Question regarding allergic reaction after injecting Sermorelin

Does anyone know what excipients are in Sermorelin acetate thatmight cause a systemic reaction similar to anaphylaxis? It has only happened to a few of our patients, and Iremember speaking to 2-3 patients who had this reaction when I worked at the pharmacy. Always the same symptoms and onset only minutes after injection Sermorelin. It has happened using at least 3 different pharmacy sources. Test report confirmed everything is in order with each batch etc. There is no info online or in medical literature. I don't believe that the actual peptide causes thereaction as its too similar to our own GHRH so I assume it must be something else.

We wonder if possibly the reaction occurs when the needlepasses through a capillary, therefore infusing something fast enough to illicita reaction. Two of the patients I know of experienced the reaction afteralready being on Sermorelin for a while. The patient today has been onSermorelin for almost 1 year and had the reaction on the 5th injection from the same bottle. Not having an explanation is driving me nuts!! Does anyone have any idea?
Jasen Hi, I thought the question was interesting, I don't know if this information is of any use?

A large proportion of patients develop anti- GRF antibodies at least once during treatment with Sermorelin. The significance of these antibodies is not clear and often a positive test at one growth assessment will become negative by the next assessment. The presence of antibodies does not appear to affect growth or appear to be related to a specific adverse reaction profile. No generalized allergic reactions to Sermorelin have been reported.The most common treatment-related adverse event (occurring in about 1 patient in 6) is local injection reaction characterized by pain, swelling or redness. Of 350 patients exposed to Sermorelin in clinical trials, three discontinued therapy due to injection reactions. Other treatment-related adverse events had individual occurrence rates of less than 1% and include: headache, flushing, dysphagia, dizziness, hyperactivity, somnolence and urticaria.
When administered intravenously for diagnostic use, the following adverse reactions have been noted: flushing of the face, injection site pain, redness and/or swelling, nausea, headache, vomiting, dysgeusia, pallor and tightness in the chest.
[h=4]Drug Abuse and Dependence[/b] The clinical pharmacology suggests that Sermorelin is very unlikely to be associated with drug abuse or dependence and there have been no reports of this from clinical trials.
Sermorelin allergic reaction

Does anyone know what excipients are in Sermorelin acetate thatmight cause a systemic reaction similar to anaphylaxis? It has only happened to a few of our patients, and Iremember speaking to 2-3 patients who had this reaction when I worked at the pharmacy. Always the same symptoms and onset only minutes after injection Sermorelin. It has happened using at least 3 different pharmacy sources. Test report confirmed everything is in order with each batch etc. There is no info online or in medical literature. I don’t believe that the actual peptide causes thereaction as its too similar to our own GHRH so I assume it must be something else.

We wonder if possibly the reaction occurs when the needlepasses through a capillary, therefore infusing something fast enough to illicita reaction. Two of the patients I know of experienced the reaction afteralready being on Sermorelin for a while. The patient today has been onSermorelin for almost 1 year and had the reaction on the 5th injection from the same bottle. Not having an explanation is driving me nuts!! Does anyone have any idea?

Very interesting. We've had this same thing happen with several of our patients, who had already been on sermorelin and had even taken injections from the same vial. I considered the issue of them hitting a vessel, but upon further questioning, every one of these patients did not gently swirl the vial before drawing out their injection. Therefore, it is my belief that they received a super concentrated dose, from not swirling it prior to use. I am very careful to tell every patient to swirl it prior to drawing the sermorelin out, as it settles to the bottom. Since then, I haven't had any more cases of this scary, almost anaphylactic reaction.

I found this site and the article on Sermorelin after I had a severe reaction to the injections.

I started Sermorelin injections around October 2016 after my endocrinologist gave me the option. I did injections in the lower abdomin and moved to different areas of the stomach for each injection. I took the injections before bed every evening for 5 straight days and then 2 off. I continued this for several months without incident. Around late March I noticed that I was getting an itch at the injection site, which would last for 3-4 days. So, basically I had 3-4 itchy areas around my stomach constantly. The itch was minor at first and I contacted the compounding pharmacy I had been filling the prescription at. The pharmacist said that there was no known allergy to Sermorelin and that it was in an alcohol base, so that too is extremely unlikely to cause a reaction. He wanted to know if I was reusing the same needle and I was somewhat insulted. Anyway, the itching became worse, so I started injecting in the upper buttocks, after checking with my doctor. He too was surprised by the reaction. The new location worked for about 3 days and then started itching again. It got to a point where the pharmacist had me try a different vile, but same result. He then ordered a new batch from a different pharmacy supplier. This is when it went downhill. After injection with the new batch, within minutes my arms felt cold and the palms of my hand were so itchy I thought I had bugs crawling all over them. The pharmacist said that I might have gotten too much and to swirl the vile beforehand. (I was never told the shake or swirl the vile prior to taking, up to this point. Actually the opposite, to prevent air bubbles) I hesitantly tried another dose about 3 days after I had the palm itch. When I put the needle in and started to inject it felt as though I was injecting acid into my body. I immediately took the needle out, switched to a new and tried a different location. I was unable to inject hardly any from the intense burn. It felt like I had spilled Muriatic Acid on my thigh and was spreading. It scared the crap out of me!.... Obviously, I have not taken Sermorelin again and contacted my pharmacist and Dr who agreed that stopping was a smart move.

