Recent content by brookseth

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    HGH vs Tesamorelin

    What are the opinions on using 1-2iu HGH vs Tesamorelin? Would lower dose HGH basically just have the same effect? Why would you want to use one over?
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    Oral T vs Injectable T - Hair Loss. Free Testosterone & SHBG

    So theoretically then oral T would be a bad option for people who are low SHBG then @Systemlord correct?
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    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I did not have success with a nandrolone base personally, but everyone is different.
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    Oral testosterone. Who's on it?

    Did it change your SHBG @Systemlord
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    Dopamine Agonism with Supplements

    9MEBC and Tyrosine would be things to look into
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    Estradiol valerate experiment .

    I'm wondering if maybe your results have more to do with Progesterone rather than Estrogen. Because your estrogen was already kinda elevated - making me not understand why running even HIGHER e2 levels would be beneficial. And taking just e2 you were not seeing good results, however now taking...
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    try dose

    Test is a controlled substance and many PC do urine tests to make sure you arent on other (or illegal) drugs when prescribing controlled substances. I wouldn't use this doctor regardless though based on the recommended protocol
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    Estradiol valerate experiment .

    How are you getting lab results same day? That's pretty awesome and great for this type of experimentation.
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    Photo of my test results, have started TRT today Test Cyp 40mg EOD / 140mg per week

    These are your labs from before you started therapy? Or these are your first labs since starting therapy? And if they are the first labs since starting therapy - how long have you been on therapy for? Also typically you will draw labs on your non-injection day to get a trough (low) reading.
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    Ipamorelin - is this price high?

    That is insane. But hey, its Beverly Hills. Most people get Ipa from online peptide sources rather than from a clinic because of cost
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    Denied Rx at ShopRite

    My local CVS, Walgreens, and basically every big brand pharmacy is out of T. There's legitimately some sort of shortage. Adderall too. And there are rules about them "just filling it" when they get it. Because you could have had your doctor send a perscription to another pharmacy and then theyd...