know it dosent increase LH, but it mimics it. So my reasoning is that if low LH puts me at 500, then I would also be sensitivte to HCG, no?
I really like the effects from hcg. Sensitivity orgasm etc and also well being. Wont go without it.
I was dialed in with 100 mg test enanthe a week plus 500 iu hcg a week some months ago. This worked really well for me! It took some time to dial in HCG, starting at 700 iu a week, but got e2 sides (feeling hot, itching and pain in nipples, overly emotional, headache etc). Lowered to 630 iu...
Currently lifting weights and dieting down. Its much easier now. Have been lifting my whole light. I weight 104 kg and bench 120kg for reps, squat 150kg for reps etc. I feel that it´s easier for my body to burn the fat of my body. Much more stable blood sugar levels.
I will just let it be. I...
Sunday and today I have started to see glimpses of libido. I can feel it tinkle in my penis and balls, while I simountaneosly get a bit aroused looking at women. Is this a good sign? I think my levels have been stable mayne 2-3 weeks.
Thank you. Yeah. The bloods were taken at a through. I was only adjusting since I felt the chest pain and if the T was to high, which most likely would result in bad sides, it was better to just change it and there and then rather than waiting for months. I will just hold my protocol for a time...
Ok. Thanks. How many weeks should is it best to stay on one change? What do you think about my estrogen ratio btw? I am currently at 25-30% bodyfat. Just started the process of losing weight.
I dont have access to oral T. What would you suggest that I did? Could it be better with less frequent injections? I see a lot of guys saying that using weekly injections help on libido.
Started test 6 weeks ago. I feel great. Good sleep, good training, feeling good and so on.
Was at 140 mg test and 500 iu hcg every week (EOD shots). I started to feel some pain in the chest and did a fast blood test to only check test and estradiol. Came back at 48nmol/l and 0.17 nmol/l (Do I...
But if was going to get dialed in the next six months, do you think there is any likely chance that the next semester I would out of the blue suddenly start getting bad sides or is that really unlikely?
Haha. Funny
Yeah I have heard the same. From what I understand weekly injections lowers shbg and frees up testosterone. But I have also heard anecdotes about people going on test mono frequently injections and not feeling optimale, but once they add hcg they start to feel great. I can see that...