My daughter has PCO and high DHEAS and testosterone . Advise please


New Member
My daughter who is 20 years old and has Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been recently tested and posted the following results :
Testosterone 4.27 ng/ML ref. range 0.084-0.481
DHEAS 1000 ug/dL ref. range 44-332
Cortisol AM 661.9 nmol/L ref. range 166-507
Cortisol PM 495.5 nmol/L ref. range 73.8-291
SHBG 36 nmol/L

the DHEAS and testosterone are way high and now we are very concerned that a tumor might exist causing this . Please advise on this if any experience to the above or as to similar cases .
What do her thyroid labs look like? Progesterone, Cortisol, Estradiol, Estrone Sulfate and Cholesterol would be helpful, too.

I guarantee she has a thyroid issue, as is the case in all women with PCOS. This often goes unnoticed because the problem isn't always with the absolute amount of thyroid hormone in the blood per se; rather, it's the inability of the tissue to utilize it, which can be caused by a cohort of factors. This is especially true if the doctor is only checking the TSH.

The best way to check thyroid function is to have her take her underarm temperature. Take it first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, then take it about an hour after breakfast. It should be ~36.5c upon waking, rising to 37c by mid-afternoon. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money she is in the 35's, providing you're not in an extremely hot climate where temp issues can be somewhat masked.
High testosterone is common in PCOS.

There are good protocols. It is all about decreasing insulin resistance.

Here is a good paper with a treatment algorithm

I am also attaching a paper you can download on the use of metformin plus myoinositol


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