So, there are doctors and pharmacists who say that Sermorelin is unlikely to have any reactions, I would strongly disagree with that. I took it for almost 6 months before they finally kicked in, so user beware.

Also, I never really felt like the benefits, which seemwd tiny, were worth the $150/month cost, so maybe I'm better off.

I can answer any question if needed
Sermorelin allergic reaction

Just reading this post. Crazy! Since I posted last in March, one of my friends, who had been taking sermorelin 0.5mg per night, for about 7 months with no issues, had a full blown anaphylactic reaction. He had taken injections from this same vial already, as well. He felt a warm wave come over him, heart pounding, flushing, passed out and cracked his head open in his hotel room, only to wake up with blood everywhere. I am starting to think that maybe there was; in fact, a safety reason that caused Serono to withdraw Geref (R) sermorelin acetate from the market, that they have kept under wraps. I think this reaction is VERY RARE, but is real. It is clearly related to the fact that a large proportion of patients develop anti-GRF antibodies "at least once" during treatment with sermorelin. The most common treatment-related adverse event (occurring in about 1 patient in 6) is local injection site reaction, characterized by pain, swelling or redness. Other treatment-related adverse events in clinical trials, with individual occurrence rates of less than 1% include: headache, flushing, DYSPHAGIA, DIZZINESS, hyperactivity, somnolence, and URTICARIA. What this means is that your body is over reacting to the sermorelin, due to the anti-GRF antibodies. It is an allergic reaction or over reaction of the immune system to sermorelin. I would not take it again, as your airway could close, causing death. Anyone can have this type of reaction to ANY drug.


I found this site and the article on Sermorelin after I had a severe reaction to the injections.

I started Sermorelin injections around October 2016 after my endocrinologist gave me the option. I did injections in the lower abdomin and moved to different areas of the stomach for each injection. I took the injections before bed every evening for 5 straight days and then 2 off. I continued this for several months without incident. Around late March I noticed that I was getting an itch at the injection site, which would last for 3-4 days. So, basically I had 3-4 itchy areas around my stomach constantly. The itch was minor at first and I contacted the compounding pharmacy I had been filling the prescription at. The pharmacist said that there was no known allergy to Sermorelin and that it was in an alcohol base, so that too is extremely unlikely to cause a reaction. He wanted to know if I was reusing the same needle and I was somewhat insulted. Anyway, the itching became worse, so I started injecting in the upper buttocks, after checking with my doctor. He too was surprised by the reaction. The new location worked for about 3 days and then started itching again. It got to a point where the pharmacist had me try a different vile, but same result. He then ordered a new batch from a different pharmacy supplier. This is when it went downhill. After injection with the new batch, within minutes my arms felt cold and the palms of my hand were so itchy I thought I had bugs crawling all over them. The pharmacist said that I might have gotten too much and to swirl the vile beforehand. (I was never told the shake or swirl the vile prior to taking, up to this point. Actually the opposite, to prevent air bubbles) I hesitantly tried another dose about 3 days after I had the palm itch. When I put the needle in and started to inject it felt as though I was injecting acid into my body. I immediately took the needle out, switched to a new and tried a different location. I was unable to inject hardly any from the intense burn. It felt like I had spilled Muriatic Acid on my thigh and was spreading. It scared the crap out of me!.... Obviously, I have not taken Sermorelin again and contacted my pharmacist and Dr who agreed that stopping was a smart move.

So, there are doctors and pharmacists who say that Sermorelin is unlikely to have any reactions, I would strongly disagree with that. I took it for almost 6 months before they finally kicked in, so user beware.

Also, I never really felt like the benefits, which seemwd tiny, were worth the $150/month cost, so maybe I'm better off.

