Terrible anxiety and constantly at a heightened state on 100mg a week

My thoughts: Too much testosterone.
I realise you have dropped your dose down to 0.22ml 3 times a week @ 250 mg/ml, however, this is still what I would call high (Why is your thread titled at 100 mg per week?)
55 mg, 3 times a week equals 165 mg a week. If I was to take this much testosterone a week I would also be suffering from anxiety, persistent ED and other sexual dysfunctions.
I see you have just posted some labs, they are not dated, but your T levels are quite above range. I am not surprised you are experiencing or have been experiencing side effects such as anxiety.

Your body may have been able to tolerate these high levels of testosterone initially, when you were in what I call the honeymoon period of TRT. This period of time can last for quite some time for some men. Then, things change and your nervous system and other systems can no longer manage the issues this creates. I feel it disrupts the balance in our autonomic nervous system, creating a form of sympathetic dominance. Some men are much more sensitive to this than others.
I am sure you felt great initially, with heightened levels of dopamine (which excessive T promotes) and receptors in your body still relatively fresh to increased levels of T, but eventually this stops.
We can tolerate a certain medication for a period of time also, and then all of a sudden we do not.

It is a constant theme on this forum of guys using too much T and trying to justify it.
Even doctors recommending excessive dosages. It is a very small proportion of men that actually need these higher levels of T.

I also tolerated high levels of testosterone for a period of time when I was younger, more than a couple of years in fact. Then slowly things started to change, anxiety issues crept in, sexual dysfunctions, chronic ED.
In my opinion, once your body develops this change in function/tolerance due to excessive testosterone stimulation, it can take a long time for these changes to find a more normal balance again, a homeostasis whereby systems can once again function at a healthy level. I think for some this may even mean discontinuing the hormone treatment for a significant period of time. After this, TRT may be able to be reintroduced at a much lower dosage and the systems which it affects will function much better, as your individual genetics dictate.
This is what I did at one point in time. I stopped all hormone therapy for almost 2 years. I am not saying you need to do this, it is just something that I did, not necessarily with this intention in mind. However, the result was that my body had completely readjusted itself back to its own natural balance.

Dropping your dose down from 0.29 x 3 (72.5 mg x 3 =217mg) per week (very high dose for TRT) to 165 mg, (still a high dose) will not solve your issues in my opinion.
I am currently on 30 mg twice a week, plus my rhCG at approximately 300 iu twice a week. This solved many of my issues from when I was using around 120 mg per week.

Testosterone can have a big influence on our nervous system. Having too much of this very potent ligand on a consistent basis, disrupting the delicate balance of many other chemicals in our body is asking for trouble. Remember, our body produces this chemical messenger in a very specific way each day, with two rises and drops. This is not just accidental, it is by design. Saturating your cells with testosterone in a completely different manner, in excessive quantities; odd things are sure to occur and they do!
Excellent post.
Thanks for your Input my friend. I dropped down to 0.1ml 12.5 mg a day. Could that still be to much ?

I get what you mean by coming off as I did for 3 months but the depression and anxiety wad to much for me. That was cold turkey aswell.

I think I maybe super sensitive to T hence the reason. For some effects. When I was in sus250 0.5ml every t days that put my T and free T super high
So maybe I only need a little bit.

Still lots of work to do on that department and try igure out what's going on.

And again thanks for your Input
12.5 mg per day may be a lot. I’ve read about people getting their levels above 1000 on 10 mg a day. Also, if you are on 12.5 mg per day, but started that immediately after being supraphysiologic already, it may take time for you to find a new balance.
Thanks for your Input my friend. I dropped down to 0.1ml 12.5 mg a day. Could that still be to much ?

I get what you mean by coming off as I did for 3 months but the depression and anxiety wad to much for me. That was cold turkey aswell.

I think I maybe super sensitive to T hence the reason. For some effects. When I was in sus250 0.5ml every t days that put my T and free T super high
So maybe I only need a little bit.

Still lots of work to do on that department and try igure out what's going on.

