Recent content by Pacman

  1. Pacman

    What is the reason that nandrolone causes depression? (Mechanism of action)

    I've taken cabergoline in the past, and for some reason it made ED so much worse, I immediately went off it. It was a horrible experience. Also, I see lots of sources saying that high prolactin is not the reason for ED on deca, so I'd be very hesitant to try it. Were you on a deca only...
  2. Pacman

    What is the reason that nandrolone causes depression? (Mechanism of action)

    I was not aware of that group. I never considered a mostly Nandrolone protocol. But I'll definitely consider it if it works and I can keep my mood and libido+function up. Do you have a link to this group? And are there any other helpful resources on the subject you can recommend (from him or...
  3. Pacman

    What is the reason that nandrolone causes depression? (Mechanism of action)

    Yes, test base. I haven't taken nandrolone in a long while, but when I did, my regimen was: 240 mg/wk Testosterone and 60mg/wk Nandrolone. (Both split into two even doses a week, of 140 and 25 respectively. No AIs.) Current regimen is 280 mg/wk Testosterone, split into daily injections (40...
  4. Pacman

    What is the reason that nandrolone causes depression? (Mechanism of action)

    Nandrolone is literally the only thing (so far) that helps me manage shoulder pain due to my cervical radiculopathy. But even at low doses (~60 mg a week), I seem to get very depressed on it, and feel "flatlined" about life in general. Good news is that even at 60 mg it helps immensely. I've...
  5. Pacman

    DEA extends telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, for now.

    What is the latest on this? I haven't been here for a few months and I cannot seem to find the original thread. What has the DEA decided and what are the guidelines moving forward? Does anyone have any contingency plans in place?
  6. Pacman

    Semaglutide for neuropathic pain? (link to study)

    I found this study that found a link between GLP-1 receptors and neuropathic pain: Microglial Activation of GLP-1R Signaling in Neuropathic Pain Promotes Gene Expression Adaption Involved in Inflammatory Responses This is the only study I have found on this topic (so far), but if that study's...
  7. Pacman


    Is there an indication as to when that would be? Do they have a "by X date" released somewhere?
  8. Pacman


    Where do we submit comments? Is there some kind of petition? What can actually be done about this?
  9. Pacman

    Very basic question regarding how to adjust AI dosages based on T dosages

    I been on TRT for 10 years at this point. I find that my current default "sweet spot" (as far feeling good and having a fairly high sex drive and function) revolves around the 100-130 mg T cyp every 3 days with no AI. Occasionally though I like to experiment with different dosages (in both...
  10. Pacman

    Deca (nandrolone) for joint pain

    Interesting that you say this because there was this doctor on YouTube who was talking about nandrolone and the fact that it relieves joint pain, but he specified that in the neck and spine it doesn't seem to help at all. He mentioned the neck and spine specifically, but didn't give much...
  11. Pacman

    What are all these steroid info sites that also offer "legal alternatives" to steroids?

    Here are two examples: Site 1 - Anabolic Steroids: types, uses and risks | Steroid .com Site 2 - The info on the sites themselves appears to be very accurate. But then they have ads for these obvious BS legal alternatives. There are...
  12. Pacman

    Deca (nandrolone) for joint pain

    Pain is definitely weird, but this actually does make sense. You are stabilizing the bike with your shoulders, and if you happen to be in a semi crouched position that could make it worse. With neuropathic pain though, pain is less predictable unfortunately. That's one thing that makes it so...
  13. Pacman

    Deca (nandrolone) for joint pain

    It is life changing, sometimes for the worse if it's used in the wrong way. For example, if the joint pain is the result of and/or exacerbated by poor form (very common) and/or too heavy a weight for you to handle safely (also very common especially amongst men), if done repetitively, then the...
  14. Pacman

    Androgel Cold-Turkey?

    This is most likely the problem. She's literally going by the book. Even endocrinologists a lot of the time unfortunately go by the book and do not deviate as needed (and it is often needed). This is largely due to the stigma of anabolics in our society. With hormones and hormone therapy, as...
  15. Pacman

    Androgel Cold-Turkey?

    What is important is your personal experience, not others'. Different people react differently. I personally do not react well at all to a heavy drop in testosterone, others don't react as bad. Your long term health is the most important. Even if you stop for two weeks to see if the bloods...