I can answer any question if needed
Similar Severe Allergic Reaction

Found this thread while searching for more info on my allergic reaction to Sermorelin. I've been taking it for about one year. First six months absolutely no side effects with positive results. Stopped for approximately 3 months and switched to sarcotropin but quickly lost gains and went back to sermorelin a few months ago. Started intermittently having itchy palms and feet within a few minutes of injection in the evening. Thought I may have a "bad batch" and started a new vial. Still experienced intermittent itchiness but no redness or discomfort at the injection site. BTW the itchiness always resolved within about 10 minutes, steadily decreasing during that time period. Reported this to my physician but he was unaware of any similar type of reaction in other patients. Last night, my most recent batch was about half gone and I had only experienced the itchiness 1-2 times while using. However, within 1-2 minutes of the injection, my face flushed bright red and larges hives began appearing around the injection site. I immediately started itching over my entire body, almost unbearable! Felt as if my skin was actually "crawling". Know what that actually means now. I had no shortness of breath or chest pain but the episode was scary. The reaction lasted again around 10-15 minutes and subsided. I did take two benadryl within minutes after the reaction began. I have never had any allergies to anything and this experience was completely unexpected. I have discontinued use of sermorelin and won't be using again. Too risky. Would recommend that anyone with mild allergic symptoms to sermorelin (even intermittently) consider the risk of developing/experiencing a full blown anaphylactic reaction.

Just reading this post. Crazy! Since I posted last in March, one of my friends, who had been taking sermorelin 0.5mg per night, for about 7 months with no issues, had a full blown anaphylactic reaction. He had taken injections from this same vial already, as well. He felt a warm wave come over him, heart pounding, flushing, passed out and cracked his head open in his hotel room, only to wake up with blood everywhere. I am starting to think that maybe there was; in fact, a safety reason that caused Serono to withdraw Geref (R) sermorelin acetate from the market, that they have kept under wraps. I think this reaction is VERY RARE, but is real. It is clearly related to the fact that a large proportion of patients develop anti-GRF antibodies "at least once" during treatment with sermorelin. The most common treatment-related adverse event (occurring in about 1 patient in 6) is local injection site reaction, characterized by pain, swelling or redness. Other treatment-related adverse events in clinical trials, with individual occurrence rates of less than 1% include: headache, flushing, DYSPHAGIA, DIZZINESS, hyperactivity, somnolence, and URTICARIA. What this means is that your body is over reacting to the sermorelin, due to the anti-GRF antibodies. It is an allergic reaction or over reaction of the immune system to sermorelin. I would not take it again, as your airway could close, causing death. Anyone can have this type of reaction to ANY drug.
I have been using sermorelin for the last several months with no side effects when tonight I injected...I am about half way through this vial and I broke out in severe hives and itching every where..itchy palms etc
I am very resistant to continue use.
I have been using sermorelin for the last several months with no side effects when tonight I injected...I am about half way through this vial and I broke out in severe hives and itching every where..itchy palms etc
I am very resistant to continue use.
It sure sounds like some kind of allergic reaction, if you decide to inject it again. Let us know what happens.
I had a very similar experience. First two reaction were small hives at injection site, some itching etc. Last night entire body became flushed and hives from head to toe. Intense itching, almost unbearable and a very weird feeling in my chest, like my lungs were numb. I teach Yoga so am very connected to my breath and lung expansion. My heartbeat was irregular, having quick burst and then slowing. Ive been on sermorelin for 11 months. Never a reaction until now!! I don't want to quit using it, but I'm feeling a bit of trepidation.. Gads.....
This is fascinating. I took ghrp2 and sometimes GHRP6 from DAT for nearly 5 years. I was in my early 30s and doing two work outs a day while in the military. It was an amazing boost for me. Injected daily, sometimes 2x a day. Not a SINGLE issue ever. Very ominous.
The answer is yes, you can have this reaction and it doesn't need to be immediate. I have taken Sermorellin with ghrp-2 ghrp-6. While using the single vial multi-dose I did not experience anything but the insane hunger that comes with some of these. I decided to switch to mod grf 1-29 but when I started injecting 200 micrograms my Palms and feet started burning itching. Thought it was a isolated incident so I try it again with a new vial from a different order at the same dose. Bang hands and feet but now also my head and chest were itching like Brady Bunch itching powder. I threw those out and went to another Pharmacy through a doctor and got a15mg Sermorellin vile. I took half a dose and started flushing and itching like crazy. Because I'm stupid I decided the next day to try again and took 3/4 dose. My head and mediately got hot and my heart started beating out of my chest. 30 seconds later I broke out into a sweat like I took a shower with my clothes on, and got weak at the knees had to lay down. I would call that a pretty substantial allergic reaction. Three it out.

