Pregnenolone opinion PLEASE..


New Member
I just got my test results back for my Pregnenolone from Labcorp. The level was less than 16 ng/dl, the range is 33-248.
My doctor says its a bit low !!!!

Thoughts on a starting mg? level to shoot for mid 100's?

Thanks in advance!
Since I've been on TRT with HCG my pregnenolone levels have always been either low or extremely low. Like <5 low. I've tried supplementing with it but it always ends up messing with my sleep, so I drop it. I might try again in the future and just start off with a very small amount. Like 5mg/ day. I think before I was doing around 15-30mg/ day. All orally in a capsule from Pure Encapsulations.
Mine is also below the range minimum and taking oral pregnenolone does not increase my levels. I am on TRT and supposedly the feedback loop while on testosterone will suppress pregnenolone production. I have been concerned about pregnenolone as it is a neural transmitter and I have had insomnia issues for the last 12 years. If you are asymptematic, I wouldn't worry about it. I was also told that serum blood levels of pregnenolone are not very accurate. I'm not sure how true that is as I never researched it. My wife had her pregnenolone levels check and they were low. After one month on pregnenolone 25mg supplements her level was twice the maximum of the range so the doc took her off the supplement. She had her levels checked subsequently over the years and they were mid-range to high. This leads me to believe that the testing isn't very accurate.
Ya it does seem that pregnenolone testing isn’t very reliable. I have below normal pregnenolone levels while on Testosterone and HCG, yet I sleep like a baby. My main issue is with brain fog. Been trying to figure out the cause. I’m recently leaning towards using too much vitamin d over the years which has depleted my magnesium stores, as all my blood tests have come back with low or below low RBC magnesium. I still would like to know, however, if having a <5 pregnenolone level while on TRT could be contributing to the brain fog at all, or if it’s nothing to be concerned about as long as progesterone and DHEA levels are within range.
I had also experienced brain fog in the past. I believe mine was due to a combination of low T and decreased thyroid function. Once I got my TSH levels optimized along with higher testosterone levels, the brain fog dissipated and I haven't experienced its effects again over the last 7 years.
Ya it does seem that pregnenolone testing isn't very reliable. I have below normal pregnenolone levels while on Testosterone and HCG, yet I sleep like a baby. My main issue is with brain fog. Been trying to figure out the cause. I'm recently leaning towards using too much vitamin d over the years which has depleted my magnesium stores, as all my blood tests have come back with low or below low RBC magnesium. I still would like to know, however, if having a <5 pregnenolone level while on TRT could be contributing to the brain fog at all, or if it's nothing to be concerned about as long as progesterone and DHEA levels are within range.
At any point since you started TRT, has th brain fog lifted, or has it been a constant?
That’s good to hear about you clearing your brain fog. Gives me hope. The thyroid is actually the first place I looked, but my numbers always come back good. I have heard though that magnesium is needed to feel the effects of thyroid hormones on a receptor level. So I’m hoping once I get my RBC magnesium up it will improve my brain fog. I’m obviously continuing to get all my other hormones dialed in as well.
That's good to hear about you clearing your brain fog. Gives me hope. The thyroid is actually the first place I looked, but my numbers always come back good. I have heard though that magnesium is needed to feel the effects of thyroid hormones on a receptor level. So I'm hoping once I get my RBC magnesium up it will improve my brain fog. I'm obviously continuing to get all my other hormones dialed in as well.
When you say your thyroid numbers always come back good what do you mean. Do you mean "within the test range" or at "optimal" levels. A WORLD of difference between the 2.
CoastWatcher - Brain fog is actually the original reason I started pursuing hormone therapy. It's been consistent the whole time unfortunately. It's gotten a little better at times, and sometimes worse, but always been there. Still working on finding the root cause. Think I'm getting closer, but balancing hormones and minerals takes time, so just got to continue being patient.

