I got my vitamin K and magnesium dosage dialed in. It seems 420 mg magnesium together with 100 mcg vitamin K with 2000 IU D3 causes my right legs to turn red, and swell up. The left leg is a little red but not really an issue.

I strongly feel like the magnesium and vitamin D doses are too high, and since they work together, I believe their both driving this leg problem, maybe through calcium absorption being too high.

More vitamin K makes my glucose rise and I feel much worse. No matter what, whenever I get vitamin D into the 30-40 range, the red marks start appearing on my ankles.

These red marks will appear on my forehead if I lower my vitamin K dosage. That's why I believe it's calcium related.

I’m going to be doing another 24 hour calcium urine test and also test parathyroid hormone and calcium soon

I would wake up in the morning and take my 2000 units of vitamin D and my testicles would shrink up and my feet would become cold.. The need to urinate is excessive. (I would love to know by what mechanism the vitamin d immediately made your balls shrink).

There’s more going on here than just short CAG repeats, I have Tourette’s syndrome or an overactive central nervous system, ADHD and my central nervous system is extremely sensitive.

I have read that people with Tourette’s syndrome have higher testosterone than the general population, but not in my case.

My skin turns orange when my vitamin C levels get too high and I don’t feel too well when it’s starting to fall.

Elevated calcium excretion through the urine and all the classic symptoms of parathyroidism. My shoulders hurt like hell, especially when I urinate. My urine is very dark, urinary calcium is elevated and it’s difficult to urinate in the morning.

The stars are aligning for me at this point, only for the rug to be taken out from underneath me at the end of the day. I feel as if I have vitamin D deficiency at the end of the day and this was the same experience on TRT. If go back to 1800 and vitamin toxicity symptoms restart, only not as bad as when on TRT.

I take my vitamin D and within minutes I feel weak in the legs which passes after some time.

My skin on my arms turns orange if I take more than 100 mg vitamin C for 3-4 consecutive days.

It seems like my response to vitamin D is highly variable and changing day to day. I can no longer tolerate anything near 1000 IU. For two months prior I have been taking between 1800 and 2000 and always felt like it wasn’t enough.

Above 1200 units of vitamin D I feel like I’m a hyper absorbing nutrients and I feel like somebody drugged me after eating and it last for several hours.

I still have an issue going on with vitamin D. My levels are continuing to decline, 24 last time I checked while taking 1200 IU, my teeth are turning yellow, and I’m not sure what my issues are. If I take more vitamin D, I get horrible tension headaches.

My urine is very cloudy and very dark, My semen is yellow or brown. The only time it was white is when I overdosed on magnesium and I was dehydrated. My erections were amazing if only briefly. I have lots of muscle spasms, sometimes excruciatingly painful. I can’t seem to ever balance the vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium. Taking any of these separately or together causes problems.

. I feel like the vitamin K is treating the underlying medical problem and feel somewhat strange taking it.

I feel even stranger taking the magnesium. Makes me super sleepy, fatigued, and burning pains throughout my body.

Not taking any of them causes even worse problems.

Damn, I’m iron deficient again. I’ve been feeling different the last month. It as if I lost my glycemic control overnight and became freezing cold, developed a chronic cough in my veins got really small.

Now that I start started iron supplements, my veins are big, cough is disappearing, and glycemic control is coming back and I’m no longer freezing cold.

Now my ferritin is over the range. Truly I’m the Ironman. I have symptoms. Elevated heart rate from taking vitamin D @1200 units and if I drop into a deficiency my heart rate drops to the 60’s. I have a constant chronic cough that won’t go away, weakness and feeling cold,

All of these symptoms are triggered from taking the vitamin D. The chronic cough, coldness and weakness remain even if my vitamin D drops low.

When I take vitamin K, it doesn’t feel like the right move. I always feel weird when I take it, same with magnesium. Vitamin K is always at the bottom of the range. Magnesium suppresses my breathing

High ferritin can cause inflammation in the airways. vitamin D always causes abdominal cramping and muscle spasms. Early December I lost a degree of glycemic control overnight and then these symptoms started.

My erections have always been negatively affected going above a vitamin D level of 25. I only produce earwax when my vitamin D levels are at this level. My erectile function takes a shit when I push my levels near 30.

