Testosterone Induced Hair Loss: Revifol Hair Growth Supplement


New Member
I was wondering if anyone else had experienced thinning hair since starting testosterone replacement? It's been a complaint of mine for some time, and I've noticed over the years my hair has been thinning. I've talked about it on this forum with several members and the general consensus is that it's caused by high DHT levels. I went to my doctor to discuss the options and wanted to avoid hair loss medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil. Thus, began my search for DHT blocking herbs.

I came across Revifol and decided to give it a try. I'm a couple months in and not sure if it's placebo or not, however my hair is definitely looking thicker. Usually, in the morning when I go to comb my hair, I used to see so many strands of hair in the sink and this has abruptly stopped since I started this supplement. There seems to be good scientific references backing up the ingredients in this supplement too. I was wondering if anyone else had heard of this supplement or had similar positive results by taking it?

I plan to continue taking this supplement for as long as it remains effective, and the only other option I see is to limit DHT spikes with lowering my dosage (apart from quitting TRT). Has anyone else had success with DHT blockers for hair loss due to TRT? How have you managed to combat the hair loss caused by TRT?
Typical scam. Lot's of 1 star reviews on Amazon. Then bunch of YouTube videos to "warn you" to buy it only from "the official website" where you are greeted with a typical advertisement scam page.
Some people seem to have success with RU58841 which is a topical androgen blocker that doesn't seem to go systematic as topical finasteride does.

Topical finasteride seems to have fewer side effects than oral but I am not sure why because it affects plasma DHT levels similarly to oral. Some people try microdosing topical finasteride to have less of an impact on plasma DHT. I may try this approach.

Many people rave about minoxidil combined with microneedling. I may try this too but would avoid combining topical finasteride around microneedling sessions to avoid increasing systemic exposure.

I started taking oral finasteride with trt because I had taken it a few times before without any side effects. In fact, it always seemed to increase my libido when I took it. However, I stopped taking it because my estradiol seemed high and I didn't want anything interfering with my numbers until I got dialed. I am currently using minoxidil and ketoconazole which is a weak DHT blocker.
There are current studies of low doses oral minoxidil having some success but it may cause side effects: drop in blood pressure; swollen legs etc
I have used a product from MinoxodilMax for years. Its 15% minoxidil, azelaic acid, finasteride, caffeine and some other ingredients. It works. I have had zero side effects from the topical finasteride, but, I also have very high natural DHT levels.

I also use a solution that I make myself with the main ingredient being GHK-CU, Copper Tripeptides. I use a derma roller prior to application.

I have had some significant hair loss over the years, but now have a full head of hair. It does have the potential to come back if you catch it in time. As for me, once it grew back, I became complacent, and the cycle started all over again. I am now much more diligent about keeping up with it.

Should you decide to try the MinoxodilMax product, be sure to hit me up for some tips on usage. Azelaic acid is a sticky substance and has a learning curve for proper usage.
Hey I’m interested in your protocol that you use for thinning. Which minoxidil products ect and where do you get your Ghk-cu at? Thanks! P
Here is the MinoxadilMax website:

They have quite a few products, I use the DualGen 15 with no propylene glycol as I am allergic to it.


As for the GHK, here is the very best I have found. It's 7% and should be added to products, not applied directly. There is a strength dilution chart which tells you how many drops based on the volume of the base. Go for a 3% solution.

[IMG='width:260px; width="260px"']https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-ake4mh/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/511/2039/ghk7w__51497__04481.1694014869.jpg?c=2[/IMG]

You can put together the other ingredients separately. skinactives sells the KGF.

Buy your anhydrous caffeine here:

Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF)​

KGF is a member of the fibroblast growth factor family and has been found to promote healthy hair. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) binds to the KGF receptor on the cell surface, acting as both a growth and survival factor by stimulating epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration, and promoting a number of cell protective mechanisms. KGF is also known as FGF-7 and heparin-binding growth factor-7 (HBGF-7). Keratinocyte growth factor has been shown in vitro to regulate proliferation and differentiation in epithelial tissues, and may regulate the cells of the hair follicle.


A study show that caffeine works against alopecia at many levels, especially in men:

  • It inhibits phosphodiesterase, an enzyme that plays a crucial role in alopecia.
  • It reduces transepidermal water loss and increases barrier function of the skin.
  • It can penetrate well through follicles and can actively promote hair growth.1
  • It works against the suppression of hair shaft production by testosterone in male hair follicles.

I add a few drops of peppermint oil as well, really makes the scalp tingle. Don't overdo it!

[IMG='width:126px; width="126px"']https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71sO0zXvSeL._AC_UL400_.jpg[/IMG]

Add the ingredients to this:

[IMG='width:157px; width="157px"']https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71RDb3PpvaL._AC_UL400_.jpg[/IMG]

Use a derma roller beforehand followed by a splash of Sea Breeze. Let it dry and then spray the solution on the scalp. Don't overdo it, a little goes a long way. Let it dry. I use this in the morning and the MinoxadilMax product at night as it has azelaic acid and is sticky. If you can, cut your hair as short as you can stand it for 60 days to better access the scalp. Give this 60 days, and you will see results.

Take a before picture, and then every 30 days. MinoxadilMax will give you a free product if you document your progress and send it to them.
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Where is the KFG and caffeine sold? I don’t see it at either of the links you put on there. Thanks!
The links are there...

You can put together the other ingredients separately. skinactives sells the KGF.


Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF)

Skin Actives KGF Serum may help promote hair growth the return of your healthy locks. Try our serum out and add this ingredient into your own products at home!