And again thanks for your Input
Happy to help!
I see with that attachment your Cypionate is actually 250 mg/2ml. Your first post says this: "I switched doctors and went with test cyp and the dose was 0.29ml 3 x a week. That's 250mg/ml."
So my calculations were based on that, not at 2ml.
Your dosage is therefore not nearly as high as I was referring to in my last post.
0.5 ml of Sustanon 250 every 5 days is a reasonably high dose, those labs you posted were from this protocol? If so they were very high numbers as you mention.
I tend to agree with you that you may need a low dose of T to feel normal, possibly lower than you are currently trying.
Last edited:
Happy to help!
I see with that attachment your Cypionate is actually 250 mg/2ml. Your first post says this: "I switched doctors and went with test cyp and the dose was 0.29ml 3 x a week. That's 250mg/ml."
So my calculations were based on that, not at 2ml.
Your dosage is therefore not nearly as high as I was referring to in my last post.
0.5 ml of Sustanon 250 every 5 days is a reasonably high dose, those labs you posted were from this protocol? If so they were very high numbers as you mention.
I tend to agree with you that you may need a low dose of T to feel normal, possibly lower than you are currently trying.
No my blood work was from test cyp 3 x a qeek at 0.29ml. Which puts me off the scales. I really think 60mg a week split into 2 would be better for me.

Yeah the sus250 0.5ml every 5 days put me super high levels to so I k ow I must be super sensitive to it. But I had no side effects with that just the test cyp.
No my blood work was from test cyp 3 x a qeek at 0.29ml. Which puts me off the scales. I really think 60mg a week split into 2 would be better for me.

Yeah the sus250 0.5ml every 5 days put me super high levels to so I k ow I must be super sensitive to it. But I had no side effects with that just the test cyp.
Ok, so that means 0.29 x 125 mg = 36mg x 3 =108 mg/week. This dosage gave you a T level of 38 nmol/l (8.6-29)! Not good.
You have not mentioned the labs for when you were on Sustanon 250?
Sounds like you are in the UK or AU with lab readings like this.

I think you did eventually experience these negative effects with Sustanon as you stated in your first post:
"I jumped back on sus250 same dose as always and my anxiety was through the roof."

As I mentioned, the fact your body tolerated this dose initially, does not mean it will continue to tolerate it, especially as that dose, as you say "put me super high levels".

I would also agree that 60 mg may be worth a try, possibly even less. If it were me personally, given the state of your nervous system, I would consider stopping all hormone therapy for a period of time to allow your body to stabilise itself without the complication of dealing with exogenous hormones. Perhaps you could discuss this with your doctor first of course, so you have the appropriate support and advice.

I am curious to know what the side effects were for you from the hCG as per this comment you made in your first post? :
"I come off it for fertilty reasons as the hcg caused lots of side effects."
How long were you on hCG for and at what dosage?
But the thing is, he only experienced the anxiety when re-introducing sustanon at the same dose, this has happened to many including me, they get off a working protocol for some reason and then when hypogonadism starts to kick in they get back on test and it does not work like it used to.
Ok, so that means 0.29 x 125 mg = 36mg x 3 =108 mg/week. This dosage gave you a T level of 38 nmol/l (8.6-29)! Not good.
You have not mentioned the labs for when you were on Sustanon 250?
Sounds like you are in the UK or AU with lab readings like this.

I think you did eventually experience these negative effects with Sustanon as you stated in your first post:
"I jumped back on sus250 same dose as always and my anxiety was through the roof."

As I mentioned, the fact your body tolerated this dose initially, does not mean it will continue to tolerate it, especially as that dose, as you say "put me super high levels".

I would also agree that 60 mg may be worth a try, possibly even less. If it were me personally, given the state of your nervous system, I would consider stopping all hormone therapy for a period of time to allow your body to stabilise itself without the complication of dealing with exogenous hormones. Perhaps you could discuss this with your doctor first of course, so you have the appropriate support and advice.

I am curious to know what the side effects were for you from the hCG as per this comment you made in your first post? :
"I come off it for fertilty reasons as the hcg caused lots of side effects."
How long were you on hCG for and at what dosage?
So I was running 0.5ml sus250 and 250iu hcg throughout the protocol and was good.

I ran a fertilty test and it come back really low so I panicked and got onto my doctor who said raise it to 500iu 3 x a week. And that's when the side effects come in of anxiety and me mentally burnt out I remember as I was offshore(oil rig) and I had to get put off.

Me and my partner had been trying for a and I decided to quit cold turkey and make plans again for after the deed was done.

Long story short my wife is pregnant now(silver lining) and I decided to go back on the same dose of 0.5ml every 5 days and and it wasn't until a few weeks in maybe 3 I got the terrible side effects of anxiety and basically feeling wired. I had to quit my new job as its mentally demanding and I couldn't focus.

I switched doctors for cost reasons as BMH(balance my hormones) wanted £300 to speak to a doctor for 30min and i refused.

