How to improve penile sensitivity?

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Things that might help increase penis sensitivity by a compensatory boosting of the nervous system:

  1. oral DHEA (unclear mechanism)
  2. oral Huperzine-A 200-400 micrograms 1.5 hours before sex on empty stomach (increases Acetylcholine, toxic in higher doses)
  3. dopamine agonist pramipexole
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After starting TRT, I noticed I was losing my erections quicker than usual. I couldn't make it through a session. ...
In my experience, using too much testosterone can reduce sensitivity. You might try experimenting with doses that are more physiologically realistic. If I'm interpreting your previous statements correctly, you had been on 140 mg of testosterone cypionate per week, and have reduced to 120 mg. These doses are giving you about double the testosterone the average healthy young guy produces naturally. This is reflected in your lab work, with total testosterone of 1,219 ng/dL approaching double the average. If this is a trough measurement then the peaks could be more like 1,500-2,000.

In your place I would drop to 70 mg TC per week split into at least two doses. I'd expect some withdrawal symptoms, but would try to give things at least 12 weeks to settle down. Athletic performance may not be quite a good as at the higher doses, but I'd hope for overall health and wellbeing to improve as testosterone returns to more natural levels.

Read what others have said about less being better. I include a list below, but here's the quote most relevant to this thread:

I experienced this "dead wood" penis insensitivity on and off for a long time while on dosages around 100 mgs per week of T. When I lowered the dose down to 60-70 mgs, sexual sensitivity improved considerably. Erectile function is also more responsive and reliable.
At first I felt the effects of low T for some time. Over a period of months this corrected itself and I feel much better all round.
I had tried this before, but given the "low t' effect, I resumed the higher doses thinking, my dose was too low. This time I persisted and gave it more time for my body to adjust.
How important this was!
Too much testosterone is not a good thing, especially for your penis.

In my experience, using too much testosterone can reduce sensitivity. You might try experimenting with doses that are more physiologically realistic. If I'm interpreting your previous statements correctly, you had been on 140 mg of testosterone cypionate per week, and have reduced to 120 mg. These doses are giving you about double the testosterone the average healthy young guy produces naturally. This is reflected in your lab work, with total testosterone of 1,219 ng/dL approaching double the average. If this is a trough measurement then the peaks could be more like 1,500-2,000.

In your place I would drop to 70 mg TC per week split into at least two doses. I'd expect some withdrawal symptoms, but would try to give things at least 12 weeks to settle down. Athletic performance may not be quite a good as at the higher doses, but I'd hope for overall health and wellbeing to improve as testosterone returns to more natural levels.

Read what others have said about less being better. I include a list below, but here's the quote most relevant to this thread:

I experienced this "dead wood" penis insensitivity on and off for a long time while on dosages around 100 mgs per week of T. When I lowered the dose down to 60-70 mgs, sexual sensitivity improved considerably. Erectile function is also more responsive and reliable.
At first I felt the effects of low T for some time. Over a period of months this corrected itself and I feel much better all round.
I had tried this before, but given the "low t' effect, I resumed the higher doses thinking, my dose was too low. This time I persisted and gave it more time for my body to adjust.
How important this was!
Too much testosterone is not a good thing, especially for your penis.

Thank you for sending those -- I will read through them. When I started this journey a few years ago, my T level was 500, E was 25, and my SHBG was 45. There are times where I wonder if I really needed to start TRT or not, but I'm in it now. Maybe a target of 800 would be more what I should be shooting for instead of where I am now. I'll read these over and talk to my doctor. He *loves* it when I do my own research. (sarcasm)
... When I started this journey a few years ago, my T level was 500, E was 25, and my SHBG was 45. There are times where I wonder if I really needed to start TRT or not, but I'm in it now. ...
These are borderline numbers. Vermeulen calculated free testosterone is near the bottom of the normal range. Some guys will have trouble here, others won't. At this point I wouldn't worry too much about it—though if you want you could retreat to TRT lite, by which I'm referring to fast acting testosterone products, such as nasal gel or troches. These cause less hormonal disruption and fewer side effects than conventional TRT.

... Maybe a target of 800 would be more what I should be shooting for instead of where I am now....
A total testosterone target of 800 ng/dL would be appropriate if your SHBG is still 45 nMol/L. However, it's likely that SHBG has declined due to TRT. Instead, shoot for a Vermeulen calculated free testosterone of 15 ng/dL or a little higher. This is around average for healthy young guys. I've argued that average is a good place to be when we don't know what's optimal. The reasoning is that nature has already selected average as the best place to be for reproductive success—and historically reproductive success correlates with overall success in life.

