6 months on clomid, Sperm count up, sperm quality down. Time to go off?

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So the count jumped from 6 million ml to 11 million ml, but everything else tanked, essentially making both test the same 7.2 million motile to 7.3 million. Should I just stop the Clomid and hope the quality goes back up? Any help or insite would be great.
There have been some studies on CoQ10 and sperm, it may be helpful.
Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 on semen parameters.

Coenzyme Q10 supplementation resulted in a statistically significant improvement in certain semen parameters. However, further studies are needed to draw a final conclusion and evaluate the effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on the pregnancy rate. https://www.excelmale.com/forum/showthread.php?7641-Efficacy-of-coenzyme-Q10-on-semen-parameters
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation in infertile men with low-grade varicocele: an open, uncontrolled pilot study.

Festa R, et al. Andrologia. 2014.


Many conditions associated with male infertility are inducers of oxidative stress, including varicocele. Antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10, may be useful in this case. To evaluate the antioxidant capacity of seminal plasma of infertile men with varicocele before and after an oral supplementation with coenzyme Q10 , 38 patients were recruited from a pilot clinical trial. A standard semen analysis was also performed at baseline and 3 months after an oral supplementation with exogenous coenzyme Q10 100 mg per die. Seminal plasma antioxidant capacity was measured using a spectroscopic method. Coenzyme Q10 therapy improved semen parameters and antioxidant status. This study highlights the importance of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of male infertility, namely in varicocele, and strengthens the possibility of the usefulness of the antioxidant therapy.


L-Carnitine Increases Sperm Motility and Quality

Ginger + Cinnamon

Ginger plus cinnamon increase sperm count and quality in rats with diabetes


Antioxidants may boost fertility in men
No just clomid/airmidex, fish oil, vit c, multi vit, selenium (for hashimotos).

I had vericocele surgery a year and a half ago. I went from almost zero sperm then to where I am at now from surgery+clomid.

We just want to be able to do iui instead of ivf. And it looks like they want 10mil motile post wash for that to be effective. So we are close but not there yet.
Stick with it, My experience mirrors where you're at to this point, Sperm count continued to rise from this point and so did motility and mobility as well.
Congrats! Did the HCG help at all? Did you take them at the same time?

I used clomid 1st, The side effects became more than I was willing to tolerate, and lowering the dosage lower testosterone as well. This was probably 6-8 months. But the semen analysis were improving with each test. I then saw a fertility specialist who prescribed HCG, he wanted me to take, I believe, 1500iu 3x week. I knew this would produced extreme estrogen sides and decided to use 500iu EOD. The produced better results than clomid did, sperm count continued to increase, and motility and mobility increased a bit then leveled off IIRC.
I went from "ZERO" in sperm count to upwards of 150 million in that time frame.
See this, THIS is good info. I read a study about the benefits of HCG for patients after vericocele surgery. No Dr's would listen, and was put on clomid instead.
See this, THIS is good info. I read a study about the benefits of HCG for patients after vericocele surgery. No Dr's would listen, and was put on clomid instead.

This is the study:

Human chorionic gonadotropin adjuvant therapy for patients with Leydig cell dysfunction after varicocelectomy.Yamamoto M1, Hibi H, Katsuno S, Miyake K.
[h=3]Author information[/b]

[h=3]Abstract[/b]The authors treated 135 men who underwent varicocelectomy, but had sustained Leydig cell dysfunction disclosed by LHRH test with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG was administered for 10 weeks: 50,000 units were given in 10 divided doses intramuscularly. Semen analysis and measurement of serum hormone level were obtained 8 weeks after the completion of treatment, and every 3 months after that. All patients were followed up for 2 years to confirm pregnancy. Fifty-five percent of patients achieved pregnancy and they showed significant increase in sperm density, percentage of sperm motility, normal form sperm, and serum testosterone level. It is recommended that hCG be administered to patients who undergo varicocelectomy but have persistent subtle Leydig cell dysfunction disclosed by LHRH test to stimulate the intratesticular testosterone production.

PMID: 8554431
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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Looks like the study was right! Only 1 million under "normal," And according to the study should keep climbing.


This is the study:

Human chorionic gonadotropin adjuvant therapy for patients with Leydig cell dysfunction after varicocelectomy.

Yamamoto M1, Hibi H, Katsuno S, Miyake K.
Author information


The authors treated 135 men who underwent varicocelectomy, but had sustained Leydig cell dysfunction disclosed by LHRH test with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG was administered for 10 weeks: 50,000 units were given in 10 divided doses intramuscularly. Semen analysis and measurement of serum hormone level were obtained 8 weeks after the completion of treatment, and every 3 months after that. All patients were followed up for 2 years to confirm pregnancy. Fifty-five percent of patients achieved pregnancy and they showed significant increase in sperm density, percentage of sperm motility, normal form sperm, and serum testosterone level. It is recommended that hCG be administered to patients who undergo varicocelectomy but have persistent subtle Leydig cell dysfunction disclosed by LHRH test to stimulate the intratesticular testosterone production.

PMID: 8554431
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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Did any of you check t levels? If I'm correct t levels correlate with fertility. If so did the hcg perminantly raise your t level and sperm count? I as well just got the surgery and had 6 mil sperm but good morph. And motility but low t im 26 I'm not trying for a kid but I wanted to take care of it I mainly got it because I was suffering from low t sides....just picked up my clomid today....been almost 3 months since surgery so id like to know from y'all where ypur testosterone stands, thanks.

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