Trimix newbie...thought I'd share initial impression


New Member
Hello All,

I'm new to the forum and as of today a new trimix user. The experience at the doctors office was not as horrible as I expected it to be, lol. He drew 30 units (0.30 ml) and injected 15 to start...didn't hurt at all. He checked on me after 15 minutes and I was about 50% erect so he injected the other 15 units, man that did the trick, two minutes later it was 100% +. That was the easy part...the waiting/timing the descent started...30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and still hard. He finally gave me a shot of sudafed (also in the penis) and 15 minutes later it was deflating. He asked me what I thought and I surmised that 15 units was 50% maybe I should start with 20 (0.2 ml)? He said I should start with 10 (0.10 ml). OK, I wondered why the hell he dosed me with 30? He said start with 10 units and I could add 5 more if I wasn't happy after 20 mins, then another 5 if not happy after another 15 mins. We'll see how it goes in the live run this weekend. Thanks to ALL that contribute to the forum...I did a lot of reading before I decided the take the journey from pills to injections.
So I will give you my point of view based on using Trimix for about 10 years and injecting probably more than 1000 times.

15 units may or may not have been sufficient for you. The effect from trimix is increased with sexual interest and manual stimulation. In a sexual situation (instead of a doctor's office) 15 units might have been great. Or it might not be enough. Also 15 minutes may not have been enough time to wait. At doses that are just barely enough, it can take me longer than 15 minutes longer to get the maximum effect.

10 units is probably not enough if your results at 15 were marginal. Doctor is being extremely cautious. I also don't like the idea of a second injection. I've never done that. I would take the risk of starting at 15 units and see what effect you get.

For me, trimix has been blessing and I am so thankful that I have it. Trimix is fabulous. I started trimix when viagra was no longer working adequately for me. With trimix I get very hard very quickly. That feels great and gives confidence. It is reliable - I can count on it every single time - it never fails. I have total confidence in its reliability. It is long-lasting. I stay hard for quite an extended time, which is useful if we want to go slow or if my wife doesn't come to bed as soon as I had expected. The injection sounds scary, but it's really not bad. I look forward to it.

The bottom line for me is that after trying trimix 10 years ago, I have never attempted sex without it even once. It just couldn't be as good. I'm now 75 years old.
Thanks for the wise counsel Virginian...I like the way you are thinking with the 15 units...I was on that page as well. I didn't get why dose me with 15 + 15 and then tell me to start at 10. When I got to the exam room he had already prepared 1ml of Sudafed... maybe he wanted me to see what a 2+ hr erection was like...or maybe didn't want the Sudafed to go to waste, lol. We'll see, the magic hour is tomorrow and I going to try 15 units and see how it goes.
So tonight I used Trimix "officially". Used 12 units (0.12ml) and I'm sitting here with an ice bag on my crotch almost 4 hours later. My errection is finally subsiding! At the 3 hour mark I chewed 4 Sudafed (120mg total) and walked laps in the neighborhood, about 3 miles. Now I gotta say, the quality of the erection was wife of 30 years was very very pleased, lol. Next time I'm backing all the way back to 6 units (0.06ml), I can add more if needed.
How much does this cost. I'm afraid something like this is in my future...although I have not tried any of the other magic pills yet.
How much does this cost. I'm afraid something like this is in my future...although I have not tried any of the other magic pills yet.

HVA - that is the only reason I went to injectables, the cost of cialis and viagra have skyrocketed. Two years ago I was paying about $8 a pill, today they are $43...AFTER my insurance pays! My cost for 10ml of trimix was $85. Assuming I get 100 doses (10/0.10) that's $0.85...yes, eighty-five cents per dose.
Hi BogeyBob, wow, 30 units of Trimix that doctor injected into you seem like enough to get someone in the hospital from what I've been reading. Wonder what the heck that doctor's mix was??? Or if it was old stock. I'm ready to get off the fence and call Defy to get an appt. for Trimix, the pills are not working that well for me, especially if I have any food in my stomach, and they also make me feel like crap (stuffy head, stuffy nose, tired) Neil
Hi BogeyBob, wow, 30 units of Trimix that doctor injected into you seem like enough to get someone in the hospital from what I've been reading. Wonder what the heck that doctor's mix was??? Or if it was old stock. I'm ready to get off the fence and call Defy to get an appt. for Trimix, the pills are not working that well for me, especially if I have any food in my stomach, and they also make me feel like crap (stuffy head, stuffy nose, tired) Neil