And that’s just a small fraction of the roller coaster you’ve been on. I kind of get the impression that the harder you chase things the worse it gets, and at least some of that is due to you being in your own head too much.
I hope I sort this out too. My SHBG continues to climb even with worsening glycemic control. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.

You forgot one thing. More vitamin D makes my diabetes worse.
The extreme salt sensitivity is gone.

That was the wrong assumption. This morning I found out the opposite was true.

That’s one of the things I’m saying…. you are assuming a lot of things and connecting dots that probably or most definitely aren’t connected. I don’t see how your vitamin d levels are affecting your ear wax, or how a vitamin c drop turns your arms orange. Or how you managed to get rid of your forearm wrinkles with whatever supplement you attributed it to.

And those are just the obvious ones. Sometimes it seems you’re so wrapped up in your head that you’re chasing 17 moving targets at the same time. Like I said earlier, the mind can be a powerful thing both with regard to healing and causing symptoms. Perhaps there is a mental aspect to some of the problems.
Perhaps there is a mental aspect to some of the problems.
Sorry, no mental issues here. If you were to ask my friends and co-workers, they would say I'm a happy funny guy. I make them laugh all the time.

The over range ferritin isn't mental. I didn't have some of these same issues when my ferritin was in the low 200's. These issues (chronic cough) started early December. I'm about to reduce my vitamin C dose or stop it altogether since every morning I feel strange when I take it.

I took my supplements one by one to see if any could be causing my issues.

My thinking, too much vitamin C & D= high ferritin. I'm very sensitive to vitamin C among other things. Above 100 mg and after eating something with iron rich foods, I feel very strange. The same thing occurs above 1200 IU vitamin D.
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Sorry, no mental issues here. If you were to ask my friends and co-workers, they would say I'm a happy funny guy. I make them laugh all the time.

The over range ferritin isn't mental. I didn't have some of these same issues when my ferritin was in the low 200's. These issues (chronic cough) started early December. I'm about to reduce my vitamin C dose or stop it altogether since every morning I feel strange when I take it.

I took my supplements one by one to see if any could be causing my issues.

My thinking, too much vitamin C & D= high ferritin. I'm very sensitive to vitamin C among other things. Above 100 mg and after eating something with iron rich foods, I feel very strange. The same thing occurs above 1200 IU vitamin D.
I’m not trying to say anything about your character or happiness. People can be funny, happy, and awesome yet still have issues with their thinking. Actually, I’d say pretty much everyone has issues with their thinking at various points in their life.

You say you’ve tried things one at a time to see what causes the issues, yet you still don’t know what it is. And you also make claims like your vitamin d levels affect your ear wax or that vitamin c makes your arms turn red. If you can explain the mechanisms that causes those things I’d be interested to hear your thoughts. You are also quick to say whatever you add has made things a lot better, only to quickly return to saying things are just as bad(or worse) a few days or weeks later. That is another aspect that makes me consider the placebo/nocebo affect may be at play here. And I’m not saying there isn’t some type of underlying issue that could be causing problems for you. What I’m saying is that it’s possible your over-analysis and fixation on every aspect is compounding the problem. Again, the mind can be a very powerful thing when it comes to healing symptoms and causing issues. I just think in your situation it could be making things worse. And I don’t say that with any intention of insinuating anything negative about your character. In my time here you’ve always seemed like a good poster and nice addition to the site. Just offering my thoughts since you seem to continue to struggle to find consistent symptom resolution.
@Systemlord I really hope you get everything sorted out and wish you well, but sometimes I think you get in your own head too much. The mind can be a very powerful thing, which is why placebos can work and people can go through borderline miraculous healings using nothing but their mind. But with that power it can also make people sick and/or symptomatic. That along with what I would say may be a case of you associating things that aren’t related lead you to a lot of anxiety and illlness. For example you say you only produce earwax when your vitamin d is at a very specific level. Here are some of the other things you’ve claimed in this thread:

- eating steak spikes your glucose, and that eating anything with iron results in terrible symptoms of excess iron

- symptoms of vitamin d deficiency which included immune system going haywire(whatever that means) and sneezing spells

- “extreme sensitivity to salt” whatever that means that emerged suddenly after a third blood donation for whatever reason

- said that 400 ius of vitamin d resulted in this:

This amount of vitamin D causes strange symptoms. Feeling high mentally, lower back pain, strange taste in mouth, muscle pain and aches, head fullness, kind of like an headache, tooth and jaw sensations.

