Recent content by stx359

  1. S

    Storing Trimix

    Hi Rick- I've been using this for a few years now successfully with zero cases of priapism. On the first injection I can see the benefit of going to the doc for the first one if you are unsure which it sounds like you aren't. That first injection is pretty scary but it gets routine quickly...
  2. S

    Injecting Testosterone Propionate on a Daily Basis

    Interesting old thread. It looks like this was deemed an ineffective protocol for men with low SHBG. Conversely, for myself, a high SHBG guy (typically in the 40's) daily prop cured every issue I had with test cyp, which I tried weekly, twice weekly and daily. I dealt with terrible acne...
  3. S

    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    I understand people who make their living in fitness and/or sports pushing the limits because that's how they pay the bills. That being said, internet personalities aren't known for being 100% forthcoming. How do you know Efferding's true health status? My TRT journey began at 200 mg weekly...
  4. S

    As of today I am involuntarily off of TRT - Thanks Empower

    After many attempts and many hours on hold I finally got an operator to answer my call and refill my prescription on April 4th, but she said shipping times are 7 to 10 days. I immediately started taking half doses. Today I eked out my last few milligrams of test prop out of the vial. Its day...
  5. S

    Issues with Empower Pharmacy

    I finally spoke with an Empower operator after 2 hours and 15 minutes on hold. She told me that they still needed more information for the refill request from my doctor - for a years old unchanged prescription. Of course my doctor has tried to provide that and can't contact them either which I...
  6. S

    Issues with Empower Pharmacy

    I have had enough. I have had the same testosterone proprionate prescription with Empower for a couple of years now. For some reason on this refill the tech decided the prescription did not contain "enough information" even though it has been the same for countless refills. My doctor can't...
  7. S

    Testosterone Proprionate Availability after Empower Move

    Thank you so much I will contact them on Monday.
  8. S

    Testosterone Proprionate Availability after Empower Move

    Yes what Empower told me was that the state of California had not inspected the facility yet and would not allow for prescriptions to be sent to there until they did. I did not hear that about any other state.
  9. S

    Testosterone Proprionate Availability after Empower Move

    With Empower having moved to a new facility California patients will not be able to fill prescriptions until the licensing process is complete - and there is no timeline for that last I checked. I was wondering what other compounding pharmacies can fill test prop prescriptions for Californians...
  10. S

    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    I am curious if this can be mitigated by needle size, dose or injection location. I use a 28 gauge half inch needle but propionate is so much less viscous than cypionate that I wonder if a 30 gauge would work. The dose of propionate is twice the volume of cyp as it is 100mg/ml, so as is often...
  11. S

    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    Thanks for your concern. I have a fresh vial and I will switch to that and see what happens. My current vial I have had for a few months and I had no reactions until recently so your contamination theory is definitely plausible.
  12. S

    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    The test prop is from Empower pharmacy.
  13. S

    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    I've been using 15 mg of test prop daily for a few weeks now. I rotate between six injection sites. Lab values are right where I want them to be. I am kind of a stoic so I tend to ignore side effects but I finally realized yesterday that all six of my injection sites are achy and/or inflamed...
  14. S

    Official Natesto Thread

    No I am not currently on this regimen. I even made a second attempt at it, this time in conjunction with Cataceous' HPTA restart protocol, which was successful, but the Natesto was not. My trough numbers were absurdly low, in the 200's, and even my sensitive E2 came back 14 which I don't...
  15. S

    Restart protocol

    This is not necessarily true. If you search some of Cataceous' posts on here you will see a lot of the research around stimulating upstream hormone production and overcoming the negative feedback loop at the hypothalamus. I was inspired by his curiosity and attempted a restart at age 51 after...