@t_spacemonkey I have a million anecdotes saved talking about selegiline use, but here’s a few that I added recently. They include both oral and sublingual use
I started taking 5mg daily about two months ago. I have been diagnosed with low dopamine and nothing would help my depression or motivation to do basic activities that I normally enjoyed until selegiline. For me the effects started out very subtle the first week and by the end of the second it was a pretty noticeable difference on my overall mental state. From everything I’ve gathered it takes 30 days for some of these compounds to work that effect neurotransmitters. I don’t believe I will ever stop taking this medication because the results for me have been life changing. At 45 years old I feel like my 35 year old self again. I’m back in shape physical and mentally.
I can agree, with my own anecdotal evidence, that Selegiline isn't so much of a nootropic, but rather increases motivation, mood and positive energy. I'm just hitting 40, and take a half tablet (2.5mg) per day, sublingually.
This is not the case for me at all. I have been taking 2.5mg sublingual selegiline for over two years and the benefits I have recieved actually were not that great the first week but by the second week I was much more motivated and fealt better overall.
-This has not changed for over two years. I feel the same everyday I take it. Better mood, more motivation and many more benefits.
-Half of what you said is honestly just worthless bro-science.
I’ve been taking selegiline in some form or another for 32 years now. Always in low doses varying between 1-5mgs. I am 41 years old now, and many people regularity comment on my youthful appearance.
-It is energizing and uplifting for me. Although I already have a naturally high tolerance to stimulants. It is very motivating and an aphrodisiac. It has certainly been a nootropic for me and aided me in my career. There have been strategy meetings where I would suddenly have bouts of creativity or insight which I feel would not have occurred if I hadn’t been taking it. But I can’t be certain if that’s placebo or not.
-If you find it to be overly stimulating or creating other negative side effects back your dosing off to every other day or every 2-3 days. I have used varying dosing schemes over the years (always in doses less than <5mg.) I have settled on my preferred dose being 1mg sublingual every day or every other day depending on how I am feeling. I have never had a single negative effect that I can discern. I drink wine, eat whatever I want, have combined I with other stimulants in the past for whatever reason at the time. All good. I am in great health as well though. I run 5 days a week and lift weights 2 days weekly. I do credit selegiline with giving me the motivation and energy to continue working out like that.
-I realize I may be an outlier. There are many reports in the Internet of selegiline working well initially for many only to cause problems which led to discontinuation later on. My belief is that most of these are due to taking too much. Dr Knoll himself advised a very conservative dosing regimen which is not being followed in these negative reviews.
I've been taking it consistently for over 2 years to lower prolactin. 1.25 mg sublingual, 5x/week.
-No gambling addiction, but in that vein I think my sweet:savory preference swung a bit more towards sweet.
-Very easily aroused and stronger erections. Reduced refractory period.
-The number one side effect that hasn't been mentioned much here is that I sleep like absolute shit. Getting to sleep is no problem but staying asleep for a full night is impossible. I wear a sleep mask and ear plugs every night because either light or noise snaps me awake and fully alert in an instant.
-If I could solve the sleep problem it would be a miracle compound tbh.
-I had elevated prolactin which I think was giving me depressive tendencies and also intense nipple burning. Selegine cleared all that right up and I'm mentally steady as a rock and the burning is minimal (it occasionally flares up to where I can just feel it).
-That's the main stuff for me, but in addition it raises my libido (almost dead with raised prolactin) and increases my motivation for life in general.
-Also an odd little bonus that I think comes from extra dopamine: I get a pleasant tingling sensation in the soles of my feet sometimes lol.
-If it extends my life too, well, that's just gravy.