This could seem counterintuitive, because we're used to thinking that higher extremes are better, as in test results and sports scores. But biology is a little different. Consider physical attractiveness. You might think that somebody with remarkable beauty would have more extreme features. But it turns out the opposite is true. The ones judged most attractive tend to have overall features closer to average. More extreme features, such as a face that's too wide or too narrow, are innately considered red flags for dubious genetic fitness. Thus extremes in biology are generally not a good thing. This applies to hormones of course, where high or low levels are often associated with higher mortality.
A total testosterone target of 800 ng/dL would be appropriate if your SHBG is still 45 nMol/L. However, it's likely that SHBG has declined due to TRT. Instead, shoot for a Vermeulen calculated free testosterone of 15 ng/dL or a little higher. This is around average for healthy young guys. I've argued that average is a good place to be when we don't know what's optimal. The reasoning is that nature has already selected average as the best place to be for reproductive success—and historically reproductive success correlates with overall success in life.

SHBG last test (before lowering my dose) was 37.3 with T at 1219.
SHBG last test (before lowering my dose) was 37.3 with T at 1219.
Vermeulen free testosterone is about 29 ng/dL, so basically double the average, and well over the normal range. And this is a pre-injection trough? With this SHBG you'd get healthy normal free testosterone when total testosterone is low-to-mid 700s ng/dL.
Vermeulen free testosterone is about 29 ng/dL, so basically double the average, and well over the normal range. And this is a pre-injection trough? With this SHBG you'd get healthy normal free testosterone when total testosterone is low-to-mid 700s ng/dL.
Yes -- I inject twice a week and these numbers were right before my second shot.
My penile sensitivity goes up when, in no particular order:

  1. My free t is lower
  2. My E2 is higher (right now it’s around 79)
  3. I have more T4 in my system (in my case from levothyroxine)
  4. I have smaller T3 hits throughout the morning (6.25-12.5mcg of liothyronine up to 31ishmcg total or more)
  5. I use something like ashwagandha at night when I’m on T4 to dramatically increase T4 conversion (3.4 free T3 to a 4.6 kind of difference)
  6. It’s been longer since I’ve ejaculated
Have you noticed with your T3 dosing that a larger dose all at once reduces erectile function and/or libido and sensitivity?

For example, if you were to take 25mcg of cytomel at once, does it help or hinder in that regard?

I take 50mcg cytomel daily dosed at 25, 12.5, 12.5 and have, on occasion, noticed that I get a libido spike in the late afternoon as my morning dose is waning. This has also happened when I’ve missed a dose.

A thought I had was perhaps the larger dose of T3 all at once was over-driving the sympathetic nervous system thus decreasing erectile function and sensitivity.

Cytomel has also raised my SHBG to top of range which could be eating up too much of my free E2 and maybe that is part of the problem. I have no idea how fast SHBG raises or lowers in regard to T3 dosing.
Before starting a trial of TRT ruffly 3 months ago I had around 450TT, 58 SHBG and barely in range cFT something like 0.25 in range 0.2-0.65 by UK NHS IIRC. Don't remember correct measurement units but it's not the point of my post. Had good libido, good erections, morning wood was coming back as well. Mind you I was too lean for too long before and that crashed my lbido and erections badly. So just goes to show that for me even a borderline low, barely in range cFT was was not the issue to have libido, erection or penile sensivity problems. Started TRT purely to see what an increase in FT would feel like. I'm just about to have my first labs in a couple of days and will make a post with results and how I've been feeling overall. FWIW my dose is 100mg split E3.5D
Levitra (vardenafil) is the best when it comes to side effects. It has a shorter half-life than Cialis. I would take it before bed to maximize morning time erections which nature created to heal and clean up erectile tissue. Once we lose the ability to have morning time (sleep induced) erections, fibrosis increases in the penis which affects blood flow and erectile quality.

Ed drugs also make my sensitivity increase. Another thing I have noticed is that my testicles also feel fuller and hang lower, specially in combination with HCG+TRT.
Ok I’ve been on testosterone only for years. The last year I’ve lost almost all nighttime erections. My sensitively and erections aren’t good ever. I use trimix to have sex. I’d love some help.
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