PCT Log (27 Y/O, 3 years on TRT)

After reading this I might try something like it. I've been on TRT for 12 months.

My n/mol is currently sitting at about 40 taking 150mg/wk

I need my balls to work again due to not taking HCG at all.

I could just run the HCG with 100mg/wk of test but the same as you I'm not sure I feel that much different from before. I'm certainly stronger and bigger but nothing ridiculous and that's not a trade I'm willing to take now to not have kids.

How did you come to the conclusion that was the best "PCT" for you?

Currently, I'm torn between staying on 100mg/wk and 1500iu/wk or coming off TRT completely until I've had kids but this would involve running HCG in the sameish doses as you.

Regarding the Enclomiphene, it seems to have worked for you, interestingly I'd have never put something like in, I'd probably have just gone with HCG and then Clomid but you have swayed me on that.
I don't think there is a "best" PCT. There is such little scientific literature on this topic that it's a guessing game.

I went with 500 IU of HCG per day solo more as a test to see how my balls worked. If that didn't get me producing decent test, I likely would've hopped back on TRT. Also I have a script for it from my GP and good insurance so it's free for me. I went with enclomiphene because on paper it is the best SERM for the HPTA currently. Also didn't want to fuck with clomid because I have family history of macular degeneration.

Something like this is also what a doc that used to work with a bunch of ex steroid users did (can't remember his name at the moment). He'd have them drop test and pump them full of HCG for a month or so to test their balls. Then PCT would be adjusted based on how the testicles were working.

Switching to 12.5mg EOD of enclomiphene now. Still feel fine, no sides. Just I've been on 12.5mg ED for over 30 days now. Testicles are quite large, maybe even bigger than pre TRT.

Next bloodwork appointment is slated for August 9 (3 weeks today). Unless something changes I likely won't update until those results are in.

Still feeling great. No noticeable muscle or strength loss and libido and erection quality and everything of that nature is still going well. Got bloods yesterday, which was 21 days after switching to 12.5mg EOD of enclomiphene. Results are:

FSH: 9.0 IU/L (RR 1.8 - 8.0) HIGH
LH: 4.1 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 7.0)
Prolactin: 9.6 ug/L (RR 4.0 - 19.0)
Total Testosterone: 27.0 nmol/L (RR 8.4 - 28.8)
Free Testosterone: 540 pmol/L (RR 196 - 636)

LH, FSH, TT and FT all went up despite being on a lower dose. I am now dropping to 12.5mg twice per week. Will likely do this for 4-5 weeks then hopefully the PCT is done.

Still feeling fine. Got bloods yesterday after 4 weeks of 12.5mg 2x per week of enclomiphene. Bloods were taken 96 hours after the last enclomiphene dose.

FSH: 8.4 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 8.0) HIGH
LH: 5.3 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 7.0)
Prolactin: 11.7 ug/L (RR 4.0 - 19.0)
Testosterone: 30.3 mmol/L (RR 8.4 - 28.8) HIGH
Free Testosterone: 577 pmol/L (RR 196 - 636)

SHBG is still clearly quite high, which is definitely at least partly due to the enclomiphene. Also been eating a very large amount of fiber (70-80 grams per day on average), which tends to drive up SHBG so I am curious to see if my FT/TT ratio changes much without any SERM use.

This is a wrap on the PCT. Honestly went as well as I could have hoped for, as my test bounced back wonderfully with low dose serm use and without any side effects. I have one blood test left on my requisition, so I will get that done in 5-6 weeks. Hoping the fact that my LH never spiked on the enclomiphene despite good testosterone levels means I will recover fine. Also going to do a sperm analysis sometime in the next few weeks.
Update (10/19/24)

Got bloods yesterday (10/18/24), 6ish weeks after the last dose of enclomiphene. Results are as follows:

Total Testosterone: 13.8 nmol/L (RR 8.4 - 28.8)
Free Testosterone: 323 pmol/L (RR 196 - 636)
LH: 3.8 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 7.0)
FSH: 4.1 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 8.0)
Prolactin: 15.1 IU/L (RR 4.0 - 19.0)

Not great, not terrible. Definitely felt a bit off the past 3 or 4 weeks, but nothing terrible at all. Just a bit more fatigued and irritable. Was sick for the 8 or so days prior to the blood test, which could have had an impact. My LH is exactly the same here as it was for my one and only pre-TRT blood test, which is interesting.

Going to request another set of bloods, probably 3 x every 2 months or something and keep an eye on things. Want to commit to at least a year no TRT, as I don't expect any recovery past a year. I do expect to bounce up a bit from where I'm at though. I'd be surprised if I don't recover to ~17+ nmol/L total. I don't feel bad at all, and some life events can definitely explain why I've been feeling meh the past few weeks, so I'm not too worried about it.
Update (12/06/24)

Got bloods yesterday (12/05/24). Results are:

Total Testosterone: 16.8 nmol/L (RR 8.4 - 28.8)
Free Testosterone: 357 pmol/L (196 - 636)
LH: 4.6 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 7.0)
FSH: 4.4 IU/L (RR 1.0 - 8.0)
Prolactin: 13.7 ug/L (RR 4.0 - 19.0)

Higher than last time. This was taken approximately 7 months off of TRT and 3 months off of enclomiphene. TT here is actually exactly what it was on my only bloodwork taken before getting on TRT, so I guess you could say I 100% recovered?

I feel fine, more or less what I felt like on TRT. Also on track to hit some all time PRs on the lifts I've been training, including one which is likely in striking distance of a world record, so I would say this has been quite successful. Only "bad" point to make is that I feel like my balls are smaller than they were pre TRT? Although I can't say with certainty.

Sperm analysis is booked for next friday. Will get bloods early/mid feburary and then early May. Also may hop over to trump land and get bloods with LC/MS as I'm curious to see what the difference would be, since LC/MS usually measures a bit higher than ECLIA (what I use). Also would be curious to see what a sensitive E2 would be, and I want to get my omega 3 index measured.

If anyone is curious, my supplement regimen has been the following:
Taurine - ~2.5 grams 1-2x per day
Creatine - 5 grams per day
Magnesium Citrate Powder - ~2 grams 1-3x per day
D3 - 10k IU 2-3x per week (winter only)
K2 (mk7) - 200ug whenever I take d3
Fish Oil - ~1gram EPA+DHA per day
Homemade Milk Kefir - 1L per day
Fruits/Veggies - 10+ servings per day
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Got my doctor to send me my sperm analysis results.

Volume was low on the analysis, but I probably missed more than I managed to get into the cup thing.

This also seems like a pretty butch lab, as there are only like 5 markers measured. But here they are:

Sperm Volume: 1.5ml (RR > 1.5ml)
Viscosity: Complete (not sure what this means?)
Motility: 90% (RR > 40%)
Vitality: 93% (RR > 58%)
Sperm Count: 61.0 x 10E6 / ml (RR > 15.0 x 10E6 / ml)
Morphology: 14% (RR > 14%)

Volume seems right on the cut-off (but then again there was more on my stomach than in the cup) as is morphology, but everything seems good here tbh. Not sure what a lot of these numbers mean but if anyone wants to chime in, feel free.

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