What Would a Daily Protocol Look Like For Me?

Hi Storm,
I have read the chains in HCG are very fragile. One read even suggested to not store in your frig door do the constant agitation of the door opening and closing.
If you have ever seen a liquid freeze (change state) at a microscopic lvl it is very violent. IMO freezing will damage these fragile chains.

All that said I have had more problems with weak HCG than shelf life. When you get a weak bottle (freshly mixed) within 7 days all the benefits go away.
Hmmm very interesting. How do you know it's a "weak" bottle? What do you do to combat HCG shelf life and having a weak bottle. None of us can use hcg within 7 days or even 30 to 45 days usually. A guy who was on just test and no HCG for almost a year started doing daily hcg injections and he froze it and was able to be so fertile he had a baby so that's why I figured it would be good frozen. That's also interesting about not storing it in the fridge door. I always keep mine there because otherwise it would get in the way of my groceries. I would hate to knock it over and bust the glass bottle. Where do you store yours at then? This is getting too complicated lol.
Hmmm very interesting. How do you know it's a "weak" bottle? What do you do to combat HCG shelf life and having a weak bottle. None of us can use hcg within 7 days or even 30 to 45 days usually. A guy who was on just test and no HCG for almost a year started doing daily hcg injections and he froze it and was able to be so fertile he had a baby so that's why I figured it would be good frozen. That's also interesting about not storing it in the fridge door. I always keep mine there because otherwise it would get in the way of my groceries. I would hate to knock it over and bust the glass bottle. Where do you store yours at then? This is getting too complicated lol.
I've been freezing and thawing my hcg for two years. My testicles are slightly larger than before beginning TRT. I also tested the hcg about a year ago by squirting some thawed hcg on a home pregnancy test.
I've been freezing and thawing my hcg for two years. My testicles are slightly larger than before beginning TRT. I also tested the hcg about a year ago by squirting some thawed hcg on a home pregnancy test.

Do you store it in the freezer door? How soon do you start freezing it? I figured I would just freeze half of the bottles worth into syringes and then thaw them the night before as needed and then use the other half of the bottle in the fridge. Should i also worry about what temperatures I have my freezer and fridge set to? I just moved into to a new condo and the fridge and freezer have the digital dial that says 9 is the coldest setting so I just set the fridge to 4 and freezer to 5. Who knows what actual temperatures they're at lol.
Do you store it in the freezer door? How soon do you start freezing it? I figured I would just freeze half of the bottles worth into syringes and then thaw them the night before as needed and then use the other half of the bottle in the fridge. Should i also worry about what temperatures I have my freezer and fridge set to? I just moved into to a new condo and the fridge and freezer have the digital dial that says 9 is the coldest setting so I just set the fridge to 4 and freezer to 5. Who knows what actual temperatures they're at lol.
When I receive my hcg, I reconstitute it then fill all the syringes. Put them in a ziplock bag and throw them in a drawer in the freezer. So the last syringe is frozen for 10 weeks. I have no clue how cold my freezer is. I think it's actually more important how gently you treat the hcg during the reconstituting phase and syringe filling phase.
When I receive my hcg, I reconstitute it then fill all the syringes. Put them in a ziplock bag and throw them in a drawer in the freezer. So the last syringe is frozen for 10 weeks. I have no clue how cold my freezer is. I think it's actually more important how gently you treat the hcg during the reconstituting phase and syringe filling phase.
Thanks for the good info. I'm assuming every day you just stick one in the fridge to thaw over night right?
I've always get my HCG from either APS or Empower, it's been over 3 years now and haven't noticed any weak vials. Maybe some men are more sensitive to HCG than others.

Yeah I think mine always come from empower I'm not sure how I would check to see how it's weak though lol. Also Vince since you typically use two different syringes to do shallow im for HCG and test, do you do the HCG in the same shoulder that you do test in that day? I'm just trying to find out what would be best for me since the thigh bleeds too much for the HCG. I was thinking about either going back to tummy sub q but i like shallow im so should I pin the test in my shoulder and then right after stick the hcg I'm a different spot in that same shoulder? That way I can still do a circle pattern for the next day and go to the right glute by the hip bone you showed me.

Nope. I take it out of the freezer and it thaws in 15 minutes.

