Acid reflux or something else


I just restarted subq injections (in my stomach fat, which there seems to be a lot of), and I'm getting a side effect again that I have had off and on for the past 20 years on TRT injections: horrible acid reflux. Back in 2006 when my T was 1300+ I had to take a proton pump inhibitor, but I hate taking that (Aciphex). I was on T cream for a couple weeks but did not have any acid reflux. But a TINY 10mg dose of T Cyp subq caused me to sit up all night in agony with acid reflux. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. The only thing I wonder is if maybe the needle in my stomach area is somehow inflaming a nerve, but I'm not sure if that could be it. When my acid reflux gets going, it causes a painful construction called nutcracker esophagitis, and that's scary as hell as I can't even swallow water. But this is only happening with the subq injections in the stomach. Wonder if anyone else had this. I need to get a new upper endoscopy since I haven't had one since 2009.
Yeah I have similar condition as well which got a lot more severe after I restarted my TRT 5 months ago after 3 years off. I did Endoscopy a couple months ago and everything was perfect except an irritated stomach lining because of the H Pylori. So much for perfect though as this bacteria made my life miserable. Barely could eat or drink water at all of the chest pain I'd get afterwards on the scale 10/10. Nothing helped. Could pop PPIs, Rennies, drink water with soda, etc etc, fuck all. So just had my 2nd round of antibiotics, together with antibacteria meds, probiotics and PPIs ofc, as per traditional doctor protocol. After finishing nothing changed still massive pain. I studied this shit for a long time and decided to make my own change to the protocol so I ditched the Omeprazole, and mind you I was taking a mega doses, which never helped. Started taking Betaine HCL with every meal, Mastic Gum and Probiotics 60mins before breakfast and 60mins after last meal of the day. And guess what, my symptoms are now like 80-90% better and def managable with clean, proper diet, not overeating, drinking non tap water, and having some vitamins with food once a day. PPI's like Omeprazole work by reducing the stomach acid. That might sound like a good idea when in reallity is the opposite as most struggle with decreased stomach acidity, not increased FWIW. And on top of that the H Pylori bacteria thrives in the low-acidic evnvironments. That's a fucking no-brainer yet docs keep pushing the outdated protocols, probably because Big Pharma learned them so or whatever. So make sure to do biopsy once you decide to go in for the Endoscopy as H Pylori is a nasty mofo which hides beneath the biofilm in the stomach and blood, stool testing might not even show it, as thats what happened for me when they tested at the NHS, yet I was dieing from pain without being able to eat anything, clean or not clean food, didn't matter. So def there is some connection between testosterone and the severity of this acid reflux/GERD or whatever else this shit is. Mine though is connected with an active and severe form of chronic H-pylori.
Yeah I have similar condition as well which got a lot more severe after I restarted my TRT 5 months ago after 3 years off. I did Endoscopy a couple months ago and everything was perfect except an irritated stomach lining because of the H Pylori. So much for perfect though as this bacteria made my life miserable. Barely could eat or drink water at all of the chest pain I'd get afterwards on the scale 10/10. Nothing helped. Could pop PPIs, Rennies, drink water with soda, etc etc, fuck all. So just had my 2nd round of antibiotics, together with antibacteria meds, probiotics and PPIs ofc, as per traditional doctor protocol. After finishing nothing changed still massive pain. I studied this shit for a long time and decided to make my own change to the protocol so I ditched the Omeprazole, and mind you I was taking a mega doses, which never helped. Started taking Betaine HCL with every meal, Mastic Gum and Probiotics 60mins before breakfast and 60mins after last meal of the day. And guess what, my symptoms are now like 80-90% better and def managable with clean, proper diet, not overeating, drinking non tap water, and having some vitamins with food once a day. PPI's like Omeprazole work by reducing the stomach acid. That might sound like a good idea when in reallity is the opposite as most struggle with decreased stomach acidity, not increased FWIW. And on top of that the H Pylori bacteria thrives in the low-acidic evnvironments. That's a fucking no-brainer yet docs keep pushing the outdated protocols, probably because Big Pharma learned them so or whatever. So make sure to do biopsy once you decide to go in for the Endoscopy as H Pylori is a nasty mofo which hides beneath the biofilm in the stomach and blood, stool testing might not even show it, as thats what happened for me when they tested at the NHS, yet I was dieing from pain without being able to eat anything, clean or not clean food, didn't matter. So def there is some connection between testosterone and the severity of this acid reflux/GERD or whatever else this shit is. Mine though is connected with an active and severe form of chronic H-pylori.
Holy shit. Sounds like H Pylori needs to be nuked to get rid of it. Maybe you have two problems going on - H Pylori and reflux. As far as the over production of acid or the relaxing of the sphincter, whatever is going on, I wonder what the connection or mechanism is with testosterone. Then I wonder what the best way is to counteract that. Will definitely bring up H Pylori to the GI doc.
Holy shit. Sounds like H Pylori needs to be nuked to get rid of it. Maybe you have two problems going on - H Pylori and reflux. As far as the over production of acid or the relaxing of the sphincter, whatever is going on, I wonder what the connection or mechanism is with testosterone. Then I wonder what the best way is to counteract that. Will definitely bring up H Pylori to the GI doc.

