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  1. M

    Testosterone and HCG dosing schedule

    I take HCG twice a week 250iu Monday and Friday, I dose test MWF 50mg each, I started at once an week, moved to twice a week and struggled with back acne the whole time, once I went to 3 times a week the acne disappeared completely, my body seems to be sensitive to variation in my hormones. So...
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    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    The FDA backed away from banning NAC.
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    Acne with TRT

    What fixes mine is 500mg of niacin daily. Once I felt I was dialed in I stopped it and the acne came roaring back. Went back on the niacin and it’s gone again, back under control. Some people can’t tolerate it. At first you get a rush from it called niacin flush, if feels like your entire body...
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    The pharmaceuticalization of ‘healthy’ ageing: Testosterone enhancement for longevity

    Good paper, sounds like we are headed in the right direction. Hope it gains wider acceptance.
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    Study: MRI-guided ultrasound treats prostate cancer with few side effects

    New treatment for Cancer, looks promising, they heat the cancer cells with ultrasound.
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    Can Omeprazole- Acid Reflux Medication Decrease Ferritin and Cause ED?

    I used Ranitidine and two other alternatives over a year. Did not work.
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    Can Omeprazole- Acid Reflux Medication Decrease Ferritin and Cause ED?

    Try to stay off the Omeprazole if you can, there is a reason the manufacturer says to not use it more than two weeks. The Navy put me on it in 2005, I have tried to quit it several times and cannot. It is addictive once you are on it for long periods of time, if you stop your stomach will...
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    Defy Medical/Empower Tadalafil ODT

    I use Costco also for the 5mg, great deal with GoodRx, I have had great performance with the round white pills from camber, I got one refill of oval pills from Burrel that did not seem to be as effective. I thought maybe I was building a tolerance but the latest refill is back to Camber and the...
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    HCG Sources

    I ordered from reliable RX.
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    Thinking of Buying a CPAP

    Nelson, it is the Resmed S10 airsense with humidifier attachment.
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    Thinking of Buying a CPAP

    Mine is silent while I wear it, you can here the airflow once I take off the mask. Most new machines have and auto setting that will work to figure out what you need. I did not use it but read about the feature. I could not tolerate the nasal method, I use a cushioned mask that covers nose and...
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    Bloods off AI

    Madman, thanks, I did not notice the difference in tests, in the future I will be more careful, I thought 10 weeks would be enough time to feel the results. Any concerns with the DHT? I am already bald so I wont notice that. Blackhawk, yes they add DHEA to the test, DHEA dose is 10mg per 1 ML in...
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    Bloods off AI

    Update with new labs, I did not feel quite as good on the lower dose so I raised it to 140mg per week. I also did the comparison between senstive and normal Estradiol, mine is very close. Ferritin is on the low side so I continue my daily iron supplement. I waited 90 days to give blood vice 60...
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    Injectables b12 and lypotropcs

    Vince, it is included in my 195 a month. Its a flat rate for everything.
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    Injectables b12 and lypotropcs

    Royal has begun including Methylcobalamin with the HCG for the last two refills, it turns the HCG red. Pharmacy is APS in Florida. No explanation, I thought it might be a loophole to get them to be able to keep compounding HCG.
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    Expiration Date for TRT/HCG

    One thing I have noticed, my pharmacy (APS) started mixing HCG with vitamin B, this turned it red. At that time they also started including an ice pack to keep the powder refrigerated in shipment, prior to this it did not come with an ice pack so I started storing the powder in the fridge with...
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    Bloods off AI

    Thanks, meant to add I take an iron supplement for 2 weeks after I donate, I do plan on getting a ferritin test just to get a baseline. I appreciate all the great advice I get here, almost all of my knowledge has been gained by reading the wealth of material on here. Two other things I forgot to...
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    Bloods off AI

    Madman, Hemocrit was creeping up to 50 so I started giving blood every two months as a preventive measure. It was 47.1 last time I tested it. RBC was 4.80 Hemoglobin 16.2. I always draw the blood on injection day, and skip the injection until after I draw. It is also an afternoon test, I cant...
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    Bloods off AI

    Mark, Fatigue and not feeling right led me to TRT, I was in the 300s so I started TRT in September last year, First dose was 200mg a week with 1mg of anastrozole infused and the 500u HCG twice a week, energy and libido were night and day in the beginning, after 2 months I experienced ED for the...
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    Bloods off AI

    I stopped my AI 3 months ago. This is on 160mg a week, every 3.5 days, with 500u of HCG on the same injection days, I have always been over 1200. I want to bring my levels down a bit and see how I feel, I lowered dose to 120mg a week with the 1000u of HCG. E at 45 seems low for no AI, Free T...
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    Quest Diagnostics - Estradiol Range is Inadequate

    Its a little uncomfortable switching to the Quest range from using Labcorp for years, how do you compare the two? the testosterone seems to be close, but the Estradiol seems off, mine came back 45 <OR=39. Is Quest using a different lab process? I may have a Labcorp test done just to compare...
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    Are TRT Patients More Vulnerable to COVID-19?

    I am thinking it is the opposite, the way my body feels and responds to excercise I think my immune system should be pretty strong. I have not got one cold or flu since I started TRT.
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    Thanks Toronto, I am trying to get to that range to see how I feel, I go off the AI in the next 2 weeks as soon as i get my new prescription.
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    Parece que algunos hombres tienen lecturas cercanas y otros grandes diferencias entre los dos, Nelson menciona CRP It appears that some men have close readings and others large differences between the two, Nelson mentions CRP
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    The benefits of long term use of Cialis

    My provider wanted 4 dollars a pill for 20mg cialis. I signed up with Roman, had the prescription within hours, they called it into Costco, I got a goodRX coupon, 33 dollars for 90 5mg generic Cialis. Hopefully the 5mg wont be too much, they look difficult to cut with how small they are.
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    I am learning the hard way about the AI. I started with 1mg of anastrozole that crashed my e2, then it was lowered to .5mg, now I will switch to pills with the idea of adjusting dose frequency to keep the levels from getting too high, I will take then pills as a last resort. I am interested to...
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    Wondering, I am struggling with ED that was brought on after my first month on TRT, the only thing I can come up with is to get my E2 higher, I am stopping the AI next month and will see how I do with higher E2. Nelson, I appreciate the info on the CRP, I will study it.
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    Question about estradiol

    Thanks Cataceous, I have one more test paid for so I will do another sample in a month or so. I posted its own thread about this so as not to hijack this one.
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    Estradiol E2 Testing in Men: Comparison Between Regular and Sensitive E2 Assays

    Since this question is always a hot topic on here, I did both tests at the same time to see how far apart they were, Royal paid for the non-sensitive and I paid cash for the sensitive in the same blood draw: ESTRADIOL, SENSITIVE 22.6 PG/ML 8.0-35.0 02 Methodology: Liquid chromatography tandem...
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    Question about estradiol

    Since this question is always a hot topic on here, I did both tests at the same time to see how far apart they were, Royal paid for the non-sensitive and I paid cash for the sensitive in the same blood draw: ESTRADIOL, SENSITIVE 22.6 PG/ML 8.0-35.0 02 Methodology: Liquid chromatography tandem...
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    Order your syringes now

    Thanks Larry, I ordered another 100, love these easy touch syringes, I use them for everything now.