I switched to optimale and as stated earlier they put me on 0.9ml of test cyp 3 x a week for a starting dose. And again terrible side effects, anxious, mentally burnt out, feels like I'm on Redbull all day then exhausted by 7pm wanting to go to sleep.brain fog, mumble words sometimes.

I appreciate all your support guys,I think going through the evidence it could be that I am sensitive to testosterone and only need a little bit. I would like to be on the high side of normal range and not super physiological levels.

Again thanks for your Input i really appreciate your support and advice
But the thing is, he only experienced the anxiety when re-introducing sustanon at the same dose, this has happened to many including me, they get off a working protocol for some reason and then when hypogonadism starts to kick in they get back on test and it does not work like it used to.
Yeah i got off for fertilty reasons and now my wife is pregnant I'm back on trying to get dialled in.it sucks but I'm not giving up
So I was running 0.5ml sus250 and 250iu hcg throughout the protocol and was good.

I ran a fertilty test and it come back really low so I panicked and got onto my doctor who said raise it to 500iu 3 x a week. And that's when the side effects come in of anxiety and me mentally burnt out I remember as I was offshore(oil rig) and I had to get put off.

Me and my partner had been trying for a and I decided to quit cold turkey and make plans again for after the deed was done.

Long story short my wife is pregnant now(silver lining) and I decided to go back on the same dose of 0.5ml every 5 days and and it wasn't until a few weeks in maybe 3 I got the terrible side effects of anxiety and basically feeling wired. I had to quit my new job as its mentally demanding and I couldn't focus.
You have provided more information here. It appears you were on hCG too for the duration and then increased that from 250iu to 500iu 3 times a week. Was the 500iu of hCG at the same time as the Sustanon? Sorry this was not clear in your post above or in your previous posts.
For some men, 3 x 500iu of hCG a week alone would be enough to generate more than adequate T levels.

hCG in some men, as has been mentioned on this forum many times, can cause anxiety, if the dose is too high. However, if this was combined with Sustanon, the very high T levels which you have experienced are in my opinion the culprit. It could be that this has caused a temporary shift in your tolerance with regard to the CNS and its sensitivity to testosterone. Time and lowish levels of T may correct this.
Congratulations for the successful pregnancy, especially given your issues.
You have provided more information here. It appears you were on hCG too for the duration and then increased that from 250iu to 500iu 3 times a week. Was the 500iu of hCG at the same time as the Sustanon? Sorry this was not clear in your post above or in your previous posts.
For some men, 3 x 500iu of hCG a week alone would be enough to generate more than adequate T levels.

hCG in some men, as has been mentioned on this forum many times, can cause anxiety, if the dose is too high. However, if this was combined with Sustanon, the very high T levels which you have experienced are in my opinion the culprit. It could be that this has caused a temporary shift in your tolerance with regard to the CNS and its sensitivity to testosterone. Time and lowish levels of T may correct this.
Congratulations for the successful pregnancy, especially given your issues.
Yeah the HCG and SUS250 where both at the same time so I could keep using Trt and not have to come off.

I am just looking at blood work from sus250 and hcg and Imy free t was 2 nmol/l (insane) and total t was 75nmol/l Off 0.5ml every 5 days and 250iu x2 a week.

I agree with you that my CNS has said I can't do this anymore.

Thanks for your help again, I have learned so much from you then I have from my doctor crazy enough.

I am speaking with him today so I will give him my thoughts on dropping down to 50m split into 2 injections a week and see hownwe go.

I will update this post in 4 weeks so anybody experiencing the same symptoms can learn from my mistakes.

Thanks again sir you have been a brilliant help for me
Anybody tried LTheanine with Trt for anxiety issues ?

My story is a bit of a long one but here it goes.

So last year I was on 0.5ml sus 250 instantly dialled in felt amazing in every department.

I come off it for fertilty reasons as the hcg caused lots of side effects.

3 months cold turkey and the depression and low mood was so unbearable I decided I had to do something about it.

I jumped backmon sus250 same dose as always and my anxiety was through the roof.

I switched doctors and went with test cyp and the dose was 0.29ml 3 x a week. That's 250mg/ml.

Still anxiety. So I lowered it to 0.22ml which improves slightly but the anxiety is still there and I just can't understand why it's there.

It's really confusing ad the 2nd time coming back on trt it's the worst experience ever. I've had bloods done and the levels where similar to where I was last time which never caused me. Any problems.

My question is has anybody went off trt for a few months ans come back on and been in the same situation.

It's like I'm constantly caffinated and in flight or flight mode like a heightened state if that makes sense.