I do ipamprellin and ghrp without a problem, but ghrh, sermorellin or mod grf 1-29 all seem to be a problem and are all very closely related. I hope my experience helps someone else. If you have an allergic reaction a couple times don't keep using it because they get worse
YES.....anaphylaxis !!! 100%. I was taking Sermorelin, GHRP-6, GHRP-2 (Blend) on and off for years, never a problem. Always prescribed from absolute , cre8 or Empower pharmacy. . I started to get itching at the injection worse every time over a week, and the itch would spread to my hands........ then on night, i injected, and within seconds, a rush took over my whole body, heart started racing, I broke out into a sweat like I just took a shower, my breathing as very shallow, and I had to lay down where I was, or I would pass out.....I took IPA from then on , and never a problem. THE ALLERGY I VERY REAL, IF YOU FEEL ITCHING, THE REACTION WILL ONLY GET WORSE THE NEXT TIME
Wanted to follow-up on this thread with new info/experience. So, because of my past allergic reaction to sermorelin, I stopped completely with injectables for 6 months +. Three months ago I began ipamorelin as a replacement given that I missed the early benefits from sermorelin and wanted to recover those. No side effects with daily use except for 2-3 experiences with very mild itchy palms/feet. Decided to keep using. Well, last night was different. Within 2 minutes heart began pounding, face/body flushing, welts appearing under arms, back, and inside knees/elbows. Itching was similar to sermorelin reaction. Overwhelming. 20 minutes until it subsided. Took a benadryl immediately when I saw the reaction start. I'm officially done forever with growth hormone. My advice is that once you have a mild reaction (itching feet/palms) be aware that more serious reaction may be on its way in the future. Very interesting that this "allergy" is not consistent, however, that fact may make it more dangerous.

I found this site and the article on Sermorelin after I had a severe reaction to the injections.

I started Sermorelin injections around October 2016 after my endocrinologist gave me the option. I did injections in the lower abdomin and moved to different areas of the stomach for each injection. I took the injections before bed every evening for 5 straight days and then 2 off. I continued this for several months without incident. Around late March I noticed that I was getting an itch at the injection site, which would last for 3-4 days. So, basically I had 3-4 itchy areas around my stomach constantly. The itch was minor at first and I contacted the compounding pharmacy I had been filling the prescription at. The pharmacist said that there was no known allergy to Sermorelin and that it was in an alcohol base, so that too is extremely unlikely to cause a reaction. He wanted to know if I was reusing the same needle and I was somewhat insulted. Anyway, the itching became worse, so I started injecting in the upper buttocks, after checking with my doctor. He too was surprised by the reaction. The new location worked for about 3 days and then started itching again. It got to a point where the pharmacist had me try a different vile, but same result. He then ordered a new batch from a different pharmacy supplier. This is when it went downhill. After injection with the new batch, within minutes my arms felt cold and the palms of my hand were so itchy I thought I had bugs crawling all over them. The pharmacist said that I might have gotten too much and to swirl the vile beforehand. (I was never told the shake or swirl the vile prior to taking, up to this point. Actually the opposite, to prevent air bubbles) I hesitantly tried another dose about 3 days after I had the palm itch. When I put the needle in and started to inject it felt as though I was injecting acid into my body. I immediately took the needle out, switched to a new and tried a different location. I was unable to inject hardly any from the intense burn. It felt like I had spilled Muriatic Acid on my thigh and was spreading. It scared the crap out of me!.... Obviously, I have not taken Sermorelin again and contacted my pharmacist and Dr who agreed that stopping was a smart move.

So, there are doctors and pharmacists who say that Sermorelin is unlikely to have any reactions, I would strongly disagree with that. I took it for almost 6 months before they finally kicked in, so user beware.

Also, I never really felt like the benefits, which seemwd tiny, were worth the $150/month cost, so maybe I'm better off.

I can answer any question if needed
Same thing happened to me. I was fine for the first 5 months then I started having itching at the injection site which becomes progressively worse, leading to hot redness of the palms and extreme itching of hands and feet. Facial flushing also occurs along with the urge scratch all of my skin off. The sensation is now unbearable and I will stop injections now as it’s not worth this happening again.
Same thing happened to me. I was fine for the first 5 months then I started having itching at the injection site which becomes progressively worse, leading to hot redness of the palms and extreme itching of hands and feet. Facial flushing also occurs along with the urge scratch all of my skin off. The sensation is now unbearable and I will stop injections now as it’s not worth this happening again.

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