Recent content by Mcgiver54

  1. M

    Testosterone and HCG dosing schedule

    I take HCG twice a week 250iu Monday and Friday, I dose test MWF 50mg each, I started at once an week, moved to twice a week and struggled with back acne the whole time, once I went to 3 times a week the acne disappeared completely, my body seems to be sensitive to variation in my hormones. So...
  2. M

    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    The FDA backed away from banning NAC.
  3. M

    Acne with TRT

    What fixes mine is 500mg of niacin daily. Once I felt I was dialed in I stopped it and the acne came roaring back. Went back on the niacin and it’s gone again, back under control. Some people can’t tolerate it. At first you get a rush from it called niacin flush, if feels like your entire body...
  4. M

    The pharmaceuticalization of ‘healthy’ ageing: Testosterone enhancement for longevity

    Good paper, sounds like we are headed in the right direction. Hope it gains wider acceptance.
  5. M

    Study: MRI-guided ultrasound treats prostate cancer with few side effects

    New treatment for Cancer, looks promising, they heat the cancer cells with ultrasound.
  6. M

    Can Omeprazole- Acid Reflux Medication Decrease Ferritin and Cause ED?

    I used Ranitidine and two other alternatives over a year. Did not work.
  7. M

    Can Omeprazole- Acid Reflux Medication Decrease Ferritin and Cause ED?

    Try to stay off the Omeprazole if you can, there is a reason the manufacturer says to not use it more than two weeks. The Navy put me on it in 2005, I have tried to quit it several times and cannot. It is addictive once you are on it for long periods of time, if you stop your stomach will...
  8. M

    Defy Medical/Empower Tadalafil ODT

    I use Costco also for the 5mg, great deal with GoodRx, I have had great performance with the round white pills from camber, I got one refill of oval pills from Burrel that did not seem to be as effective. I thought maybe I was building a tolerance but the latest refill is back to Camber and the...
  9. M

    HCG Sources

    I ordered from reliable RX.
  10. M

    Thinking of Buying a CPAP

    Nelson, it is the Resmed S10 airsense with humidifier attachment.
  11. M

    Thinking of Buying a CPAP

    Mine is silent while I wear it, you can here the airflow once I take off the mask. Most new machines have and auto setting that will work to figure out what you need. I did not use it but read about the feature. I could not tolerate the nasal method, I use a cushioned mask that covers nose and...
  12. M

    Bloods off AI

    Madman, thanks, I did not notice the difference in tests, in the future I will be more careful, I thought 10 weeks would be enough time to feel the results. Any concerns with the DHT? I am already bald so I wont notice that. Blackhawk, yes they add DHEA to the test, DHEA dose is 10mg per 1 ML in...
  13. M

    Bloods off AI

    Update with new labs, I did not feel quite as good on the lower dose so I raised it to 140mg per week. I also did the comparison between senstive and normal Estradiol, mine is very close. Ferritin is on the low side so I continue my daily iron supplement. I waited 90 days to give blood vice 60...
  14. M

    Injectables b12 and lypotropcs

    Vince, it is included in my 195 a month. Its a flat rate for everything.
  15. M

    Injectables b12 and lypotropcs

    Royal has begun including Methylcobalamin with the HCG for the last two refills, it turns the HCG red. Pharmacy is APS in Florida. No explanation, I thought it might be a loophole to get them to be able to keep compounding HCG.