Recent content by Jones

  1. J

    Fixes for Joint Issues: A list of Some Basics

    Great write up! I've had a bad shoulder for 17 years, tried everything under the sun. Let a colleague inject ozone into my shoulder joint, hurt like hell for 24 hours, I was pretty pissed off that I got it done, and then the pain was gone for the first time in months (I was in a flare). Pain...
  2. J

    Can Taurine Help Prevent Testicular Atrophy?

    Very interesting! Here's a human study on sperm function (although very limited, n=6, in vitro). Effects of combined antioxidant supplementation on human sperm motility and morphology during sperm manipulation in vitro.
  3. J

    Low Libido while on TRT

    Instead of adding to your protocol, have you discussed simply reducing your dose by half and seeing if you tolerate it better? Should always start low and go slow with hormones. I'm surprised at your dose but we don't know much about your history so I can't pass judgement there.
  4. J

    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    Have you tried dual therapy clomid (daily) and HCG (eod)?
  5. J

    Recommend a top quality omega-3 fish oil

    Nordic Naturals, Xymogen, Ortho Molecular, Vital Nutrients are all 3rd party tested with highest quality control. I'm sure there are others, these are just the ones I use most in practice because I trust the brands. The higher the quality, the less you need to take due to difference in...
  6. J

    DHEA Supplementation & Heart Palpitations

    Take at least 200-400 mg of magnesium daily to help control your heart rhythm. Make sure you are on a good quality DHEA that is tested to contain what it actually says on the bottle. Start low and slowly work back up to 25 mg and see what happens. Start baby aspirin (81mg) and/or fish oil to...
  7. J

    Shift work, labs, advice?

    You are essentially on a roller coaster of jet lag for the next 3 years and that's not going to change. Your goal should be to keep an eye on your cortisol and inflammatory markers (hs-CRP, ferritin, fibrinogen, LpPLA2, MPO), adrenal health, thyroid, hormones. Maybe you should start with a...
  8. J

    Shitty libido ed fatigue help me! Labs posted

    What's your age, wt, ht, blood pressure? HbA1c? Inflammatory markers (hs-CRP, ferritin, fibrinogen, LpPLA2 etc..) And are you on any other meds? If you've been on Vit D3 5,000 IU daily for more than 3-6 months your vitamin D levels are probably optimal. But good to check anyway.
  9. J

    Hydrocortisone and restoring adrenal health

    By stopping the assault - whatever that may be. New job, stress reduction techniques, husband-ectomy... finding a way to live in a modern world that makes sense for you. And since those things are usually the most difficult to correct, herbs and nutrients that are specific to adrenal gland...
  10. J

    Estrogens and progestins treatment for women

    Side note: "...Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study12 showed a higher risk for breast cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and thromboembolic events with combined treatment of estrogens and progestin.." Don't even get me started on the WHI.. what a disservice that study was. Using...
  11. J

    Timing of female hormone testing

    This is true, for women with 28 day cycles that ovulate on day 14. To be more specific, the best day to evaluate progesterone levels is when its at its highest, which is 7 days after ovulation.
  12. J

    Shitty libido ed fatigue help me! Labs posted

    TRT and estrogen have opposite effects on T3 uptake. The lab uses T3 uptake and and total T4 to determine what the free T4 is. I agree that it would be nice to see your reverse T3 and total T3. Since we only have the panel you provided, I would say your thyroid is OK. Cant say if its optimal...
  13. J

    Hydrocortisone and restoring adrenal health

    I would also add 5-10 minutes of HIIT within 30 minutes of waking, has been shown to increase cortisol levels to help create that normal cortisol curve. I agree with the Thorne recommendation, they are third party tested with no contaminants, no fillers etc.
  14. J

    Hydrocortisone and restoring adrenal health

    Just to clarify for readers, low dose hydrocortisone is much different than being on prednisone for long-term. Long term prednisone use has many side effects and like you said, should not be abruptly discontinued. But I've had lots of patients do incredible well on somewhat long courses of...