The 400 IU vitamin D made me a little sleepy and a little weakness. Vitamin D supplements always murders any erections that I got going on. Vitamin D shuts down my erections.

I have this abdominal pain that's constant and I strongly believe it's the higher end hemoglobin and hematocrit now that my testosterone levels are a mismatch for these blood parameters.

My last blood donation, for a couple of days my glucose was 97 fasting, I felt great, erections near perfect and workouts were amazing which only lasted for a few days. This and lowering the vitamin D and C brings about a temporary feeling amazing.

Here's an update. Basically starting vitamin D supplementation when vitamin K is low will produce symptoms similar to vitamin D toxicity, too much calcium in the blood and only one place to go, through the kidneys and into the urine.

After a 4-5 days of supplementing vitamin K I'm really starting to see big changes! Urination is returning to normal. My muscles are looking fuller and harder than they ever were on TRT. My sleep last night, I can't remember the last time I slept so well.

I eat a lot of chicken lately, more than 3 lbs per day. I have a feeling vitamin K was low way back years ago because my muscles only start growing once I start vitamin K and in years past I would have periods in the day where my muscles would get firm and then get soft, get firm and get soft.

My skin also looks smoother, younger looking. The wrinkles that had been there on my forearms for years is gone.

I'm now trying to dial in my vitamin D dosage, I got my vitamin K and magnesium dosage dialed in. It seems 420 mg magnesium together with 100 mcg vitamin K with 2000 IU D3 causes my right legs to turn red, and swell up. The left leg is a little red but not really an issue.

I strongly feel like the magnesium and vitamin D doses are too high, and since they work together, I believe their both driving this leg problem, maybe through calcium absorption being too high.

More vitamin K makes my glucose rise and I feel much worse. No matter what, whenever I get vitamin D into the 30-40 range, the red marks start appearing on my ankles.

These red marks will appear on my forehead if I lower my vitamin K dosage. That's why I believe it's calcium related.

I’m going to be doing another 24 hour calcium urine test and also test parathyroid hormone and calcium soon

I would wake up in the morning and take my 2000 units of vitamin D and my testicles would shrink up and my feet would become cold.. The need to urinate is excessive. (I would love to know by what mechanism the vitamin d immediately made your balls shrink).

There’s more going on here than just short CAG repeats, I have Tourette’s syndrome or an overactive central nervous system, ADHD and my central nervous system is extremely sensitive.

I have read that people with Tourette’s syndrome have higher testosterone than the general population, but not in my case.

My skin turns orange when my vitamin C levels get too high and I don’t feel too well when it’s starting to fall.

Elevated calcium excretion through the urine and all the classic symptoms of parathyroidism. My shoulders hurt like hell, especially when I urinate. My urine is very dark, urinary calcium is elevated and it’s difficult to urinate in the morning.

The stars are aligning for me at this point, only for the rug to be taken out from underneath me at the end of the day. I feel as if I have vitamin D deficiency at the end of the day and this was the same experience on TRT. If go back to 1800 and vitamin toxicity symptoms restart, only not as bad as when on TRT.

I take my vitamin D and within minutes I feel weak in the legs which passes after some time.

My skin on my arms turns orange if I take more than 100 mg vitamin C for 3-4 consecutive days.

It seems like my response to vitamin D is highly variable and changing day to day. I can no longer tolerate anything near 1000 IU. For two months prior I have been taking between 1800 and 2000 and always felt like it wasn’t enough.

Above 1200 units of vitamin D I feel like I’m a hyper absorbing nutrients and I feel like somebody drugged me after eating and it last for several hours.

I still have an issue going on with vitamin D. My levels are continuing to decline, 24 last time I checked while taking 1200 IU, my teeth are turning yellow, and I’m not sure what my issues are. If I take more vitamin D, I get horrible tension headaches.

