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  1. P

    Arimidex - Pain Caused by Crashing E2 or Another Reason?

    I appreciate your points, and I understand the limitations of those studies. I wasn't trying to claim that arimidex is dropping guys progesterone levels in half. I was suggesting that the side effect's associated with low doses - which are attributed to a reduction in estrogen, despite serum...
  2. P

    Arimidex - Pain Caused by Crashing E2 or Another Reason?

    Anecdotally, I always got bone and joint pain when taking an ai. I'm currently off TRT right now and my estradiol is rather low, yet I have zero joint pain. Here are what my last set of bloods looked like: Testosterone: 18.2 nmol/L (500 ng/dL) (Range: 8.6 - 29 nmol/L) Estradiol: 55 pmol/L...
  3. P

    Arimidex - Pain Caused by Crashing E2 or Another Reason?

    First generation ai's do cause more supression of upstream hormone production, mainly because they inhibit the conversion of cholesterol -> preg, and thus the entire steroid hormone cascade. Third generation ai's don't have this effect, but they do seem to effect progesterone significantly...
  4. P

    Arimidex - Pain Caused by Crashing E2 or Another Reason?

    Most people don't understand that AI's aren't selective to solely aromatase. The enzymes in the steroid hormone cascade all belong to the same family. As a result, any substance that inhibits one will have an effect on another, albeit to a lesser degree. You can see this in the hormones...
  5. P

    Water Retention and Rapid Weight Gain Caused by Testosterone

    It's caused by a poor progesterone:estrogen ratio. This isn't something that can be assessed using serum estradiol, as estradiol is not an endocrine, but a paracrine hormone. This means that is is produced and used in it's tissue of origin, meaning serum values are largely useless. Jefcoate...
  6. P

    My daughter has PCO and high DHEAS and testosterone . Advise please

    What do her thyroid labs look like? Progesterone, Cortisol, Estradiol, Estrone Sulfate and Cholesterol would be helpful, too. I guarantee she has a thyroid issue, as is the case in all women with PCOS. This often goes unnoticed because the problem isn't always with the absolute amount of...
  7. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    I think it's due to my digestive issues, which I believe are a product of hypothyroidism and low adrenal function. I'll be retesting next week.
  8. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    Not sure why this post was renamed to HPTA recovery log. The point of this log is actually the exact opposite: to document my progress restarting TRT and fixing adrenals.
  9. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    I agree, it's vastly ineffective for the majority of people. it was never the long term plan, I just wanted to see if it'd improve my poor adrenal function since various studies show LH is important for adrenal steroidogenesis. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect.
  10. P

    Help me create a Hydrocortisone treatment

    Do you think Adrenal Cortex Extract could achieve the same or similar? Interesting you mention Dr. Mariano, i see him mentioned everywhere yet I can't find any content from him directly online. Does he have any resources you could point me towards? I already know the same would happen to me if...
  11. P

    Is there any reason someone would NEED hcg on a trt program?

    Do you have a source for this? I see it claimed a lot, especially by stop the thyroid madness, yet I've never seen and cannot find a paper demonstrating it. Not suggesting it isn't true - just genuinely curious.
  12. P

    Help me create a Hydrocortisone treatment

    Have you found your ability to tolerate thyroid increase with adrenal support via HC supplementation? When you tried T3 in the past, what happened? Anxiety, palpitations, nervousness etc?
  13. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    After a week of ~5mg transdermal progesterone I've had to stop due to vascular issues. In the past whenever I've taken pregnenolone it's always caused my veins to swell, bulge and expand, permanently changing their appearance even after discontinuation - seems to be the start of varicose veins...
  14. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    Hello everyone. Following my failed attempt at restarting my natural testosterone production, I'm back on HRT in the form of 500iu HCG 3x p/w. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current issues: Always cold, especially extremities Absent Libido...
  15. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    This thread has gotten quite long, and now extends well beyond the 'restart log' that it was intended to be. I'm going to call the restart a failure, close the thread and start a new one for my current HRT related issues. Thanks to everyone who chimed in along the way - it was an interesting 8...
  16. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I'm aware everyone with bad oral care clams this, but I do genuinely take great care of my teeth. I brush 2-3 times per day without fail, floss every other night and regularly use mouthwash. The only sugary / acided food I consume are drank with a straw. I have noticed quite severe dry mouth...
  17. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    High doses of pregnenolone have never made a difference to my progesterone levels - this was verified over various different blood tests. It also gave me varicose veins.
  18. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Hello everyone, back with another update. Cholesterol Total Cholesterol 3.72 mmol/L (Range: 0 - 5) LDL Cholesterol 2.28 mmol/L (Range: < 3) Non HDL Cholesterol 2.71 mmol/L (Range: < 4) HDL Cholesterol X 1.01 mmol/L (Range: > 1.1) Inflammation CRP HS X 11.5 mg/L (Range: < 5) Sex Hormones...
  19. P

    Progesterone Levels on TRT

    I’ve seen various accounts of men on TRT with deficient levels of progesterone -- many of whom had normal levels prior to treatment. LH is important for leydig cholesterol -> pregnenolone conversion, and also for adrenal steroidogenesis. HPTA suppression and the subsequent absence of LH is...
  20. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Can't imagine how you felt at 168. What's your e2 at that level? Do you have a link or source for where Dr Mariano said that? I've read that before too but I can't remember where. Have you ever tried HCG at higher dosages to see where your cortisol goes?
  21. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Hello everyone, back with another update. Nothing's changed over the last few months. Teeth are still rapidly decaying, I still have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism, brain fog is still severe, hair and eyebrows are still falling out, erections are still weak and libido is still absent. My...
  22. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Thank you for sharing your experience. You say your TSH / t3 is out of whack? Would you mind sharing your bloods? I'm not surprised to hear you tolerate lower dosages if you have thyroid issues. When thyroid and adrenal function is low the body can't handle higher dosages.
  23. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I went back on for the same reason as yourself. It's been eight months since I made this thread and things aren't improving - I just want to feel normal again. With that said I had to cease treatment again after two weeks. The palpitations I previously mentioned started to get extremely severe...
  24. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Just dropping a quick update. Back on TRT for the time being. Starting out on just 12.5mg Test Cyp daily until my HCG arrives, then I'll be moving to my old protocol of 7.5mg Cyp, 100iu HCG and 2.5mg Exemestane daily. Haven't been on 12.5mg cyp long and I'm already experiencing many of the old...
  25. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I've was on 200iu a day for a while but it just made me feel worse. E2 is a big issue for me on HCG.
  26. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. Can I ask exactly what supplements you take and at what dosges if it's not too much hassle? Were you ever tested for hereditary hemochromatosis? I believe our issues are due to mineral dysregulation due to our normal ferritin, but I...
  27. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I tried pregneonolone a while back but it gave me varicose veins. Had zero before, then following preg supplementation had a bunch pop up which also coincided with vein pain. A few studies on pubmed claimed that progesterone can cause varicose veins, so I always assumed it was excess preg ->...
  28. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    I've come across the root cause protocol before. Whilst a lot of the info did resonate with me, the site came across quite 'sales heavy' with their push of specific 'RCP supplement bundles' and appointments with specific RCP doctors (most of which aren't actually MD's). With that said I do...
  29. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Haha thanks, still a lot to learn but I'm slowly getting there. I've sent him an email asking to try the cream so we'll see what he says.
  30. P

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Ah okay, that does make sense. A lot of people claim that t -> dht conversion on injections is poor. My issues on TRT do suggest I had poor DHT conversion, which combined with my below-range progesterone levels may have left e2 unoppossed with both being strong antagonists. I did feel a lot...