We’re talking about anything in large quantities being somewhere in the body where you wouldn’t typically see large quantities of said substance: hundreds of milligrams of T or TU 2x/day in the lymphatics. It’s just a personal concern of mine. I have no evidence to support T or TU in the...
The Natesto applicator found its way back into my nasal vestibules (home). I’ve had a couple great days now in a row. I’ve also made a point to include more cow flesh. No promises but if I can stave off the jelly nose fatigue I may just hold off on pulling labs for a while and assess based...
Generally speaking, there is a direct relationship between SHBG and metabolic health… particularly in the liver where SHBG is produced. Low SHBG is generally a consequence of poor metabolic health.
Testosterone can improve metabolic health for some so in those cases SHBG could rise slightly...
I’ve got a few concerns with the new orals. For one we just don’t have the long term use data. What does hundreds of milligrams of TU in the lymphatics do if anything good or bad? What about excreting 10% via the intestines? My biggest concerns involve ingesting the “other ingredients” over...
Thanks buddy! Gotta love the Decepticons and yes I still have the sense of humor of a 5 year old so…
Based on the research I have done, I’m targeting a ferritin of 100 ng/ml. Anything below 50 can be problematic. I’ve experienced restless leg, Koilonychia, extreme fatigue, itching without a...
n of 1 but… on subq my E2 was higher, T lower, I retained more water, and I experienced less symptomatic improvement compared to the same dose injecting shallow IM with a 27 G 1/2”
My HCT was 1 point lower on subq 49 vs 50 with shallow IM
Agree, agree, agree!
It’s really hard to pull a 370 on Natesto and not conclude that you’re undertreated despite feeling pretty good thanks to the endless messsging on every corner that T numbers are everything! I know it’s the reason I’ve bailed on Natesto more times than I’d like to admit. I...
Well I wouldn’t necessarily compare those swings to the diurnal swings in endogenous production from a symptomology perspective because we’re talking about two different systems… one fed by endogenous production and the other by exogenous through a mucous membrane 3x/day. Def think it’s helpful...
From what I’ve gathered, it’s the peaks that facilitate the symptomatic improvements. It’s looking more and more like it’s the chronically high troughs that are responsible for the side effects we all come on to these forums to complain about.
You pulled some great numbers on Natesto! If I...
We’ve had very similar experiences! I’m a long time TRTer (15 years). My ferritin has been chronically low for years and it’s been challenging to raise it while on T. Every time I’m on low dose injections my HG/HCT creeps up to the >17/>50 range. My HG/HCT is perfectly normal off T. I tried to...