Nice! That's good to hear. I can do it first thing in the morning then. Where do you pin your HCG? I'm thinking about going back to sub q in tummy and sticking with shallow im for test. I almost always get blood when I do shallow im into my thigh. I think there are too many veins there.
Yeah I think mine always come from empower I'm not sure how I would check to see how it's weak though lol. Also Vince since you typically use two different syringes to do shallow im for HCG and test, do you do the HCG in the same shoulder that you do test in that day? I'm just trying to find out what would be best for me since the thigh bleeds too much for the HCG. I was thinking about either going back to tummy sub q but i like shallow im so should I pin the test in my shoulder and then right after stick the hcg I'm a different spot in that same shoulder? That way I can still do a circle pattern for the next day and go to the right glute by the hip bone you showed me.

Nice! That's good to hear. I can do it first thing in the morning then. Where do you pin your HCG? I'm thinking about going back to sub q in tummy and sticking with shallow im for test. I almost always get blood when I do shallow im into my thigh. I think there are too many veins there.
I inject both hcg and T subq. I like the area around my hips. I just pinch a little and go. Zero pain and no blood ever.
I inject both hcg and T subq. I like the area around my hips. I just pinch a little and go. Zero pain and no blood ever.

I'm assuming you use a 31 gauge 1/2 for hcg and a 29 1/2 for test like me? 2 needles right? Or Nelson 1 needle method ? I don't think Nelsons method is possible for us if we freeze our hcg needles though. Do you the same side with the 2 different needles in 2 spots? I really wish I liked sub q but i feel like everything works better for me if I do it shallow im. It could be in my head though since it does go through the system a bit quicker. Sub q is so much easier. I used to do test in my glutes deep muscle and hcg sub q and felt fine but then i switched both to tummy sub q and didn't feel as good. Do you think it's in my head?
I'm assuming you use a 31 gauge 1/2 for hcg and a 29 1/2 for test like me? 2 needles right? Or Nelson 1 needle method ? I don't think Nelsons method is possible for us if we freeze our hcg needles though. Do you the same side with the 2 different needles in 2 spots? I really wish I liked sub q but i feel like everything works better for me if I do it shallow im. It could be in my head though since it does go through the system a bit quicker. Sub q is so much easier. I used to do test in my glutes deep muscle and hcg sub q and felt fine but then i switched both to tummy sub q and didn't feel as good. Do you think it's in my head?
I use the exact needles and syringes you mentioned. I alternate right and left for the T. On the days I inject hcg, I just do it opposite the T pin. I do think it's in your head. I would not stick a muscle 365 days a year for the next 30 years. That seems like it would damage the muscle and cause some sort of fibrosis.
I use the exact needles and syringes you mentioned. I alternate right and left for the T. On the days I inject hcg, I just do it opposite the T pin. I do think it's in your head. I would not stick a muscle 365 days a year for the next 30 years. That seems like it would damage the muscle and cause some sort of fibrosis.

That's good you use the same needles. I thought sticking it shallow IM was safe and doing the circle method (right glute by hip bone then right shoulder then left shoulder then left glute by hip bone )? Do you know how much longer it takes to absorb with sub q versus shallow im injections ? So you think I should just inject my stomach each day then? This is probably all personal preference I'm assuming but I know my stomach doesn't have any pain but my glutes have like some kind of damage i can feel when sitting like nerve damage or something from when I used to go all the way into the muscle with a longer needle.
That's good you use the same needles. I thought sticking it shallow IM was safe and doing the circle method (right glute by hip bone then right shoulder then left shoulder then left glute by hip bone )? Do you know how much longer it takes to absorb with sub q versus shallow im injections ? So you think I should just inject my stomach each day then? This is probably all personal preference I'm assuming but I know my stomach doesn't have any pain but my glutes have like some kind of damage i can feel when sitting like nerve damage or something from when I used to go all the way into the muscle with a longer needle.
I don't have a study about damage caused by IM injections. Just seems plausible that repeatedly jabbing a muscle and forcing an oil into the muscle tissue could irritate the muscle. I also have no idea about absorption rates. All I know is T is absorbed into the bloodstream using either method. So it comes down to personal preference.
Hmmm very interesting. How do you know it's a "weak" bottle? snip...

Believe me you will know.
In my case when I am taking 800Iu HCG/wk I get a warm feeling between my legs my testis have a thick fluid surounding them and they feel a little larger from that. I also have a feeling of well being that is very hard to explain and lastly my flacid penis is fat as a beer can. Which is way more impressive in the gym than big ass biceps, haha

The beer can is the first to go away then the testis feel smaller and lastly you lose the feeling of well being. I even increased my dose of the weak HCG to 1000/wk and it did not help.
Believe me you will know.
In my case when I am taking 800Iu HCG/wk I get a warm feeling between my legs my testis have a thick fluid surounding them and they feel a little larger from that. I also have a feeling of well being that is very hard to explain and lastly my flacid penis is fat as a beer can. Which is way more impressive in the gym than big ass biceps, haha

The beer can is the first to go away then the testis feel smaller and lastly you lose the feeling of well being. I even increased my dose of the weak HCG to 1000/wk and it did not help.