My urine is very cloudy and very dark, My semen is yellow or brown. The only time it was white is when I overdosed on magnesium and I was dehydrated. My erections were amazing if only briefly. I have lots of muscle spasms, sometimes excruciatingly painful. I can’t seem to ever balance the vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium. Taking any of these separately or together causes problems.

. I feel like the vitamin K is treating the underlying medical problem and feel somewhat strange taking it.

I feel even stranger taking the magnesium. Makes me super sleepy, fatigued, and burning pains throughout my body.

Not taking any of them causes even worse problems.

Damn, I’m iron deficient again. I’ve been feeling different the last month. It as if I lost my glycemic control overnight and became freezing cold, developed a chronic cough in my veins got really small.

Now that I start started iron supplements, my veins are big, cough is disappearing, and glycemic control is coming back and I’m no longer freezing cold.

Now my ferritin is over the range. Truly I’m the Ironman. I have symptoms. Elevated heart rate from taking vitamin D @1200 units and if I drop into a deficiency my heart rate drops to the 60’s. I have a constant chronic cough that won’t go away, weakness and feeling cold,

All of these symptoms are triggered from taking the vitamin D. The chronic cough, coldness and weakness remain even if my vitamin D drops low.

When I take vitamin K, it doesn’t feel like the right move. I always feel weird when I take it, same with magnesium. Vitamin K is always at the bottom of the range. Magnesium suppresses my breathing

High ferritin can cause inflammation in the airways. vitamin D always causes abdominal cramping and muscle spasms. Early December I lost a degree of glycemic control overnight and then these symptoms started.

My erections have always been negatively affected going above a vitamin D level of 25. I only produce earwax when my vitamin D levels are at this level. My erectile function takes a shit when I push my levels near 30.

And that’s just a small fraction of the roller coaster you’ve been on. I kind of get the impression that the harder you chase things the worse it gets, and at least some of that is due to you being in your own head too much.
He's the definition of a hypochondriac.
Well, I said I’d figure it out and I figured it out. I just didn’t think it happened this fast. I tested my vitamin D and vitamin C today and my vitamin C was well above the normal ranges. I mean, I knew vitamin D helps you absorb vitamin B12, calcium, iron, etc, I just didn’t know it helped you absorb vitamin C.

I had massive problems taking 100 mg of vitamin C and 1200 units of vitamin D just yesterday. So today I took 90 mg of vitamin C and 2000 unit of vitamin D and I didn’t have any problems all day until I took an additional 1000 IU D3 in the late evening and the symptoms returned immediately.

I had so much freaking energy today until I took that extra vitamin D, I can only imagine what tomorrow holds after removing vitamin C from the equation. Even my erections were more active.

So tomorrow I’m going to take 5000 units of vitamin D and not take vitamin C at all.

So it would seem the more vitamin D I take, my vitamin C requirements go down.

This incorrect ratio of vitamin D to vitamin C is causing massive electrolyte imbalances as shown in my 24 hour urine sample,. I’m dumping creatine and calcium and over absorbing iron.
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Here’s my hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Well, I said I’d figure it out and I figured it out. I just didn’t think it happened this fast. I tested my vitamin D and vitamin C today and my vitamin C was well above the normal ranges. I mean, I knew vitamin D helps you absorb vitamin B12, calcium, iron, etc, I just didn’t know it helped you absorb vitamin C.

I had massive problems taking 100 mg of vitamin C and 1200 units of vitamin D just yesterday. So today I took 90 mg of vitamin C and 2000 unit of vitamin D and I didn’t have any problems all day until I took an additional 1000 IU D3 in the late evening and the symptoms returned immediately.

I had so much freaking energy today until I took that extra vitamin D, I can only imagine what tomorrow holds after removing vitamin C from the equation. Even my erections were more active.

So tomorrow I’m going to take 5000 units of vitamin D and not take vitamin C at all.

So it would seem the more vitamin D I take, my vitamin C requirements go down.

This incorrect ratio of vitamin D to vitamin C is causing massive electrolyte imbalances as shown in my 24 hour urine sample,. I’m dumping creatine and calcium and over absorbing iron.
What makes you think vitamin D levels affect vitamin C absorption?