Yeah from H Pylori I have reflux/Gastrit/Gerd like symptoms of huge pain which I never seen other folks have as severe as me. I have been deep in this rabbit hole for more then a decade looking, digging and researching for answers. One thing is sure most docs are clueless and they all just muppets going by set templates. If the mechanism exists nobody will tell you about it as nothing carved in stone is available at this time, sadly. Another thing I'm sure is PPIs are a dangerous drugs that do more harm then good long-term and just puts you in the cycle of doom and gloom. Been there done that. On same note check FB group Natural H Pylori healing and you will see tens of thousands of folks battling these issues natural way after the meds fail them and do more harm and cause additional issues when trying to treat it. There are things that work for me but they might not work for you and vice-versa. It's all trial and error. Plus the H Pylori is a super smary bacteria which adapts to the new meds/antibiotics and they do fuck all so your left with more damage. There is a thread here about GERD by @FunkOdyssey so you might as well read that. This is one of the super complex riddles and no cookie cutter answer but there are crucial steps and proper natural remedies to help you battle this devil along the way. Hope that makes sense and sheds some light.
I was diagnosed with GERD and treated for 2 years unsuccessfully. It was later I would learn I had iron deficiency without anemia. This cause my esophagus and sinuses to become inflamed and anytime I would eat, the food would irritate my esophagus, and cause a burning sensation that felt like Gerd.
I'm heading out now to get some Betaine HCL, Mastic Gum and Probiotics. I was going to get Omeprazole because my brother has been using 40mg of that for a decade, and he thinks it works for him. Heck, I might do all of it, and i might explode. Last night I ate a tablespoon of baking soda, drank a half bottle of malox, and still had to sleep sitting up.
I was diagnosed with GERD and treated for 2 years unsuccessfully. It was later I would learn I had iron deficiency without anemia. This cause my esophagus and sinuses to become inflamed and anytime I would eat, the food would irritate my esophagus, and cause a burning sensation.
I have hemochromatosis and I cook with cast iron. But I might be low. I should check.
I'm heading out now to get some Betaine HCL, Mastic Gum and Probiotics. I was going to get Omeprazole because my brother has been using 40mg of that for a decade, and he thinks it works for him. Heck, I might do all of it, and i might explode. Last night I ate a tablespoon of baking soda, drank a half bottle of malox, and still had to sleep sitting up.
If you want to support big pharma for decades and poison your bodys natural abbilities to heal and function as it has to then go ahead be my guest but like I said its poison long-term and just reduces the acidicy of the stomach which is bad. If you will be taking Betaine HCL that will increase the acidicy, so why should you take chem meds to decrease it? Makes no sense, does it? Also you need a good protocol so either pick a natural way or the other way buing houses and super cars for people who don't give a fuck about making you healthy. Gotta research and think critical about all this, as about everything in life in general. To the docs and big pharma a healthy patient is a lost patient. The "best" patient to them is not a dead one and not a healthy one either, so somewhere in the middle. And popping PPIs to reduce stomach acid when most likely you need to increase it is one way to be fucked for life. I know too many bodybuilders popping PPIs like crazy for years and as soon as they stop they have to start them all over again because they can't function and get nasty heartburns. I've taken them for years myself and they always have been hit and miss. Now since I ditched them completely and decided to go my own route I'm finally feeling 80-90% better. It's a great and very promising new start for me and after nearly 2 decades heavily involved in nutrition, health and fitness, if someone has tried something, then that person is me. We as society have become too weak and shortcut orientated. This happens- I want a pill. That happens- heres another pill. And what? Look around, folks 40-60 years old dropping like flies left and right. Big pharma cartels booming, reaping billions of profit from us poor folks. This ain't no candy. Pop one pill it has one or few side effects, pop another pill, a few more and so on and so forth. Damn the rabbit hole goes so deep that most folks have no idea. Regarding soda I have been taking it with water for decade, nearly two and got to the point where it didn't help any at all, and that was the wake up call, to start taking things into my own hands, put a solid plan in place, arm with patience and execute. It's a long long journey but the benefits are def worth it. Hope that doesn't go over your head and hope you feel better soon.
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I'm heading out now to get some Betaine HCL, Mastic Gum and Probiotics. I was going to get Omeprazole because my brother has been using 40mg of that for a decade, and he thinks it works for him. Heck, I might do all of it, and i might explode. Last night I ate a tablespoon of baking soda, drank a half bottle of malox, and still had to sleep sitting up.
Get Jarrow Mastic gum, thats the one I'm using and mostly recommended. Also I use NOW Betaine HCL (with pepsin). For probiotics try getting Lactobacillus Reuteri strain and as strong as possible. Also get Monolaurin or Lactofettin. Broccoli Sprouts Extract (Sulforaphane) and some Manuka Honey strong one also preffered. I don't have these ones but will get them the next time I'm ordering supplements. For the exact protocol let me know once you get them and I will post it.
I was diagnosed with GERD and treated for 2 years unsuccessfully. It was later I would learn I had iron deficiency without anemia. This cause my esophagus and sinuses to become inflamed and anytime I would eat, the food would irritate my esophagus, and cause a burning sensation that felt like Gerd.
What was your ferritin at that time and how much you've increased it to feel good?
What was your ferritin at that time and how much you've increased it to feel good?

