I appreciate your points, and I understand the limitations of those studies. I wasn't trying to claim that arimidex is dropping guys progesterone levels in half. I was suggesting that the side effect's associated with low doses - which are attributed to a reduction in estrogen, despite serum...
Anecdotally, I always got bone and joint pain when taking an ai.
I'm currently off TRT right now and my estradiol is rather low, yet I have zero joint pain. Here are what my last set of bloods looked like:
Testosterone: 18.2 nmol/L (500 ng/dL) (Range: 8.6 - 29 nmol/L)
Estradiol: 55 pmol/L...
First generation ai's do cause more supression of upstream hormone production, mainly because they inhibit the conversion of cholesterol -> preg, and thus the entire steroid hormone cascade. Third generation ai's don't have this effect, but they do seem to effect progesterone significantly...
Most people don't understand that AI's aren't selective to solely aromatase.
The enzymes in the steroid hormone cascade all belong to the same family. As a result, any substance that inhibits one will have an effect on another, albeit to a lesser degree. You can see this in the hormones...
It's caused by a poor progesterone:estrogen ratio. This isn't something that can be assessed using serum estradiol, as estradiol is not an endocrine, but a paracrine hormone. This means that is is produced and used in it's tissue of origin, meaning serum values are largely useless.
What do her thyroid labs look like? Progesterone, Cortisol, Estradiol, Estrone Sulfate and Cholesterol would be helpful, too.
I guarantee she has a thyroid issue, as is the case in all women with PCOS. This often goes unnoticed because the problem isn't always with the absolute amount of...
Not sure why this post was renamed to HPTA recovery log. The point of this log is actually the exact opposite: to document my progress restarting TRT and fixing adrenals.
I agree, it's vastly ineffective for the majority of people. it was never the long term plan, I just wanted to see if it'd improve my poor adrenal function since various studies show LH is important for adrenal steroidogenesis. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect.
Do you think Adrenal Cortex Extract could achieve the same or similar? Interesting you mention Dr. Mariano, i see him mentioned everywhere yet I can't find any content from him directly online. Does he have any resources you could point me towards?
I already know the same would happen to me if...
Do you have a source for this? I see it claimed a lot, especially by stop the thyroid madness, yet I've never seen and cannot find a paper demonstrating it. Not suggesting it isn't true - just genuinely curious.
Have you found your ability to tolerate thyroid increase with adrenal support via HC supplementation? When you tried T3 in the past, what happened? Anxiety, palpitations, nervousness etc?
After a week of ~5mg transdermal progesterone I've had to stop due to vascular issues. In the past whenever I've taken pregnenolone it's always caused my veins to swell, bulge and expand, permanently changing their appearance even after discontinuation - seems to be the start of varicose veins...
Hello everyone.
Following my failed attempt at restarting my natural testosterone production, I'm back on HRT in the form of 500iu HCG 3x p/w.
Current issues:
Always cold, especially extremities
Absent Libido...