Oh okay I probably don't notice things like this since I haven't really been dialed in so once I am dialed in maybe I will notice more things like this, lol. Thanks for the info though it is very helpful!

I don't have a study about damage caused by IM injections. Just seems plausible that repeatedly jabbing a muscle and forcing an oil into the muscle tissue could irritate the muscle. I also have no idea about absorption rates. All I know is T is absorbed into the bloodstream using either method. So it comes down to personal preference.
Yeah I agree. Like I said before when I was doing start glute injections with the longer needle, it seems like I have some nerve damage or pain when sitting now in my glutes I never had before. Like you said, it is all about preference at the end of the day. I'll probably just do hcg sub q and test shallow IM like I have been doing to stay consistent with it and just switch up places frequently. :)
Yeah I think mine always come from empower I'm not sure how I would check to see how it's weak though lol. Also Vince since you typically use two different syringes to do shallow im for HCG and test, do you do the HCG in the same shoulder that you do test in that day? I'm just trying to find out what would be best for me since the thigh bleeds too much for the HCG. I was thinking about either going back to tummy sub q but i like shallow im so should I pin the test in my shoulder and then right after stick the hcg I'm a different spot in that same shoulder? That way I can still do a circle pattern for the next day and go to the right glute by the hip bone you showed me. .
No, I just do my rotation. If I inject T in my left shoulder, then I'll inject HCG in my left VG. The next day I'll move to my right VG then right shoulder.
No, I just do my rotation. If I inject T in my left shoulder, then I'll inject HCG in my left VG. The next day I'll move to my right VG then right shoulder.

Sounds good thank you!

So far it's only been a few days but I feel like I'm starting to feel a bit better on these daily injections. I have been getting these hot flashes where my face gets hot randomly and flush these last couple of days and minor headaches. Did you guys get any of these sides when switching to dailies at first? I also gave blood a couple of days ago so it could be from that too.

I'm doing 100iu of hcg daily now sub q with a 31 gauge 1/2 needle and still doing the 16mg of test cyp daily with 29 1/2 shallow IM using the circle method Vince uses.
Sounds good thank you!

So far it's only been a few days but I feel like I'm starting to feel a bit better on these daily injections. I have been getting these hot flashes where my face gets hot randomly and flush these last couple of days and minor headaches. Did you guys get any of these sides when switching to dailies at first? I also gave blood a couple of days ago so it could be from that too.

I'm doing 100iu of hcg daily now sub q with a 31 gauge 1/2 needle and still doing the 16mg of test cyp daily with 29 1/2 shallow IM using the circle method Vince uses.

If I am not mistaken, and I am alot around here, haha
Vinces 16mg/day puts his TT trough, if you can have a trough on dailies, over range (>1500) your hot flash and heat might just be tooooo much T.
Maybe try 12mg and see if the heat goes away.
If I am not mistaken, and I am alot around here, haha
Vinces 16mg/day puts his TT trough, if you can have a trough on dailies, over range (>1500) your hot flash and heat might just be tooooo much T.
Maybe try 12mg and see if the heat goes away.
Hey since I just started this 3 days ago at 16mg I probably need to at least see where I'm at with bloods before I start changing dosing again don't you think? These hot flashes/face being flush and ears and face being hot might just be my body getting used to it or it could be anxiety. I was just seeing if anyone else experienced it. I don't want to change dosing when I haven't even been on this regimen for at least a couple of weeks.
Hey since I just started this 3 days ago at 16mg I probably need to at least see where I'm at with bloods before I start changing dosing again don't you think? These hot flashes/face being flush and ears and face being hot might just be my body getting used to it or it could be anxiety. I was just seeing if anyone else experienced it. I don't want to change dosing when I haven't even been on this regimen for at least a couple of weeks.
As you probably know, you need to stay on your protocol for at least 6 week or more to get steady T levels. It wouldn't be bad to wait even longer to do labs, just to make sure your levels are right.
As you probably know, you need to stay on your protocol for at least 6 week or more to get steady T levels. It wouldn't be bad to wait even longer to do labs, just to make sure your levels are right.

Yes sir I was just seeing if anyone else had anything happen similar to this. It was more out of curiosity. I'm going to stay contact on this regimen for 6 weeks then do blood tests.

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