However, note it's serum ferritin, not tissue ferritin, but yes. This is why I measure mine monthly, to make sure what my level is is real and not anomalous. I know not everyone wants to do a monthly test but that's just how I go about it.I just found an interesting article about ferritin fluctuations during the day
How Ferritin Fluctuates Through The Day & Why It Matters
It says "The levels of ferritin can go up several-fold in response to stress and infections or inflammatory states" and that is TRUE, however, it's actual hemosiderin in hepatocytes, so if one can supplement iron when the inflammation drops, that ferritin level will actually stay in place. We are seeing it in men with high hemoglobin levels (like 17+) after Covid.
This explains the inflammation ferritin, it's a piece I wrote for my own FB group on iron disorders.