Recent content by magnus68

  1. M

    Is DHEA and Pregnenolone needed with TRT?

    I feel a difference in my mood and energy adding it
  2. M

    Iron Supplementation Protocol to Raise Ferritin FAST While on TRT

    Is it ok to have Ferritin so low? Have you tried any supplements to raise it?
  3. M

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    At was dose do you find best?
  4. M

    How to increase DHT?

    Where are you getting your topical DHT
  5. M

    Enanthate shortage . . . and how many doses from your vial?

    If given the choice is Test Enanthate better than Cyopionate? Thoughts from anyone appreciated
  6. M

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    Do you exercise? cardio? weights? how do all these medications effect your energy levels. I simply cannot tolerate Nebivolol. Its makes me sleepy
  7. M

    High Iron - Low Ferritin

    its normal for Ferritin to drop whilst being on TRT. The increase in red blood cells signals your body that it doesn't need to store iron
  8. M

    Enanthate shortage . . . and how many doses from your vial?

    What is so special about Delatestryl? I have been using Cypionate here in the US
  9. M

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    how do you raise seratonin?
  10. M

    Anemic with very low BP's since starting trt gel

    I would check ferritin, MCV, MCH, MCHC and iron saturation. If this is ok and Ferrit is 40 is that ok?. How can I increase without raising Iron too high