Orrin Israel - Here is basically what my thyroid numbers come back at. They are very consistent too.
TSH - Just above low end of range. Bordering on low almost.
Total T4 - Low end of normal
Free T4 - Low to mid range
Total T3 - Literally just above the low end of the range
Free T3 - Mid to upper range. Usually in upper 1/3rd
Reverse T3 - Just above the low end of the range
Thyroid Antibodies - <1. So no issues with antibodies either

Free T3 is the most important value right? So not sure if I have thyroid issues or not considering my free T3 always comes back in the upper 1/3 of the range. Not sure if having a low total T3 is an issue when free T3 is good.
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Are you on any thyroid meds?
Not an expert but your low FT4 may represent an issue.
Look around here:
FREE T4: T4 is the thyroid storage hormone. Free in front of the T4 means you are measuring what is available and unbound. Generally, those on an optimal amount of desiccated thyroid will have a free T4 around mid-range when their free T3 is at the top and in the presence of healthy adrenals. If you have low FT4 and a mid-range or slightly higher FT3, it usually means the T4 is converting like mad to give you the T3 you do have, which means hypo.
Someone with a stronger background may add to the above.
Or you might see if you can find a DR (like finding a needle in a mountain of hay) that truly understands hormone levels and what optimal levels are.

One other area that you might research is pituitary issues:
"a low TsH and low fT4 or fTi indicates hypothyroidism due to a problem involving the pituitary gland. ... "


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Thanks for taking the time to respond in so much detail. Really appreciate it. But no, not on any thyroid meds at the moment. I'm almost positive I need some, however. I have very consistent low morning temps. Plus my brain fog symptoms do correlate a lot with hypothyroid symptoms.

My plan is to try and treat it naturally first though. My main goal is to get my Magnesium RBC level around 6 or higher, and then reassess. I'm pretty sure I'm just not receiving the benefit of my good free T3 levels on a receptor level due to having very low magnesium. If you research magnesium and thyroid, there seems to be a ton of research showing magnesium is one of the main contributors to a healthy thyroid other than iodine.

My levels of magnesium RBC have been on the low side on every test in the past 2-3 years, and I just never really thought much of it until recently. Started learning a lot about magnesium after listening to podcasts with Morley Robbins and Dr. Carolyn Dean. Here are the results of my last Magnesium RBC test.

Magnesium, RBC
3.7 (4.0 - 6.4 mg/dl)
Just from the basic info you may have pituitary issues.
Did you ever play football? Have a case of whip lash? Have any neck injuries?
All of these can have an impact on your pituitary. Other things can also impact it.
I would call around and see if you can find a DR that UNDERSTANDS thyroid and the difference between being "within range" and "Optimal" and look deeper at your thyroid and do a complete workup if you have not done so already. .
I am also working to get my Mag RBC levels up and have been doing some research on what type of Mag supplements to take. A number of folks on this board are using Mag Malate. There are some good post on the board to read.
BTW my last Mag RBC test was 5.6 (4.2 - 6.8). That was using Mag oil every day and 2 Mag Bisglycinate tablets (200mg bio).
I have bumped my Mag Bisglycinate tablets to 4 (400mg bio) and will retest in a few weeks.
Ya I've tested my thyroid about as throughly as possible, and on multiple occasions. Same results each time. I'm with Defy, so if I wanted to get on thyroid medication I bet they would be okay with giving it a trial run. They are beyond awesome to work with. I personally want to try and avoid using thyroid medication, however. That's why I'm going to get my magnesium levels up and then reassess. That's awesome though about you getting your magnesium RBC levels up. 5.6 is almost perfect!

As far as what type i'm using, I take Dr. Carolyn Dean's Magnesium product called Remag. 150mg twice a day. I also take Pure Encapsulations magnesium glycinate. 360mg twice a day. Was on no magnesium supplements when my level came back at 3.7. Just got blood work done a few days ago so we'll see if it has improved since then.

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