My Ferritin was about 150. I just got back from 2 hours of looking for Mastic gum (any brand) and Betaine HCL, couldn't find either one at Vitamin Shoppe or anywhere else. All sold out around here. I don't know what those do exactly or the drugs, I am just in so much agony I'm trying everything for a quick fix for tonight. I drank some pepto bismol, ate some tums, very little effect. Going to order some NOW Betaine HCL and the other stuff on Amazon or iHerb now.
My Ferritin was about 150. I just got back from 2 hours of looking for Mastic gum (any brand) and Betaine HCL, couldn't find either one at Vitamin Shoppe or anywhere else. All sold out around here. I don't know what those do exactly or the drugs, I am just in so much agony I'm trying everything for a quick fix for tonight. I drank some pepto bismol, ate some tums, very little effect. Going to order some NOW Betaine HCL and the other stuff on Amazon or iHerb now.
I know the feeling, hold on there. Whats your diet like? What water you drink tap or no tap? Also how much food you eat? Decrease food, especially meat proteins, cut out red meat if you eat it. Supps are only one part of the puzzle. You have to eat what you digest atm and only that of you want to feel better. It's tough and it sucks but the pain and agony is a lot worse. Hang in there.

P.s. I buy my supps from online as well, pretty much never at the actual shop as theres not much of what I need there and usually the prices are way off as well.
Ferritin was 24, feel good 80>. I haven’t checked it in a while..
Yeah makes sense, 24 ain't nothing to joke about with, on my last test its sub 100 so not too bad, but probably should try to increase it a bit and see how I feel. My girl has 40-50 and shes been feeling like death and been long-time iron deficient, old docs said anemic from the birth, but her Hb is still ok. Started her on Heme iron 80mg/day but reduced to 60mg/day split in 3x for a month and then will increase again. Hope she feels better. Probably will take a while though.
Yeah makes sense, 24 ain't nothing to joke about with, on my last test its sub 100 so not too bad, but probably should try to increase it a bit and see how I feel. My girl has 40-50 and shes been feeling like death and been long-time iron deficient, old docs said anemic from the birth, but her Hb is still ok. Started her on Heme iron 80mg/day but reduced to 60mg/day split in 3x for a month and then will increase again. Hope she feels better. Probably will take a while though.
I read somewhere years ago that ferritin should be 70> for optimal thyroid function.
I read somewhere years ago that ferritin should be 70> for optimal thyroid function.
In the lab I did test the range for ferritin is 25-400 lol "Iron Protocol" group for deficient patients recommends treatment for 6 months having 125+ FWIW. Mine is sub 100 and most likely its still not optimal for me and I'll try some Heme iron in the foreseeable future to see if I feel better trying to raise it some. Will be interesting to see how my girl feels after 3-6 months into treatment of 60-80mg Heme Iron per day. Really hope it improves her symptoms and quallity of life. Fingers crossed.
I know the feeling, hold on there. Whats your diet like? What water you drink tap or no tap? Also how much food you eat? Decrease food, especially meat proteins, cut out red meat if you eat it. Supps are only one part of the puzzle. You have to eat what you digest atm and only that of you want to feel better. It's tough and it sucks but the pain and agony is a lot worse. Hang in there.

P.s. I buy my supps from online as well, pretty much never at the actual shop as theres not much of what I need there and usually the prices are way off as well.
My supplements should be here by Tuesday. Prilosec worked last night and I could sleep, but I'm not taking it again. I don't want to get stuck taking that shit. I switched over to bottled alkaline water. My diet has been crap and I've been eating red meat every day. but was fine while off testosterone. But this diet isn't working while on TRT. I raise my own chickens (I got 60 of them now, hatching 30 more) so I have no problem switching over to chicken. Right now I'm eating like a mouse to keep things calm.
My supplements should be here by Tuesday. Prilosec worked last night and I could sleep, but I'm not taking it again. I don't want to get stuck taking that shit. I switched over to bottled alkaline water. My diet has been crap and I've been eating red meat every day. but was fine while off testosterone. But this diet isn't working while on TRT. I raise my own chickens (I got 60 of them now, hatching 30 more) so I have no problem switching over to chicken. Right now I'm eating like a mouse to keep things calm.
Diet is key. Red meat to the bin its a major red flag. Chicken also is hard to digest when having H pylori so you gotta find out by biopsy if you have it or not. So fix your diet. Mouse portions of what you can eat and digest for the time you heal. Go low fat. No nuts, no coffee. No sodas, no chocolate. Boiled stuff worked good for me and is easy on the stomach. Watch spices and salt as well. Fruit works good for me but not citrus ones. You'll be alright just gotta be disciplined and patient. The process is long af. Hopefully you don't have that bacteria then healing will be easier and quicker. Hang in there!

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