Anxiety over Clomid sides

I have past usage of clomid while coming off of AAS, as well as pro hormones which I haven't used in about 5 years. I used higher dosing protocols (Don't remember specifics, maybe 200mg day 1, then 100/50 taper) And I ended up getting some Dragging vision, or tracers in the dark.

The symptoms went away when I stopped the clomid.

Now as of the last couple of years I have gotten some strange vision issues that the Neurologist has written off as ocular migraines and "Completely normal."

I was getting scintillating scotoma's, but never any headache. I have an anxiety issues about my health (over analyze everything,) and don't know if these were caused as a result of the anxiety, or that I had anxiety because they were happening. The Dr did not clarify that either. None the less I have stopped getting them after I saw him in January.

What I also get is phosphenes with my eyes open in middle of the day. It has happened about 3 times in 3 years. Always at work, under florescent lighting, while looking at a white wall. It will look like a pure white comet is casually meandering in my peripheral vision for a second,before disappearing.

I also have floaters but believe everyone has these.

Now why this matters:

I was just prescribed a 25/mg day clomid dose, as well anastrozole to combat secondary hypogonadism and infertility. I mentioned my concerns and the Dr said due to the lower dose that I should be fine, but if I get any symptoms to stop treatment and we will go from there.

After reading all of the Clomid horror stories, and with my previous experience of dragging vision, and my more recent issues of the phosphines, and scintillating scotoma's I am ready to just cut the treatment, and try a different option.

Am I being too paranoid thinking all of these things are related?
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Im 31. Its two part, to raise sperm and test count. I had a vericocele that I had removed, and wanted to try to raise both of those counts.

Given your age and the recent surgery, that's a rational approach to your issues. That said, you have what to me, and I certainly am not a doctor, seems like serious reasons to be wary. I know that my doctor suspends Clomid treatment if visual issues present. It's not a subject she'll debate; she's very conservative in regard to this one, particular topic.

As as for the Anastrozole, are you dealing with elevate e2? A little Anastrozole certainly goes a long way - and can be introduced when lab values and symptoms call for it. What is your estradiol pre-treatment.

Perhaps Dr. Saya, Defy Medical's director, can offer some thoughts from his clinical experience.
I am using Dr Saya, however I didn't take into the consideration that the scintillating scotoma's, and phosphenes may have been caused by my prior clomid use so I didn't mention those during our consultation.

I tried calling them tonight but it was after hours, so hoping to ease my mind with answers here until I can call on Monday.
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Thedeparted - visual symptoms with VERY high Clomid dosing associated with AAS PCT (200mg-100mg-50mg as you noted) is relatively common and certainly not a strong predictor of experiencing visual symptoms with lower, more appropriate dosages for medical HPTA stimulation purposes. However, they can still occur, just much less frequently.

I would also highly doubt that the rare/transient (as it sounds from your post) occurrence of visual symptoms over the past few years would be related to your past Clomid usage (even at the high doses you mentioned), because you implied that the original Clomid-associated visual symptoms resolved and the new symptoms are different (in character) than the previous symptoms despite no further clomid usage.

Given your age and clinical goals, I wouldn't allow your current anxiety (which I do believe is weighing on you heavily) to completely dissuade you from what might be the best solution for you at the current time. With that said, at the first sign of any visual symptoms (either new or exacerbations of old) I would certainly advise immediate cessation of the Clomid and a consult to discuss alternatives.
Thank you sir, and sorry to catch you on the weekend!

Yes they are different in nature. The Phosphenes, and Ocular Migraines never happened while on the clomid.

I was just hoping that I did not cause some permanent damage along the line, and if so did not want to further such damage if it were the case.

But I agree my health anxiety is a little over the top at this point, and need to work on that.

Thank you again for your time, and I will continue the protocol as prescribed.

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