Ir. didn't even order the basics as I asked and when I post up you will see how out of touch he is by the test he left off and said all my readings were great when actually many are awful :(
I could not agree more ! Of all the different sites out there this one has more facts and is a really great source to gain factual knowledge and ask question that even good TRT Dr's over look due to them taking the layman for granted ! Best one I have seen yet ! Mods are very polite when...
Dr. just called and all BW is in I will post tomorrow and all was good except 3 areas !
I will seek advise in those areas and hope to repair them I do not remember which he told me was low and he said back off on Test and it would go up . . . but that HCG injection would not improve ? I tend...
Wow that is good to hear and as a power lifter You were not that tight of an eater if i understand power lifters that I have been around and something I have learned was always heavy is not the best a change to confuse from time to time is good also a few weeks of high reps and lower weight even...
I suggest you try to get Gene D to weigh in on this ?
I know meds have expiration dates but still good in many cases ? Hell I would take them without a second thought ! But the over usage is why the clinic will not script you more until the proper time ! It is against the law !
I am 57 and train harder than most guys in my gym ! I hate to miss even one day ! I do and old fashioned routine . I alternate body parts but the basics are Back & Bies, Chest & Tries , shoulders and legs . I change the combo about every 2 weeks and even though I hate to miss a day I usually...
Are you using Prop for TRT or recreational from a clinic that will prescribe what you ask for ? furnishes HCG , an Ai , and HCG + Bw and nutritional support + Dr. daily support all for $199.00 a mth. Does you clinic offer better prices than this ? They are professionals at TRT...
I went today and got all the BW My Dr. would allow and will post one day next week ? The only one I think I forgot was D 3 levels?
Liptid panel
Free Test
Total Test
ultra sensitive estroniol - E2
Did not get B-12 or D-3 ? did I miss any ?
( I hope Kidney...
I have only been on this forum about a week and not clear as to all the rules ? So I do know the one already mentioned is a Great one , GWP that is not the name that is an abbreviation ! Not sure if member can offer sources or not or maybe just mods but I bet Nelson or Gene D could answer that...
? ? ? ? ? Diluting would seem to imply that you received a liquid ? I have never received PT - 141 in a liquid and I have never heard of that company either ? That doesn't mean they are not good just , I have never heard of them ?
If you mean reconstituting I would use Bac water as opposed to...
For TAD in 30ml / 25mg have always used Purity-Solutions dot com and they are at $30.00 a bottle and always work ! But taste awful and they have 2 for sales also ! I have been using for 2.5 more for plack cleaning of veins and great vascularity + other known benefits @ 10 mg a day got wood...
Welcome aboard and this is a great forum full of great Mods and factual info + Polite members ! Can't say enough about you wise choice to join !
I was scripted Lexapro and it was like acid to me ! I could not sleep and I was seeing things and could not even drive ! Even after I stopped taking...
Thanks there Mr. Nelson :
It has been 3 years of clean eating and hard dedication to a minimum of 5 days a week in the gym and 2 hrs cardio and 45 to 90 minutes lifting and even at 57 we can eat the proper nutrition and turn back the clock on aging ! I am actually proud of me !