Iodoral IOD-50


New Member

Doc had me taking 25 MG every day to assist with cell absorption. I constantly had interrupted sleep (mind racing) and once I woke up I could not get back to sleep. I do have a stressful job but this is nothing different. This condition was "new".

Not knowing what what was causing the condition, through process of elimination, I reduce my intake of Iodoral to 12.5 MG per day. The insomnia continued and anxiety began to increase. This seemed totally out of nowhere!..... it all seemed to settle in my upper chest. to me, it was very concerning.

I decided to stop the Iodoral all together, as an experiment and within 48 hours the anxiety was gone and I'm sleeping through the nights again.

Please let me know if you have heard ofg iodine causing this type of condition and why.!

other than this condtion, my TRT has been very successful. All blood work looks very good.

Thanks in advance team!

Hyperthyroidism can cause anxiety and panic attacks...I wonder if there was some negative side effect in using the Iodoral as it certainly appears to so.
Hey Gene,

Is there an alternative to the Iodoral? The doc started me on it when I first began TRT about 16 weeks ago, after I told him that I'm not feeling the sense of "well being". Looking back, I actually think my body was working through the re-balancing of hormones. At that time, he prescribed the Iodoral, because he felt it would assit with cell absorption.

Actually feel much better since I stopped taking it BUT I dont want to be missing the benefits of my therapy that I just haven't yet realized.

Hey Gene,

Is there an alternative to the Iodoral? The doc started me on it when I first began TRT about 16 weeks ago, after I told him that I'm not feeling the sense of "well being". Looking back, I actually think my body was working through the re-balancing of hormones. At that time, he prescribed the Iodoral, because he felt it would assit with cell absorption.

Actually feel much better since I stopped taking it BUT I dont want to be missing the benefits of my therapy that I just haven't yet realized.


Look into Kelp and Selenium.
Definitely need to take Selenium with Iodine. I suggest 200mcgs. I'm impressed that your doctor prescribed this therapy. I take 50mg per day, usually 25 mgs in morning and 25 mgs at lunch. Read Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Abraham's work. Brownstein has a couple of books on the subject. I too had a couple of weeks where anxiety and insomnia was present. This is a transient effect. So it will pass. Check out the above info and books on line.
To summarize the Dr. Brownstein's book, he says that our modern food supply provides much less iodine in our diets than our great grandparent's and earlier generations diets did, due to depletion of iodine in soils where crops are grown. Therefore we need to supplement iodine in our diets. So the question is how much iodine does it take to do that.

Dr. Brownstein and other's point to Japanese and Korean diets and cherry pick the data to maximize the recommended iodine intake. Various studies have come up with anywhere from 0.471 to 4.7 mg of iodine per day in the Japanese diet. This is no where near the 12.5mg dose that is contained in one of the low strength Iodoral pills. Excessive iodine intake carries risks, here is one study of many.

As far as selenium goes, a recent study showed that men who start selenium supplementation, who already have a high level of selenium from their diet doubled their risk of developing high-grade prostate cancer. See here. The take away is to not start supplementing selenium if you don't need it.

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