30 units WILL send you to the hospital... AND MORE. just ask me... Ill never use Trimix again. Because I cant. I had to have an implant because of the damage Trimix caused me. Please be careful with that stuff. Doctors praise the use of this stuff but no one knows the (exact) dosage to use because everyone's body reacts differently. ( THERE IS NO PERFECT DOSE ).
Luckily I was in his office so he gave me an injection of Sudafed. It was my prescription, the one he ordered and had me pick up and return for injection training... so it was fresh! Having been on pills for 10 years, I'm very impressed with tri-mix... just have to get the dose dial in.
30 units WILL send you to the hospital... AND MORE. just ask me... Ill never use Trimix again. Because I cant. I had to have an implant because of the damage Trimix caused me. Please be careful with that stuff. Doctors praise the use of this stuff but no one knows the (exact) dosage to use because everyone's body reacts differently. ( THERE IS NO PERFECT DOSE ).

What a horrible thing to have happen! Man, that's a lesson for all.
Hello All,

I'm new to the forum and as of today a new trimix user. The experience at the doctors office was not as horrible as I expected it to be, lol. He drew 30 units (0.30 ml) and injected 15 to start...didn't hurt at all. He checked on me after 15 minutes and I was about 50% erect so he injected the other 15 units, man that did the trick, two minutes later it was 100% +. That was the easy part...the waiting/timing the descent started...30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and still hard. He finally gave me a shot of sudafed (also in the penis) and 15 minutes later it was deflating. He asked me what I thought and I surmised that 15 units was 50% maybe I should start with 20 (0.2 ml)? He said I should start with 10 (0.10 ml). OK, I wondered why the hell he dosed me with 30? He said start with 10 units and I could add 5 more if I wasn't happy after 20 mins, then another 5 if not happy after another 15 mins. We'll see how it goes in the live run this weekend. Thanks to ALL that contribute to the forum...I did a lot of reading before I decided the take the journey from pills to injections.

I'm Brand New to this forum and basically just want to sing praises for TriMix. Been struggling with ED for at least 15 years and I'm 56 yo. I have a very understanding and sexually interested wife, so she would stimulate me orally...the only thing that seemed to work. But this is difficult on her because I'm a little larger than average (about 8.5 in) and it would take awhile. Still, I would only achieve 60-70 percent erection. And mostly it had to be just the right way, just the right position, just the right everything to get my boy down there interested.

I've recently tried Viagra and Cialis, both to no avail. They were a total waste of time and money for me. I went to a porn shop and bought a very expensive pump. Again, total waste of time and money. So after 6 months of all that frustration, I decided it was time to try something more drastic. I scoured the internet for solutions and came up with 2 possible options: surgery or injectables. Neither seemed pleasant. But after reading a bit, injectables of TriMix seemed to be the next step. Especially if the stories were to be believed.

Well....Holy Shit! This is a fucking miracle drug (pun intended). My wife has always enjoyed our sex life, even when Big Willie wasn't working correctly. But the first time I used the injection, she was constantly moaning, screaming. Words like, "Oh my's so big" and "You seem so much harder and thicker" were coming out of her mouth. And for me, I lasted longer than ever before orgasm. Before, it was missionary. Now it's missionary, scissors, doggy style. I can't wait to let her ride me (something that we used to do, but for at least 10byears has been impossible). She actually told me the a few days later that all she thought about for 3 days was our sex that one night and that she was sore...but good sore.