Buy your anhydrous caffeine here:

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Some mixing tips:

1. Mix the ingredients in a separate mortar and pestle style bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of the caffeine and then add some of the rice water a little at time to dilute it and make it smooth.

2. Add your KGF to the mix and stir it in.

3. Add your drops of GHK-CU based on the strength you want, mix that in.

4. Add enough more rice water to thin it out.

5. Take a small funnel and pour the mix into the spray bottle.

6. Add a few drops of peppermint oil. I use 5, but you can experiment.

7. Shake the bottle well to mix it thoroughly. Always shake it before use.
I tried the minoxidilmax for the first time last night. Was really sticky, clumped my hair up making me look like I’ve lost more hair than I ever realized! Did you say there’s some trick to applying it?
Yes sir… very sticky stuff. The best thing, if you can, is to cut your hair as short as you can stand for 60 days.

If not, take the dropper and tap it, point down on your scalp while lightly squeezing. Don’t rub it in, just let it dry.
Sorry to keep asking questions. It seems they’ve tightened restrictions as of last may on the bulk caffeine. Now in addition to a company name you have to have a business EIN number or some type of fda document. I wrote down a company name and tried to send it in but it seems they need more. Any suggestions? Is there another so for powdered caffeine or should I mix the stuff up without it. I have everything else. The minoxidilmax says it has some caffeine in it.
Hey Paddy, yes, go ahead and mix everything up. The GHK cu is the main factor. I last bought caffeine powder over a year ago, so I’ll look for another source.

One other thing, putting the Minoxadil Max on at night you don’t need to worry about how your hair looks. Also, do some research on hair growth cycles so you understand how Minoxidil works.
Regarding the GHK mixture. Can’t I just add the GHK and kfg and peppermint oil directly to the rice water bottle since I don’t have the powdered caffeine? If so how much GHK do I add to it? It says that the entire vial contains approximately 7% of GHK.
Thanks! p
If you scroll down the GHK page you will see a chart. There are 400 drops per bottle.

As the rice water has 100 mg (3.3 oz), for a 3% mix, you want about 300 drops. 3% is the strongest mixture. You can go from 1% to 3%, so use the chart to calculate your desired strength.

Always be sure to shake the bottle before use. And remember, a little goes a long way.
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In the email about this thread it says “As the rice water has 100 mg (3.3 oz), for a 3% mix, you want about 80 drops. The GHK- cu will last you for 5 bottles,”
And then the when I click on the thread it says 300 drops. That doesn’t seem like it would last 5 bottles.
Again, I’m really sorry about all the questions, I’m almost there!
My bad on that, incorrect math. I used to use a different GHK product. Use between 100-300 drops depending on the strength you want. 3% is the highest and will get you the best results.

Just remember, it takes 60-90 days to see results and you have to be consistent.
If you shop GHK-cu hair products on the web, you will see prices of up to 250.00 for 1 ounce of a lesser strength product. This gives you 3.3 ounces of product, with better ingredients. No fillers here, everything in this has been proven to accelerate hair growth. This lasts me 3 months. It is potent and only requires a little bit.

I put this together after researching each ingredient. The key player is the GHK-cu, but all the other ingredients add to the efficacy.

I am no chemist by any stretch, but this works very well for me.
How often do you have to wash your hair when doing this treatment? I normally don’t shampoo my hair that often, maybe once every week or so.
Daily while on this routine to get the residue out. Use a mild shampoo if you are not used to washing your hair often, I use Nizoral. Really massage and scrub your scalp. This not only gets it clean but also increases blood flow.

There are differing schools of thought on shampoo frequency. One that I have found to be true is that you need to clear the sebum from your scalp pores, this requires daily shampooing. Blocked scalp pores can cause a loss of hair growth because the hair shaft can't get through the sebum. This is especially true if you have somewhat oily skin.

Does Excess Sebum Cause Hair Loss?

Abnormalities in sebum production can impact your hair’s health. While your hair requires sebum, too much sebum can clog the pores on your scalp. This may block the nutrition supply from the blood to your hair follicles and result in dandruff or bacterial infections, eventually leading to hair loss.

According to Ayurveda, an aggravation of your Kapha Dosha results in excessive sebum production. Hence, people who have a Kapha- Pitta dominant Prakriti or body constitution are more prone to oily scalp conditions.
Daily while on this routine to get the residue out. Use a mild shampoo if you are not used to washing your hair often, I use Nizoral. Really massage and scrub your scalp. This not only gets it clean but also increases blood flow.

There are differing schools of thought on shampoo frequency. One that I have found to be true is that you need to clear the sebum from your scalp pores, this requires daily shampooing. Blocked scalp pores can cause a loss of hair growth because the hair shaft can't get through the sebum. This is especially true if you have somewhat oily skin.

Does Excess Sebum Cause Hair Loss?

Abnormalities in sebum production can impact your hair’s health. While your hair requires sebum, too much sebum can clog the pores on your scalp. This may block the nutrition supply from the blood to your hair follicles and result in dandruff or bacterial infections, eventually leading to hair loss.

According to Ayurveda, an aggravation of your Kapha Dosha results in excessive sebum production. Hence, people who have a Kapha- Pitta dominant Prakriti or body constitution are more prone to oily scalp conditions.
You mentioned that you do a “splash of Sea Breeze” before derma roll and ghk-cu mixture. Do you rinse the Seabreeze off before applying the ghk-cu mixture? I’m 2 weeks in. Thanks Ks!

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