Any feed back would be great as its really frustrating me now. It's effecting me life and career and wondering if its all worth it.

Been back on about 6/7bweeks

Thanks guys

I also struggled with crippling anxiety and would awake with panic attacks, never had these before and I attributed them to a very high stress job without a process of stress relief. However, I stumbled across a book touching on anxiety being attributed to caffeine. Initially, I was very skeptical because all I had read about caffeine was that it was safe. However, the more I read the more I suspected the anxiety was a reflection of long term use of caffeine and that my body never truly relaxed. The author of Caffeine Blues suggested a simple trial, stop drinking or ingesting the caffeine for a month and see if in that time the anxiety subsides. For me I am one month going on two months now and I can finally rest and the moments of anxiety and panic are subsiding.

The Author explains that Caffeine does not give you energy, but rather tenses every muscle in the body and ramps up your adrenal gland production to cause your heart to race. Caffeine is a kind of poison in nature, being akin to cocaine but slightly milder. The coffee plant uses caffeine to ward off insects. The business of Caffeine is so large that the ill effects of it are not advertised, but are known about. The CDC's recommended dosage of Caffeine per day is 200 mg which is the equivalent of a 6 oz cup of coffee. With so many drinks and coffees containing caffeine it was easy to amass more than 200 mg per day, such as in my case I was at 1300 milligrams.

I discussed the possibility of caffeine being a factor in my moods, and anxiety with my GP and she agreed that it would be a factor and something she had never considered when I have been doing tests. I think many practitioners overlook the implications that caffeine could be playing on a person's health and that it poses the potential to mimic symptoms that could be mistaken for other conditions.
great post on caffeine. I stopped it a while ago for the most, i do enjoy a little earl gray here and there. I can definitely agree that caffeine will fry you out. for the mental boost on occasion I do use this and even some dextroamphetamine, ironically even the stimulant does not give me any anxiety like caffeine does.
but overall i feel so much better without caffeine.
So I was running 0.5ml sus250 and 250iu hcg throughout the protocol and was good.

I ran a fertilty test and it come back really low so I panicked and got onto my doctor who said raise it to 500iu 3 x a week. And that's when the side effects come in of anxiety and me mentally burnt out I remember as I was offshore(oil rig) and I had to get put off.

Me and my partner had been trying for a and I decided to quit cold turkey and make plans again for after the deed was done.

Long story short my wife is pregnant now(silver lining) and I decided to go back on the same dose of 0.5ml every 5 days and and it wasn't until a few weeks in maybe 3 I got the terrible side effects of anxiety and basically feeling wired. I had to quit my new job as its mentally demanding and I couldn't focus.

I switched doctors for cost reasons as BMH(balance my hormones) wanted £300 to speak to a doctor for 30min and i refused.

I switched to optimale and as stated earlier they put me on 0.9ml of test cyp 3 x a week for a starting dose. And again terrible side effects, anxious, mentally burnt out, feels like I'm on Redbull all day then exhausted by 7pm wanting to go to sleep.brain fog, mumble words sometimes.

I appreciate all your support guys,I think going through the evidence it could be that I am sensitive to testosterone and only need a little bit. I would like to be on the high side of normal range and not super physiological levels.

Again thanks for your Input i really appreciate your support and advice
Please use mg, not ml so people can understand your dosing. Very hard to follow this thread otherwise.
Yeah the HCG and SUS250 where both at the same time so I could keep using Trt and not have to come off.

I am just looking at blood work from sus250 and hcg and Imy free t was 2 nmol/l (insane) and total t was 75nmol/l Off 0.5ml every 5 days and 250iu x2 a week.

I agree with you that my CNS has said I can't do this anymore.

Thanks for your help again, I have learned so much from you then I have from my doctor crazy enough.

I am speaking with him today so I will give him my thoughts on dropping down to 50m split into 2 injections a week and see hownwe go.

I will update this post in 4 weeks so anybody experiencing the same symptoms can learn from my mistakes.

Thanks again sir you have been a brilliant help for me
Have u considered using a nandrolone based protocol? Might seem like a trend lately, but I really do think it’s a good option to consider for anyone that’s having real trouble dialing in a testosterone based protocol
Have u considered using a nandrolone based protocol? Might seem like a trend lately, but I really do think it’s a good option to consider for anyone that’s having real trouble dialing in a testosterone based protocol
I can certainly look Into this in the future if my lower dose decides not to work. I'll see how I get on. Thanks for your Input

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