The day after that first night, I went out of town for a week on business and decided to take my injections to try out just for masturbation. Wanted to see if it was a fluke or if I could expect more of the same. I also wanted to practice on the routine. Getting the timing down, etc. Worked like a damned charm! Best masturbation I've had in awhile. I'm not going to lie. It felt awesome holding my rock hard dick, instead of a 70 percenter. Last night, I used it again with my wife. Same results. I'm ecstatic!! It's even nice to have a hard/semi-hard cock as I'm lying there in the afterglow with my woman. She's noticed that too!

Ok, so I'm on 10 units. The first time, I was scared because I was still rock hard 45 minutes after orgasm. But each time (I've had 4 injections) I've just chewed 2 benadryl and used ice water (only the first time). Here's the kicker...I haven't told my wife yet. I'm sure I will at some point, but initially I didn't want to bc I didn't want to deal with any possible disappointment, embarrassment if it didn't work. Right now, though, I'm really just enjoying her loving our improved sex life. Thanks for listening. I'm obviously a huge fan!!!
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I had a prostate removal surgery for cancer about a year ago and my erections still have not come back. My wife is has not been too supportive and is blaming me now for her lack of interest. I have been trying sildenafil 100mg and tadalafil 10mg but no luck. I have also tried the penile vacuum device but cannot maintain an erection even with the smallest penile ring. I am willing to try the trimix injections but I am worried now that once I inject myself, my wife does not want me to have sex with her. I guess that if I can achieve erections again she might be willing not to allow it to go to waste. I will soon turn 60 and she is 58. I believe her lack of interest could be her menopause which she is ignoring. I tried a sex therapist but after the first appointment she also declined to continue the therapies. But I am definitely willing to try trimix before I further decide for the penile implant.
Sorry for the emotional pain you must be enduring Jose. You and I are the same age and our situations sound similar. My wife (of 35 years) felt like my problem must have been don't find me sexy, I don't turn you on, etc. I tried to get her to understand impotency to no avail. For years it was horrible, the fighting, ugh. With Trimix we now plan playtime, got the dose dialed in, things are much better. We have given up the spontaneity for an enjoyable experience every time. My opinion, you shouldn't be injecting without her knowledge, you two have to get on the same page. The wife and I went to a couples workshop on intimacy, the best advice she gave was this..."one partner says when the other say's how". The approach acknowledges the individual sex drive while putting the other partner in control of whether it's a quickie or a session. Us guys typically want to be the long lasting lover that drives her wild...she may want to satisfy you and is perfectly good with a quickie. I have certainly used trimix for masturbation sessions so don't be afraid to go that route, just be honest. Hell my wife even bought me a Fleshlight and gave it a name, lol. Communication is key and king. Best of luck on your journey!
Thanks Bob for your prompt and sincere reply. I had been struggling with mild ED for over 10 years now, but after the radical prostate surgery I had to remove the tumor I have not been able to have an erection since then. I can have an orgasm by masturbation of the flaccid penis, but no erection whatsoever. Obviously there is also no ejaculation involved, which was what my wife loved the most. It hurts me that she was really supportive prior, during, and after the surgery; but after all these months have gone by, she has realized I can no longer please her the way I had. She also does not want me to undergo penile implant surgery so I don't have another surgery procedure. See, this is my third cancerous tumor for me. The first one was testicular cancer at the age of 29, then I had a lung neurocarcinoma (2016) which cost me my upper left lung, and now the prostate cancer in 2020. I am currently seeing an urologist in my local VA Clinic. She has told me she can get me the TriMix but she needs to ensure my wife is in the boat with me. There is no fun to inject and have an erection if she don't want to use it. So, I am trying to convince my wife to give us a chance and try our relationship using the TriMix. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks again, Jose.
Anything on Bimix dosage? Just tried for the second time and it was awesome. Use .30, lasting for 55mins. Like it. I've been looking for a Bimix discussion but it seems more thread is related to trimix.
I did tried 30 units of Trimix but it only lasted like 10 minutes or so. I have not tried to go to 35 units yet. I also noticed that because of the prostate removal surgery my tip is bent like the Concorde plane. That made my wife laugh and she said no way that was going into her. So here I am, still no sex after a year and a half after surgery. I am seriously considering the penile implant to see if it will straighten old joey up!

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