What makes you think that an “improper ratio” of vitamin D/vitamin C causes electrolyte imbalances?
What makes you think vitamin D levels affect vitamin C absorption?

What makes you think that an “improper ratio” of vitamin D/vitamin C causes electrolyte imbalances?
The results speak for themselves. The combination of vitamin D and vitamin C both help absorb iron. An over absorption of iron can lead to high urinary calcium.
The results speak for themselves. The combination of vitamin D and vitamin C both help absorb iron. An over absorption of iron can lead to high urinary calcium.
Yes, high levels of vitamin D can lead to high urinary calcium, and it may indirectly increase iron absorption …but again what makes you think vitamin D helps with bioavailability of vitamin C? Also, your response was to drop the vitamin C and drastically increase vitamin D(going from 1,200 to 5,000 daily). Being a fat soluble vitamin, vitamin D is not like the water soluble vitamins(one of which is vitamin C). Because of this the body does not just excrete excess vitamin D like it would with a water soluble vitamin. So your levels will continue to go up for quite a while.

This is a good example of what I was suggesting earlier, that you are connecting dots that aren’t really connected and/or drawing the wrong conclusions because you are so determined to be able to attribute every single symptom or experience to some type of issue with various bodily functions. If it was vitamin D that is leading to the high urinary calcium(not saying it is because it could be all types of things), then you’d actually need to stop vitamin d supplementation for AT LEAST a few weeks to allow levels to drop. Instead you are increasing your dose by 400%.

You also say this:

I didn’t have any problems all day until I took an additional 1000 IU D3 in the late evening and the symptoms returned immediately.

I had so much freaking energy today until I took that extra vitamin D, I can only imagine what tomorrow holds after removing vitamin C from the equation. Even my erections were more active.

I can’t think of any mechanism(other than the placebo affect) by which taking vitamin d would immediately lead to these symptoms:

Feeling high mentally, lower back pain, strange taste in mouth, muscle pain and aches, head fullness, kind of like an headache, tooth and jaw sensations.

Actually, I can’t think of any mechanism by which it would cause those symptoms at all, much less immediately. You’ve also stated that your response to vitamin D varies wildly from day to day. That’s not how vitamin D(or pretty much anything else) works. However, that is how a mental response to something could be.
The results speak for themselves. The combination of vitamin D and vitamin C both help absorb iron. An over absorption of iron can lead to high urinary calcium.
What results? Middle of the road hemoglobin and hematocrit?

You won't ever find what you're looking for, because you nocebo yourself with a new misguided, make belief theory every day.

Are you married? If so, just eat a regular diet and have your wife give you your d3, vitamin c etc randomly without you knowing what you took. It will take a few days for you to realize that this is all in your head.

Please read this. This is a rollercoaster which, despite being quite entertaining, is getting harder to read. A Problem with Nocebo and Falsifiability
@Systemlord I really hope you get everything sorted out
I found consistency for more than a week. I woke up one morning and took my supplements one by one to determine which ones were causing the issues.

I first took the 500 mg of potassium. Nothing happened. Then I took the vitamin D and I felt a little weird after taking it. Then I took my vitamin C and felt fucked up as I got in the shower.

I lower the dose of vitamin C and found that the symptoms remain even at 10 mg, yeah insane I know, and the symptoms only stopped once I ceased all vitamin C supplementation.

I then decreased my vitamin D until I got to 400 IU. The symptoms still remained, muscle spasms numbness in my muscles and extremities. I stopped all vitamin D supplementation, and the symptoms are continuing to decline.

My resting heart rate is declining and my energy levels are going up.

I fully expect my over the range ferritin levels to drop now.

I’m a sensitive MF’er!
Since stopping the vitamin C and D, no vitamin C in my diet, and consuming foods with vitamin D (eggs), today at the gym my strength is approaching near TRT levels. My energy levels are going up, sleep is great and I feel good mentally and at times I feel out of this world unlike I've ever felt.

It comes and goes.

Since stopping vitamin D my weight has gone up a little near the same weight as on TRT and at the same time muscle are stronger and looking bigger and fuller.

I can't tolerate potassium anymore, I feel weird after taking it, a bad headache. I'm on zero supplements.

I'll be checking fertility soon.

I'm a man with options, wink wink.

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