Recent content by HappyMooseEstes

  1. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Got bloods back on the 100 mg a week? Surprisingly not looking bad? What would you do? Considering trying the cream. Already upped to 120 mgs. What would you do?
  2. H

    What would you do? Further dial in injection or switch to cream?

    Here are my labs on 8 weeks of 100 mg a week split into two injections (we’ll split the injects 5 weeks ago. I thought my levels would be low. They don’t look bad? New Dr wants me to try cream? Old Dr wants me to stay the course with injections. Not feeling good lower sex drive erections aren’t...
  3. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Feeling depressed and like hell. 100 mg was a big mistake. Switching to Transcrotal cream 150 mg split twice a day under the guidance of Justin Groce
  4. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    A lot has transpired since my last post. Took some time and really thought about what Belekas said. My girlfriend recommended the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” which has been life changing. I started meeting with a therapist to do EDMR. Also I had an idea on my day off to go to a...
  5. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Yeah bro just wanted to say that I read this first thing this morning and you’re 100% correct. Thank you so much I really needed this bro
  6. H

    Hello, 60yo starting TRT.

    What dose and dosing frequency do you do now?
  7. H

    Hello, 60yo starting TRT.

    Hey Blackhawk. I have a long and complicated story but about 6-7 weeks ago I lowered my dose to 100 mg. a week and a half ago I switched to twice weekly injections 50 mg every 3.5 days about. It's been a bumpy ride to say the least. How much longer should I wait it out before I make adjustments...
  8. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Okay guys so was feeling amazing after the stretch the gentleman did on my psoas and pureformis. Got cocky and started drinking coffee a cup a day on top of my black tea for 2 days and started feeling shitty. Penis got smaller, libido went low and now I am day 3 since I gave it up and still...
  9. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    I am currently on week 2. It has been an up and down bumpy ride.
  10. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Wow guys mind blown. Had a guy figure out some issues I was having in my psoas and some of other little muscle. I had nerve blockages. I feel fucking amazing now!!!!!
  11. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    One thing that's been bothering me lately, even the times when I had decent to good sex is my refractory period. It is tough to go round 2! Hopefully this will get better as I adjust into this new 100 mg spit twice a week dosing schedule along with a testosterone friendly lifestyle. Maybe it...
  12. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Felt pretty good yesterday. Today woke up unmotivated and a little irritable day after 2nd dose of the week. Last night I had my GF over and I made her dinner went to bed at 1 am up by like 6-6:30...Also had 2 glasses of wine and some brownies before bed. Maybe the wine and brownies just...
  13. H

    33 year old been struggling to get dialed in for 6 years looking for help

    Stay positive bro I promise it will pay off I feel amazing right now. Split injections at low dose is i need to get off this thread it’s fucking with my head. I think I’ll feel great and consistent on this dose